40+ Amazing Shih Tzu Tattoos with Meaning

The Shih Tzu, an Asian small dog breed, have its origin in Tibet. They have a tiny nose, large-rounded eyes, loose ears, constantly growing coat, and short and thick outlook. This breed is considered a highly playful and independent dog breed, that is capable of adapting to any situation, and thus is not considered as the obedient breed, though their innocent, warm, and wide-eyed look give an impression of a friendly and trustworthy dog-breed. Their friendly, tolerant, and playful nature are the main reasons why people get themselves inked with the Shih Tzu tattoos. There is an endless list of different Shih Tzu tattoos, each having its respective meaning and explanations. Here, in this article, you will find different Shih Tzu tattoos with their relevant meaning, explanation, and why people get themselves inked with the Shih Tzu tattoo.

'Shih Tzu with Christmas Bell' Tattoo

Meaning: Christmas bells are rung during Christmas to promulgate the coming of the season and the birth of Christ. It is believed that the sound/noise made by ringing bells, daunt the evil spirits away. This tattoo signifies creativity, adaptability, grace, happiness, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, cheerful, graceful, and intelligent.

  • Teasing Shih Tzu Tattoo

Teasing Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, playfulness, friendliness, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, friendly, playful, and intelligent.

  • Watercolour Shih Tzu Tattoo

Watercolour Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with the technique of blending subtle colour gradients to design a canvas look-alike effect. This tattoo signifies creativity, adaptability, grace, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, graceful, and intelligent.

  • Shih Tzu Snap Tattoo

Shih Tzu Snap Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, there is a snap of the Shih Tzu, that portrays the memories of the wearer with his/her pet. This tattoo signifies artistry, friendliness, grace, confidence, memories, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, friendly, graceful, confident, and intelligent. It also depicts that the wearer might be emotionally attached to his/her pet.

  • Outlined Shih Tzu Tattoo

Outlined Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: It is only the black ink that provides the dark profundity to the tattoos. In the above tattoo, only the outline of the Shih Tzu is done with black ink. This tattoo signifies creativity, adaptability, friendliness, grace, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, friendly, graceful, and intelligent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Chicken’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Chicken' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, friendliness, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, friendly, and independent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Rose’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Rose' Tattoo

Meaning: Roses are mostly notable for their beauty and fragrance. The wearer can have a rose tattoo to represent his/her love life, grace, hopes, passion, and balanced life. This tattoo signifies creativity, beauty, adaptability, cheerfulness, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, cheerful, graceful, and intelligent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Lady’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Lady' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, friendliness, grace, patience, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, friendly, graceful, patient, and intelligent.

  • Shih Tzu Angel Tattoo

Shih Tzu Angel Tattoo

Meaning: Angel wings tattoo symbolizes freedom, protection, and faith. People get inked with angel wings halo tattoos to pay tribute to their loved ones who have passed away. The concept behind the angel wings halo tattoo is that when a person dies, they go to heaven, and from there they watch, protect and guide us. In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with angel wings and a halo ring. This tattoo signifies creativity, patience, courage, memories, grace, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, patient, courageous, graceful, and independent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Crown’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Crown' Tattoo

Meaning: A crown tattoo represents power, leadership, and authority. This tattoo signifies creativity, courage, confidence, passion, and brilliance. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, courageous, confident, passionate, and brilliant.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Toy’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Toy' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is seen holding a toy. This tattoo signifies playfulness, friendliness, cheerfulness, and innocence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be playful, friendly, cheerful, and innocent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Quote’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Quote' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, adaptability, strength, courage, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, courageous, strong, and intelligent.

  • Shih Tzu Couple Tattoo

Shih Tzu Couple Tattoo

Meaning: People get inked with couple tattoos to express their love for their partner and how much they mean to them. This tattoo signifies creativity, adaptability, friendliness, love, faithfulness, happiness, grace, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, friendly, loving, faithful, cheerful, and intelligent.

  • Shih Tzu- Chihuahua Tattoo

Shih Tzu- Chihuahua Tattoo

Meaning: The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog with an apple-dome skull, large rounded eyes and erect ears. people get inked with chihuahua tattoos to symbolize loyalty, protection, and honour. In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with the chihuahua. This tattoo signifies creativity, friendliness, patience, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, friendly, patient, and intelligent.

