Some of you appear to be questioning what the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Nina Pop, or Tony McDade have to do with the body art community. Why would Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, or Kalief Browder’s concern to those affected in a trade that seems, on the very facade, so distant from the issues of class, gender, race, or ecopolitics? There are many explanations for that problem. But, to put it remarkably evidently, it is important because everyone is a part of this society of human beings. We are living in this environment, we are not separate from it, and our activities, our choices, express everything.
What was once considered a taboo, usually based in an underground club which was filled with bikers and gang members has now evolve into a full-blown industry and a very strong one too- because it gives voice to people. The tattoo has become so mainstream that our powers, most individually our strong connectivity past any global limits, is eternally a mechanism to be utilized for the advantage of others. This involves, without interrogation, the Black Lives Matter campaign.
And if you are thinking to get a Black Lives Matter tattoo design, you do not have to go through multiple pages because we have created a one-stop article about 70 beautiful Black Lives Matter tattoo designs for you to get inspired from. Take a look!
Meaning Of Black Lives Matter Tattoo Designs
Contents (Click to Jump)
One of the best tattoo options is something that will encourage you, motivate you, and inspire you to do your best. The best tattoo would be something that you will keep close to your heart and would be a representation of your belief. With body art, you can make a statement of your own and tell a story that has been a part of your life and that’s probably why many people choose to get Black Lives Matter tattoo designs- to mark what the support!
From Black Lives Matter written in a beautiful font to show off the Black Power script, there are numerous ways to show off your allegiance to the cause and support it while at the same time adding a unique piece to your ink collection. Quick research on the social media with the hashtag #blacklivesmatter would list right from small to large scale Black Lives Matter tattoo design. But no matter what kind of design you get, the message will be ever poignant and remain the same.
Although at first, our love for the art form of tattooing led us to be together, our virtue is a more profound association. Our ability to give, to maintain, is endless. Our passion can be authorized only through our hearts and desire to improve this world. To cite Martin Luther King Jr., “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. The beauty of nonviolence is that in its own way, and in its own time, it seeks to break the chain reaction of evil.” His was the path of unflagging faith, flexibility, and establishing a pattern to direct by example and action.
Where Should You Get Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design?
For Women
- Ankle
- Wrist
- Finger spaces
- Hands
- Shoulder blade
- Behind the ear
For Men
- Chest
- Biceps
- Legs
- Neck
- Back
- Forearms
List of Black Lives Matter Tattoo Designs
Considerate Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This is probably one of the most famous pictures that you will see of the person who led the black community and was all in for the Black Lives Matter campaign. Such portraits would thus be pretty relevant when you decide to get your Black Lives Matter tattoo design because it will be a constant reminder for you to follow your leaders and what they taught- their principles and their aims for the future.
Awesome Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
Once again, this Black Lives Matter tattoo design is inspired by the portrait of Martin Luther King which looks pretty phenomenal made on the leg. Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr) was an American Christian representative and activist who became the most noticeable spokesperson and guide in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his killing in 1968. King is best known for promoting civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, motivated by his Christian convictions and the passive activism of Mahatma Gandhi.
Nice Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
Getting portraits for your Black Lives Matter tattoo design is pretty inspiring because it will directly transpose you to the lives of the people who have lead such activism. It is a great design that also looks hyper-realistic and is rather great.
Simple Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Neck
These simple words “black power” written for your Black Lives Matter tattoo design is a pretty great idea because that’s what the campaign is all about. It is a beautiful and simple design that the wearer has made on her neck. It looks plain and is pretty great. You can add some beautiful flowers to decorate a bit if you want your tattoo to look aesthetically attractive.
Directive Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
Martin Luther King was known for his “I Have A Dream” speech that spoke about the civil rights movement. It would be pretty great for a Black Lives Matter tattoo design. “I Have a Dream” is an unrestricted speech that was given by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which he asked for civil and economic rights and an end to prejudice in the United States. The speech was listened by to over 250,000 civil rights advocates from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., and the event continued to be a defining moment of the civil rights movement and amongst the most iconic orations in American history.
