Getting a birth year tattoo design is specifically unique especially if you have a kind of self-respect for yourself so much so that you want to honor it by etching it on your skin. There are many kinds of tattoos that you can do to show similar emotions but getting a birth year tattoo is something unique. You can even see many celebs getting their own birth dates tattooed on their skin. Not only is it significant but the various fonts that you can add to this birth year tattoo design would speak a lot about your own personality.
But besides celebs, many people are getting these kinds of designs. Here we have picked up a list of amazing 1997 birth year tattoo designs from which people born in 1997 would like to get inspired. Even if you were not born this year, it would be a really helpful article if you are planning to get this 1997 birth year tattoo design for someone else who is really special to you. I really think that getting someone a beautiful 1997 birth year tattoo design on their birthday would be a great idea. They would surely feel really special about it.
Here in this list of 10 amazing 1997 birth year tattoo design, we have tried to cover all the essential points that might be required for you to get a perfect 1997 birth year tattoo design like the meaning of the tattoo, the placement options available to you and why must you place these 1997 birth year tattoo design there and other different views. You can go ahead and give it a good read:
Meaning Of 1997 Tattoo Designs
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The meaning of any tattoo that you might want to get is pretty subjective and really depends from person to person but here are a few meanings that the 1997 birth year tattoo design might lay off in general circumstances. Here are some of the meanings that the 1997 birth year tattoo design might confer in this article. So take a look:
Some people simply take it for any of the important dates like anniversaries, birthdate, or any other important event that they might want to remember in their life. What is a better way to remember than to just put it on your skin, right? I guess that is the most convenient way out of all! Many people also add “established, “est.”, “since”, and the copyright symbol to their 1997 birth year tattoo design so that they can enhance their birth year more clearly. I really think that there are more than a hundred ways to enhance the meaning of the 1997 birth year tattoo design by adding some extra elements to the design and bring out the meaning forward.
With a 1997 birth year tattoo design on your skin, you will be thankful that you are a part of life and existence. No matter what the past of the future holds, this 1997 birth year tattoo design on your skin is there to remind you about the present times. Thus this 1997 birth year tattoo design has a lot of significance and meaning and is not just a simple birth year tattoo design.
Furthermore, the 1997 birth year tattoo design is also used as a dedicatory tattoo which you can dedicate to some other person who probably means so much in life to you. It is a special gift to ink your skin for someone else. It shows that you love and respect someone else’s existence in your life and you can get it to honor someone else’s birthday or their death. It is very common for people to remember someone in this way as the tattoo forms a very internal part of their soul.
The meaning of the 1997 birth year tattoo design si also determined by its placement idea. The position of the 1997 birth year tattoo design also reveals the innermost thoughts and feelings for you. While for some it might just mean an aesthetic thing, for others it might mean something very significant and they might like to etch the 1997 birth year tattoo design in some personal space like the chest or the back where it is not that visible to others.
Ideas for 1997 Tattoo Designs
Getting a 1997 birth year tattoo design can be particularly easy if you are blessed with a really innovative and creative mind. For others, they can really just take inspiration from the internet or the list of ideas to enhance your 1997 birth year tattoo design down below.
But to be quite honest, there is more than adding elements to make your 1997 birth year tattoo design look better. You can begin by placing the 1997 birth year tattoo design on someplace which you find well suited to your style or which you might find unique. For example, you can easily show off and flaunt your 1997 birth year tattoo design when it is made on the neck, arms, and hand. If you want a discreet 1997 birth year tattoo design you can make it on places that are easy to hide under the clothing.
Basically, it is all about the fonts and the additions of elements that will make a whole lot of difference to your 1997 birth year tattoo design. You can easily make your 1997 birth year tattoo design look more fun by choosing your personal elements which might have some significance as well as aesthetic value to you!
- Adding EST./ Since: The 1997 birth year tattoo design for different people mean a different thing but for someone, the meaning and the significance of the 1997 birth year tattoo design can be enhanced once they get some sort of elements like “est”, “established, “since” or “copyright” marked along with it. It is a great way to show the world how much self-respect and self-love you have for yourself. Adding such symbols is also great because it narrows down the meaning of the 1997 birth year tattoo design. It can never be a dedicatory tattoo. The addition of such words determines that the wearer accepts this year as the year of his inception and his life on earth. He is here to live his life and take chances and risks to reach the ultimate potential that he is capable of. The 1997 birth year tattoo design is also a great idea for a new period in life. It is definitely a great conversation starter as it will help you break the ice. The kind of font that you choose to get this 1997 birth year tattoo design will also reveal a lot about your personality and will help you break your shell. It will motivate you to carve your own life your own way.