  • Shih Tzu Omamori Charm Tattoo

Shih Tzu Omamori Charm Tattoo

Meaning: Omamori charms are the small Japenese lucky charms or mascots that are sold at shrines and Buddhist temples, and is believed to bring good omen and protection. This tattoo signifies creativity, patience, courage, confidence, and cheerfulness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, patient, courageous, confident, and cheerful.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Kite’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Kite' Tattoo

Meaning: A kite is the symbol of spiritual freedom and is considered as a reminder of childhood, innocence, and poetry. This tattoo signifies creativity, playfulness, confidence, independence, and courage. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, playful, confident, independent, and courageous.

  • Shih Tzu Head Tattoo

Shih Tzu Head Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies adaptability, patience, courage, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be patient, courageous, and intelligent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with Leaves’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with Leaves' Tattoo

Meaning: Leaves represent life-process. This tattoo signifies grace, patience, happiness, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be graceful, patient, and intelligent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu wearing Sunglasses’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu wearing Sunglasses' Tattoo

Meaning: Sunglasses represent glamour, emotions, control, limited interactions, and the power of modern technology. In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is seen wearing sunglassess. This tattoo signifies creativity, transformation, adaptability, confidence, and grace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, confident, and graceful.

  • Baby Shih Tzu Tattoo

Baby Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies innocence, friendliness, patience, and playfulness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be innocent, friendly, patient, and playful.

  • Shih Tzu Realistic Tattoo

Shih Tzu Realistic Tattoo

Meaning: Realistic tattoos are done with the technique of realism that makes the glimpse of the artwork look like a real photograph of any natural element. In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with a realistic technique. This tattoo signifies artistry, beauty, intelligence, confidence, courage, independence, and patience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, intelligent, confident, courageous, patient, and independent.

  • Shih Tzu Sketch Tattoo

Shih Tzu Sketch Tattoo

Meaning: Sketch tattoos are done with a technique that makes the tattoo look like it is cleaved, and traced from the sketchpad. This tattoo signifies artistry, passion, intelligence, and patience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, passionate, intelligent, and patient.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with Frame’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with Frame' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies artistry, grace, confidence, intelligence, and patience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, graceful, confident, intelligent, and patient.

  • Shih Tzu Mandala Tattoo

Shih Tzu Mandala Tattoo

Meaning: Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means circle. It has many religious beliefs, which have an existence quite a bit of time earlier than tattoos. The mandala symbolizes balance in body and mind, eternal life, perfection, focus, growth, rebirth, and harmony. In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with a mandala design that emulates a sense of harmony. This tattoo signifies intelligence, courage, creativity, patience, and grace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be intelligent, courageous, creative, patient, and graceful.

  • Tripple Shih Tzu Tattoo

Tripple Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies friendliness, togetherness, playfulness, courage, and love. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be friendly, playful, courageous, and loving.

  • Ghost- Theme Shih Tzu Tattoo

Ghost- Theme Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: A ghost tattoo can mean anything, depending on its size, colour, and look (scary or funny cartoon-inspired). It symbolizes guidance and spiritual healing, and also it can represent a lost love. This tattoo signifies creativity, courage, confidence, and strength. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, courageous, confident, and strong.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with Date’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with Date' Tattoo

Meaning: People like to get inked with date tattoos to either represent a specific momentous date or as a memorial tribute to a family member. This tattoo signifies memories, patience, creativity, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be patient, creative, and intelligent. It also depicts that the wearer might be emotionally attached to a peculiar date.

  • ‘Shih Tzu wearing a Ribbon Collar’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu wearing a Ribbon Collar' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, grace, confidence, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative graceful, confident, and independent.

  • Angry Shih Tzu Tattoo

Angry Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies aggression, protection, independence, and creativity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be aggressive, independent, and creative.

  • Past- Remembrance Shih Tzu Tattoo

Past- Remembrance Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: Past remembrance tattoos are the best way to recall the good old times. This tattoo signifies creativity, emotions, memories, patience, and adaptability. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, emotional, and patient.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with Birds’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with Birds' Tattoo

Meaning: Birds are a group of high-spirited vertebrates, with feathers, wings, toothless beaked jaw, and a four-chambered heart. They symbolize independence, freedom, and happiness. This tattoo signifies creativity, happiness, courage, and friendliness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, cheerful, courageous, and friendly.