Powerful Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a great Black Lives Matter tattoo design that is made with a black ink outline. It is quite simple and minimal which is enough if you want to emphasize the motion rather than aesthetics. You do not have to be black to share the sentiments of the black people. You can still get a Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design if you want to support them. You can wear it to show that you are not afraid to support the community and this might even inspire someone else to get the same tattoo or support the cause.
Sharp Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
Getting your favorite black rights movement activist is a great design for your Black Lives Matter tattoo design. Make sure you choose an artist who excels at making portraits if you want a great Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Imaginative Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This is yet another amazing portrait tattoo design that represents a black rights leader. It is made on the back part of the arm of the wearer and looks very realistic. Such patterns are perfect for your Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Ethical Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is made on the arm where it fits perfectly. The realism is pretty cool with all the details done in an extremely intricate manner.
Compassionate Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Wrist
This is a pretty cute tattoo design that focuses on women in the black community. This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is pretty specific. However, it looks rather cute aesthetically. The ink is added with the words ‘blk girl pwr’ which is short for ‘black girl power’. It is also added with a simple rose outline done with black ink.
Sensitive Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is pretty creative. It has been amalgamated with another tattoo design that is Faith Love and Hope tattoo design which is very popular. It has beautiful religious as well as other signs. It can probably mean that the black community is based on these three factors which are extremely important for them. The ink is made using a combination of red and black colors.
Massive Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Upper Arm
This beautiful and yet simple Black Lives Matter tattoo design is made on the arm of the wearer. It showcases the words written along with the raised fist. It was not the kind of logo that represented solidarity and the fight against repression against the black community. It also showed the same feelings to any repressed community. However, here specifically the Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design denotes the people of black females. It is a pretty cool design and very simplistic.
Upright Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This was a very remarkable moment in the history of the black community and would be a perfect design if you want to get a Black Lives Matter tattoo design. This tattoo represents an iconic note at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics Games, the American runners, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who both won medals, and wore a black glove and put their fists above while the national anthem was sounded during the medal ceremony.
Wonderful Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
The person here has made his whole arm all about the Black Lives Matter campaign. It has various personages and events along with pictures of famous heading and slogans and newspaper clippings that represent the struggle of the black leader in the fight for the civil rights of the black community in the USA.
Devoted Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Stomach
This person has got the tattoo of an African woman which looks super awesome because it has been in a very realistic way. It is a great way to show your affection for the movement. There are other elements too that have been added in this design (specifically in the women’s headgear) that shows that this is a Black Lives Matter tattoo design like the raised fist and the staring gaze.
Genuine Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
A portrait tattoo is a pretty great choice even if it is for your Black Lives Matter tattoo design. However, make sure that you have chosen a perfect artist who is skilled at his work.
Happy Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really like this tattoo design because it talks about the progress black people have made in the world and their contribution to society. Such portrait tattoos would be perfect for Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Sincere Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design with two portraits looks pretty awesome. The whole arm is covered her it is worth placing.
Resourceful Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
These mermaid tattoos are pretty popular when it comes to supporting the black community. Usually, mermaids have been portrayed as white women with beautiful golden hair. However, this tattoo goes against that and shows her curvier, with a beautiful afro look. It is a great representation of the Black Lives Matter tattoo design that supports the black community.
Lovely Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
The Black Lives Matter tattoo design looks pretty realistic with all the shading effects and the skilled hand of the artist.
Black Lives Matter With Message Tattoo Design On Leg
This the tattoo of one of the most important figures in the Black Lives Matter movement. Dr. Huey Percy Newton (February 17, 1942 – August 22, 1989) was an African-American federal activist, scholar, and rebel who, along with fellow Merritt College classmate Bobby Seale, co-founded the Black Panther Party (1966–1982). Concurrently with Seale, Newton built a ten-point plan which set out guidelines for how, in their terms, the African-American population could obtain “freedom”.
Determined Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really love how natural this Black Lives Matter tattoo design looks. It is a great portrait that has an artistic and realistic blend. The fine lines and dot pattern looks pretty amazing. The design is extremely intricate and the facial expressions pretty real.