- Roman Numerals: One of the trendiest ideas for making a 1997 birth year tattoo design is to get it done in roman numerals. Many celebs go forward with it because of its aesthetic qualities and love to flaunt it too. Interestingly, the roman numerals are uniquely based on the number 10 in the decimal system. You can get your 1997 birth year tattoo design for yourself or for people with who you share special bonds. It is not just pleasing to look at but also a very significant and meaningful idea to get your 1997 birth year tattoo design in.
- Close to Heart Tattoo: Most people get their 1997 birth year tattoo design made on this specific body part because of the way it makes their tattoo look and hence makes them feel in return. The chest is also the place most intimate to the heart and you can get yourself special tattoos that are pretty meaningful to you. The chest tattoo might not be that noticeable 24/7 but once you have your shirt off, there is no boundary to how beautiful a chest 1997 birth year tattoo design would seem to you!
- Shoulder Tattoo: If you want to concentrate on both aesthetic quality and the significance of your 1997 birth year tattoo design, then getting it done on the belly (and even extending it to ribs in certain circumstances!) will really give you a stronger edge over the other 1997 birth year tattoo designs on this list. While these kinds of tattoos are not really unusual and are done by hundreds of people including many celebs too, they are definitely terrific to use. For many tattoo lovers, the outermost part is definitely the best part of it where the shoulder extends itself to attach to the arm and give it more space. You can extend your shoulder tattoo to your arms or your chest.
- Front Tattoo: The place where you can get your 1997 birth year tattoo design could also be any part of your abdomen, chest, or even your ribs too. In addition to this, you can extend your belly tattoo to your ribs which will give it more scope. Getting a 1997 tattoo on this area might be quite a painful experience but it will definitely turn out to be worth it in the end. Many people are looking keen to get their 1997 birth year tattoo design here because the kind of space that it offers would really keep up with the 1997 tattoo design in the picture. I think it will really help you accentuate your best parts without any effort.
Where Should You Get 1997 Tattoo Design?
Placing your 1997 birth year tattoo design can be a really tricky thing but luckily, the 1997 birth year tattoo design is very gender neutral and both men and women can place it at multiple places. You will have to take into account the general mood, theme, the size of the tattoo, and the meaning you want to pull off in your 1997 birth year tattoo design so that you could place it properly! Here are some of the placement ideas for men and women:
For Women
- Ankle
- Wrist
- Finger spaces
- Hands
- Shoulder blade
- Behind the ear
For Men
- Chest
- Biceps
- Legs
- Neck
- Back
- Forearms
List of 1997 Tattoo Designs
Simple 1997 Tattoo Design On Leg
If you really have some kind of affection for your birth year then I don’t see why you must not add a beautiful copyright symbol with your 1997 birth year tattoo design. The calf or the backside of the leg is one such amazing place where you can get yourself a 1997 tattoo. Many people, especially guys, are getting themselves a 1997 birth year tattoo design on their calves because of the strong frame of the skin which has a beautiful effect even on the way the 1997 tattoo takes up the shape. This placement option for the 1997 birth year tattoo design is really worth going through all the pain (which I am sure is not quite a lot!) I think it is a small and homely 1997 birth year tattoo design with black ink and looks super cute just because of the addition of the copyright symbol. It has made all the difference in making it look poignant.
Smart 1997 Tattoo Design On Leg
While most people get their 1997 birth year tattoo design made in black ink I think getting it in a spot of red ink would be quite different. This 1997 birth year tattoo design here is made with red ink and just the outline of it has been done. This 1997 birth year tattoo design si also made on the ankle of the wearer which looks sure once.
Cute 1997 Tattoo Design On Arm
You must definitely get this 1997 birth year tattoo design if you have a twin sister or brother or if you have someone who shares your birth year like these wearers in the picture. The forearm is one such place that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Many people get this 1997 birth year tattoo design because this place is pretty perfect and gels well with the kind of vibes that they want to put out. With this kind of placement option, you can really think of adding some extra elements and design to your 1997 birth year tattoo design and make it look more aesthetically pleasing and meaningful. The natural lines and veins that the arm has really pulled off the text to fit on the arm correctly. On the other hand, you can also give a shot at covering your ink with long sleeves that will make it look modest and secluded whenever needed. I think it is a really cute idea to share a 1997 birth year tattoo design with someone with who you share your birth year. It is a simple and cute design.
Lovely 1997 Tattoo Design On Leg
Many people have caught on to the trend of getting a 1997 birth year tattoo design on their leg. I think it is a great idea to make yourself a 1997 birth year tattoo design like this one. You can either make it simple and petite or you can go ahead and make it a bit bolder where it would look quite awesome. Any 1997 birth year tattoo design is a great choice.