  • Linework Shih Tzu Tattoo

Linework Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with a design made of fine lines. This tattoo signifies creativity, patience, independence, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, patient, independent, and intelligent.

  • Shih Tzu- Batman Tattoo

Shih Tzu- Batman Tattoo

Meaning: Batman is undeniably one of the best characters of superheroes in comics and films. People like to have batman tattoos to express their love and fandom for this character. In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with a batman. This tattoo signifies creativity, intelligence, passion, confidence, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, intelligent, passionate, confident, and independent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Heart’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Heart' Tattoo

Meaning: A heart can be the symbol of love, death, grief, or a new beginning.  The red heart represents love, happiness, life, and compassion. This tattoo signifies innocence, grace, patience, and cheerfulness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be innocent, graceful, patient, and cheerful.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with Neck Collar Charm’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with Neck Collar Charm' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies adaptability, friendliness, patience, cheerfulness, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be friendly, patient, cheerful, and independent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Human Hand’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Human Hand' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, friendliness, patience, cheerfulness, and courage. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, friendly, patient, cheerful, and courageous.

  • Shih Tzu Portrait Tattoo

Shih Tzu Portrait Tattoo

Meaning: A portrait tattoo is an extraordinary work of art that gives a glimpse of an image of any living or fictional thing. This tattoo signifies artistry, brilliance, grace, cheerfulness, passion, and courage. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, brilliant, graceful, cheerful, passionate, and courageous.

  • ‘Black and Gray Shih Tzu’ Tattoo

'Black and Gray Shih Tzu' Tattoo

Meaning: Tattoos get more noticeable with retro black and grey ink. The elimination of colours and the addition of darker shades, make tattoos more imposing and can benefit them to protrude amongst other tattoos. This tattoo signifies intelligence, artistry, confidence, and patience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be intelligent, artistic, confident, and patient.

  • Shih Tzu Animated Tattoo

Shih Tzu Animated Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is done with a technique of embedding images that gives the tattoo a fictitious cartoon look. This tattoo signifies creativity, transformation, grace, intelligence, passion, flexibility, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, intelligent, passionate, flexible, and independent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu wearing a Dress’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu wearing a Dress' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is seen wearing a dress. This tattoo signifies creativity, versatility, flexibility, grace, confidence, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, versatile, flexible, graceful, confident, and intelligent.

  • Brown Shih Tzu Tattoo

Brown Shih Tzu Tattoo

Meaning: Nowadays, people are so accustomed to black, colourful, and vivid colour tattooing that they disregard brown colour tattoos, however, when it comes to the longevity of tattoos, after black, grey, blue, and red, brown ink tattoos also tend to last longer, rather than pale colour tattoos that dim quickly. This tattoo signifies creativity, versatility, flexibility, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, versatile, flexible, and intelligent.

  • ‘Shih Tzu with a Bone’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu with a Bone' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, adaptability, patience, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, patient, and independent.

  • Shih Tzu 3D Tattoo

Shih Tzu 3D Tattoo

Meaning: 3D tattoos are done with a technique of giving an extra dimension to the tattoo that makes the tattoo/artwork appear like a real-life 3D object. This tattoo signifies creativity, passion, determination, patience, and brilliance. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, passionate, determined, patient, and brilliant.

  • ‘Shih Tzu wearing a Cap’ Tattoo

'Shih Tzu wearing a Cap' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the Shih Tzu is seen wearing a cap. This tattoo signifies independence, protection, confidence, and courage. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be independent, confident, and courageous.

  • Shih Tzu Shaded Tattoo

Shih Tzu Shaded Tattoo

Meaning: Shading is the technique of providing more dimensions and highlights to the tattoos to add up more realism to the body art. This tattoo signifies artistry, patience, confidence, passion, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, patient, confident, passionate, and intelligent.

  • Shih Tzu Paw Tattoo

Shih Tzu Paw Tattoo

Meaning: People usually get inked with paw tattoos either to express the love and respect for their pets or, peculiar respect for any animal like wolf, cat, deer etc. This tattoo signifies creativity, hope, confidence, and intelligence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, confident, and intelligent.


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