Sober Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a beautiful representation of the Black Lives Matter tattoo design with an African woman. The woman’s identity is matched because of her afro hair which has been replaced by beautiful flowers. Although the tattoo is just made with a black ink outline, the tattoo has an extremely important meaning that looks pretty awesome.
Awsome Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a very poignant Black Lives Matter tattoo design that shows not just an African woman but also a different one that is equally oppressed. In the black community, women are further oppressed and this tattoo is a cool representation of this exact fact. The tattoo is just made with a black outline but looks ultra-cool.
Royalistic Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
I like how the portrait of Martin Luther King has been placed inside a king of hearts card (which he probably actually is for the black community.) It is a pretty creative design because he was considered a real champion besides having the word “king” in his name. So I feel that it is only appropriate to make this creative design if you want a Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Popular Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This design is pretty realistic and can be made either on the leg or your arms. It looks pretty fantastic.
Capable Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Chest
This beautiful Black Lives Matter tattoo design is made right on the chest where it would look profound. It shows the text written in bold and black font along with a person with a raised fist. This raised fist has a lot of significance. The clenched fist logo, which is so popular, may express union or solidarity, usually with suppressed communities. The black fist, also known as the Black Power fist is a logo commonly affiliated with Black nationalism, resistance, solidarity, and socialism. Its most generally understood practice is by the Black Panther Party, a socialist organization, in the 1960s. A black fist logo was also embraced by the northern soul music subculture. A right-hand white fist clutching a red rose is adopted by the Socialist International and some socialist or social democratic parties, such as the Socialist Party in France and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party.
Fervent Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Chest
This tattoo design which is in favor of Black Lives Matter looks pretty dope.
Princely Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really love this portrait of the African female with her beautiful afro hair that emphasizes her individuality. She looks proud of her heritage and thus is a great symbol if you are looking for a Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Black Lives Matter On Skull Tattoo Design On Arm
This design might not seem like the perfect Black Lives Matter tattoo design because the meaning is pretty discreet but it is an exceptionally indicative and significant tattoo design. It shows the struggles of black people for the time being. It also shows that no matter what community a person belongs to, the interior of each person is the same- that is the skeleton. This skeleton, however, is donning an afro look which indicated that it is a black person but without it, no one would really know what community it would belong to.
Powerful Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a simple rased power fist symbol that has been made with black ink. The outlines have been given stress on and look rather creative. The symbol that you see with a raised fist is actually very historical in its genesis. At first, it was not just limited to people who are black but to anyone who belongs to a minority group. It was a retaliation to condemn any kind of oppressive behavior or discriminatory demeanor. This fist was then just a rebuff against the unjust authority and used when protesting collectively.
Profound Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
The black Lives Matter tattoo design here is pretty great as it also showcases the black raised fist. The black raised fist is a pretty popular concept in this social campaign against the suppression of the black community. It denotes fighting for the rights and suppression against inequality and fight for justice for people to be equal all over the world.
Sober Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
Just simply writing down “Black Lives Matter” is a great idea because sometimes all you need is a simple design to express your feelings. This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is made on the shoulder and right below it is some beautiful flower designs that look absolutely gorgeous. Thus, it is a great design but be selective of the kind of font that you wish for.
Passionate Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a beautiful representation of black power or simply the Black Lives Matter tattoo design. It shows a mermaid which is often considered to be white with afro style hair. It shows the power to break off the mainstream and go beyond it. This design is pretty symbolic of the fact that blacks are equal to white and all lives matter.
Fearless Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really like how half the face of this black leader has been replaced by a leopard who is known for his fearlessness. In fact, all the leaders who stood against oppression are fearless and this Black Lives Matter tattoo design is a great representation of the fact.
Supportive Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Hand
This black power Black Lives Matter tattoo design is pretty impressive. It also has a power fist made right in the center. It is a great design to be made on the hand so that it is pretty visible to the people. This design is made in bold and extreme patterns that look rather attractive. If it is for a social cause, make sure your Black Lives Matter tattoo design is bold enough to be visible and inspires others.