Fantastic 1997 Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a simple and sweet 1997 birth year tattoo design that has been made someplace near the wrist of the wearer. The place near the wrist is a perfect option to get your 1997 birth year tattoo design because it is where a small and petite 1997 birth year tattoo design looks the best. This 1997 birth year tattoo design is a great one to try if you want something simple to get your hands on.
Rosy 1997 Tattoo Design On Ankle
You can add some words to your 1997 birth year tattoo design like “est.” or “since” or even some personal elements like this rose which has been added here to it to make it look more appealing. This 1997 birth-year tattoo design is pretty simple with simple font done in beautiful shading effect and looks super nice. I really like this 1997 birth year tattoo design which is made on the ankle and which is also very striking.
Positive 1997 Tattoo Design On Ankle
Building an elegant 1997 birth year tattoo design on the ankle is a mounting trend not just because it is seen made by many stars but also because it literally does look really chic. As far as the size of the 1997 birth year tattoo design is touched upon, I think the 1997 birth year tattoo pattern drapes perfectly on the ankle. No matter what part of the ankle you want to get your 1997 birth year tattoo design, it would look astounding and also really apparent to the spectators!
Pleasant 1997 Tattoo Design On Ankle
I really like how this 1997 birth year tattoo design has been paired up like this anklet that the wearer is wearing. Well, if you think you got a similar style then I don’t see any reason why you can’t try and have the same 1997 birth year tattoo design on your ankle where it would look really feminine and chic. I think it’s a great idea.
Roman 1997 Tattoo Design On Wrist
This 1997 birth year tattoo design looks pretty awesome. You can make it quite simply as this person has done here by writing some simple roman numerals on this wrist. The arm is the best place to get your 1997 birth year tattoo design because it is a place that is quite visible and which will make the 1997 birth year tattoo design look very prominent. The roman numerals always have had a charm of their own too.
Royal 1997 Tattoo Design On Ankle
This is a cute and quite girly year tattoo design. I really like this beautiful 1997 birth year tattoo design which has been made here on the ankle of the wearer. It is a great design because it is done with dark black ink that makes the whole concept very bold and which will definitely attract a lot of fo attention. I also like how it is not too big and neither too small and look just perfect for its size. I really adore this 1997 birth year tattoo design.
Celebrities with 1997 Tattoo Design
1. Becky G 1997 Tattoo Design on Back
More and more people are looking to get their beloved 1997 birth year tattoo design on this exact location because it goes with any style and type of tattoo design supremely well. This is probably why it is the number 1 choice for Becky G too. It might not be the most easily noticeable place for your 1997 birth year tattoo design but when one wears an article of apt clothing like beck G herself, it looks rather striking and fabulous. The reason for Becky to make this 1997 tattoo on the back is that this part of the body can really hold a very impressive birth year tattoo design quite well and would make for a unique place! The more open surface area would enable you to incorporate complex details and minute techniques into your design. With a surface area as large as the back, one can also go ahead and add other details to the pattern so that the 1997 birth year tattoo design can have a little more advantage and poignancy.
Becky G has a range of numerals “X·XXVII·MCMXCIX·IV·XVIII·MMI·I·III·MMIII” done in Roman script inked on her spine which outlines the birth years of her 3 siblings. She got this ink from the popular celebrity tattoo artist Dr. Woo in July 2018. Becky G is the oldest and has other 3 younger siblings. She was born on March 2, 1997. She has two younger brothers and one younger sister.
X·XXVII·MCMXCIX is her brother, Frankie‘s birth year is October 27, 1999. “You, Alex, and Steph mean everything to me. I’m so thankful you were all brought into my life. Being an only child would be HORRIBLE,” she addressed him in a touching Instagram post on his birthday. “I’m so proud of you. I love you so much, brother.”
IV·XVIII·MMI is her sibling, Alex’s birth year is April 18, 2001. Alex is autistic thus their relationship has had many ups and downs, but she is ever so grateful for it and she says that she has got so much to learn from it too. She once penned down about him: “He is so wise beyond his years yet has the most innocent heart. He is one of a kind and truly amazing. I don’t anyone else who is as genuine and honest as him. My little brother was diagnosed with autism when he was very young, he has overcome all the obstacles of a child with autism with a smile on his face and lots of hugs to give to us when we would see times were hard for him. He has made a life for me and the rest of my family so much brighter. There aren’t enough words to describe how blessed and thankful I am to have this kid in my life. I am lucky to call him my brother.”
I·III·MMIII is her little sis’ Stephanie‘s birth year January 3, 2003. She has addressed Stephi by saying: “I love you more than words. Although you’re younger than me I look up to you in many ways. Countless things come to mind when I think of you but the top two are how selfless and caring you are sister.”