Cooperative Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is pretty unique. It shows the outline of an African girl with her beautiful big hairdo called the afro style. It looks pretty awesome and is quite simple too. It also uses the words “blk pwr” which is symbolic of the Black Lives Matter campaign. It emphasizes the black community and further the females in this community.
Persistent Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Upper Arm
I really like how this Black Lives Matter tattoo design has been given a very creative touch by just using black ink and making it look abstract.
Intelligent Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I love the fact of how realistic this tattoo design look. I think such realistic designs are great for inspiring others too and serves as a reminder for the people who went through so much.
Novel Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a pretty simple tattoo portrait design if you are looking for something unique in your Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Beautiful Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really love this black man’s portrait which has been done in an amazing black shading effect. It is also added with beautiful flowers right at the bottom. It is a great design that can be made in any place but it suits the arm the best. It is a great symbol for the Black Lives Matter tattoo design because it represents the pride in the black man’s eyes.
Inspired Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a beautiful design that represents Malcolm X and a quote by him. I think it is a perfect Black Lives Matter tattoo design. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, born Malcolm Little and better recognized as Malcolm X, was an African American Muslim leader, and human rights activist who was a public figure through the civil rights campaign. He is best recognized for his interval employed as a vocal representative for the Nation of Islam.
Innovative Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really love this picture of Malcolm X which is made inside a bold X letter. He has been a controversial figure throughout his life and addressed prejudice and destruction, Malcolm X is also a publicly admired personality within African-American and Muslim American populations for his chase of racial justice. He was posthumously praised with Malcolm X Day, on which he is celebrated in many towns over the United States. Several roads and institutions in the U.S. have been renamed in his courage, while the Audubon Ballroom, the place of his killing, was partially redeveloped in 2005 to include the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center.
Liberal Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is pretty interesting with the portraits that look amazing.
Cheerful Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design is pretty gorgeous with other symbols in it. Although it represents the black community here the wearer has specified it further. It is a symbol for any repressed community and here there is also a symbol for lesbianism or just female oppression with a circle and a cross right at the bottom. So probably this Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design represents another repressed community, that is the women in the black community.
Diligent Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really love how realistic this Black Lives Matter tattoo design look!
Sincere Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I love how the portraits of the leaders are emphasized with words such as “pride and “equality” in this tattoo design.
Considerate Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This portrait tattoo design looks really neat and composed.
Vivacious Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is made on the arm of the wearer and shows an African woman with an afro hairstyle, which is quite an identity of the females of Africa, smoking. It is pretty revolutionary since the oppressed class cant really be pictured in such revolutionary states. It is a great Black Lives Matter tattoo design that points towards revolution.
Leadership Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Front Body
If you want to create a masterpiece for yourself like this Black Lives Matter tattoo design, you can get it on your stomach or your back that will have ample space to cover it up.
Unanimous Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Side Body
This Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design is added with one word: Revolution. It is done in a pretty artistic way using black and red ink. Thus, if you have some sort of allegiance with the blacks or you just want to support a good cause, this symbol is perfect for you to place. You can place this in some visible place so that the intentions are pretty apparent to the viewers. It is a great and neat tattoo design.
Personable Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Body
This portrait tattoo design is made on the ribs which provide ample space!
Industrious Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a pretty great Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design that seems to be feminine. It was not the kind of logo that represented solidarity and the fight against repression against the black community. It also showed the same feelings to any repressed community. However, here specifically the Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design denotes the people of black females. It is a pretty cool design and very simplistic.
Massive Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really love how the black public figures who supported the black movement have been combined to form a collage to support the Black Lives Matter campaign.
Cool Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
I really love how different and unique this tattoo that supports the Black Lives Matter campaign looks. It says “black” in bold colors with the letter A being replaced for the map of Africa. I think it is a beautiful design that is not too complicated but yet really attractive. I think it would totally justify your cause of getting a Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Generous Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a simple Black Lives Matter tattoo design with the words engraved on the skin. You do not have to go all fancy using portraits of the leaders, or even the black raised a fist to make certain that your tattoo supports the cause. Just writing Black Lives Matter would suffice if you are not going for the aesthetics of the tattoo but rather its poignancy.
Polite Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design Behind Ear
One of the most popular trends while getting a Black Lives Matter tattoo design is the popular quotes that were used during the campaigns. This is one such quote that says #icantbreathe. It is made alongside the ear which looks pretty cool. Although this design is pretty simple, it looks really significant and makes a statement in its own right.
Magical Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is made on the back of the leg. It has the raised fist design along with Black Lives Matter written underneath. This is a bold Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design that is made on the shoulder of the wearer. It is a great design that can be made if you want to support the black community and are aware of the oppression that they have faced and in today’s time, continue to face in some parts of the world.
Decent Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design looks pretty unique made on the arms of the wearer.
Supportive Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Back
It is a simple Black Lives Matter tattoo design that has been made on the upper back of the wearer. It looks pretty cool. Although it is not visible on the upper back as much as it would have been visible on, let’s say, arm or hand, this design is still pretty great and enough for people to notice that you care for the cause.
Heroic Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
A pretty detailed portrait design, this pattern, and style are perfect for your Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Simple Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a pretty simple Black Lives Matter tattoo design done in black and white. It is a simple and great design that is made on the arms of the wearer. It looks pretty cool and is very visible. If you are getting a tattoo for a social cause I would suggest that it should be visible to people so that someone else might get inspired to support the cause too.
Creative Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design has a lot of stuff going on which looks pretty great. It has covered the whole of the leg and in a way now this wearer has a Black Lives Matter themed leg. It has a portrait of different social leaders who stood for the cause, besides some popular slogans and the raised fist which is a popular symbol for the Black Lives Matter tattoo design.
Little Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Wrist
It is a simple Black Lives Matter tattoo design with a small black raised fist symbol. This one right here is a pretty simple and tiny Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design which is made right on the wrist of the wearer. It is a great tattoo design that is small, compatible, and done with just black ink. You do not have to go on making your Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design too complicated to stand for a social cause.
Shaped Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Chest
The Illuminati symbol has been used many times to represent this kind of social cause. You can use this design to represent your affection for the Black Lives Matter campaign. I would suggest that you can rather add things like “Black Lives Matter” or “Black Power” along with this design to emphasize more on its meaning.
Strong Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Leg
This Black Lives Matter tattoo design is pretty distinctive which I am guessing is probably because of the kind of font that the wearer might have selected. It also has a raised fist which looks pretty cool. I especially love the shading effect which gives it a realistic look. It is a great design to be made on your arms or your thighs because of its length. If you are making a tattoo that represents your social cause, I would suggest that you make it someplace visible and avoid places that are not too visible like your back or ribs.
Pretty Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful portrait of a black woman who has African features. It represents the fact that not every female tattoo has to be about beautiful white and blond women. Black women can look equally exotic. It also encourages women to empowerment. It is a great symbol that represents an African woman with flowers in her head.
Fighter Black Lives Matter Tattoo Design On Arm
This Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design is also super creative because it has a beautiful tribal design on the arm of the design. You can also notice some symbols which might be personal to the wearer. Overall, this design looks super amazing and is a great choice you want a certain edge to your Power Fist or Black Fist tattoo design.
The most important thing about the tattoo industry or getting ink is the dedication and quick action to support a cause and that too in a very artistic and refined manner. It is thus, not an industry, but a family that unites thousands of people globally to support a cause. A group of people born of remarkably essential bits of purifying, transformative, and private events that should reach outside the confines of special workshops and local stores.
The kind of tattoos that support a social cause like the Black Lives Matter campaign is not something that would show on Google trends. Even the people who come get the idea of getting such socially challenging tattoos are the ones who refuse to play by the rules of internationally accepted social norms; thus, denying to collaborate with the evil system. This involves helping the Black Lives Matter movement which, at its heart, claims for the overlooking of the mentioned evil system for many good reasons.