One of the most meaningful needs for getting a tattoo is that you need to be reminded of something. Though we all do know about what is most important to us, we like to have continual reminders every once in a while to keep us on track. Out of it, Faith, Hope, and Love are the three most important words that help us be an amazing human being by giving us peace and happiness in life.
When the words are put together, they bring in such an important meaning that it is no surprise that many people choose to have Faith, Love Hope tattoos on their skin. If you are thinking to get one for yourself you might be onto your inspiration. But with this list, we got you covered. In this listicle, we are going to talk about faith love, and hope tattoos with their meanings and symbolism, Take a look at 90 cool Faith, Hope, and Love Tattoo Designs.
Meaning Of Faith, Hope, Love Tattoo Designs
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Three of the most important words which have a lot of reference besides in the langue are commonly grouped to show peace, happiness, and religious sentiments. The string of these words holds profound meanings to many people and so many people get this tattoo etched on their skins as a constant reminder.
Although Faith, Love, Hope have very very apparent meanings some people like to add their own meaning to it by adding some elements to the design. This will make your tattoos very versatile and unique to the individual who gets them. Many people get tattoos in a way that will reflect their own being. You can choose to get the Faith, Love, Hope tattoo design in a unique script or add certain personal elements to the design to make the meaning more clear to the rest of the people.
The words “Faith Hope Love” are employed because of their kinship to peace. Keeping these words as your choice of design helps the people to think about how it can provide a calming and empowering effect to numerous other people. Whenever you feel lost, you can look out for your tattoo and it might add some positive energy to your tattoo design. Thus, Faith, Love, Hope can help them be a reminder for people that there can be something better in their lives and people around them.
It was believed that this tattoo was brought to people through sailors from Europe and similar scripts are also found in the Bible, “And now these three remain – faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” The Faith, Love, Hope tattoo designs were not just body decors but revealed the personality of the men on the sea, their hopes, and faith. The tattoos were portrayed as an image of death, homesickness, or meeting their family members again. However, in the present times, having a tattoo is fashionable and stylish and it is great that these tattoos have amazing meaning. Here’s a list of all the hidden meanings behind the Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design that you can explore.
Biblical Meanings
“And now these three remain – faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13
If you have been to a wedding or been a bridesmaid, this quote is pretty popular and would take you back to a particular wedding. Most people conclude the fact that this verse which is taken from Corinthians chapter 13, is all about romance but it is truly more than that. It is probably one of the most meaningful sentences that lay out the three basic sentiments for human beings: Faith, Hope, and Love.
As a follower of the religion, we often dedicate our lives to these things because they help us grow and develop our faith and have a meaningful existence. Faith, Hope, and Love tattoo might mean that you must have faith in God and love in your heart to lead a great life and the ink is just a reminder. In fact, this tattoo is rather a Christian teaching in its essence and this is also a reason behind why many people couple this tattoo with other Christian symbols like a cross, rosary, bible, or any biblical quotes.
Faith, Hope, and Love tattoos are usually inked by people who are followers of this religion and observe the teachings of Jesus Christ by heart. Many select the cross and weave these words around it. Rosaries are also used and can be used as a connector to combine all these words. It might not be the most conventional religious symbol that you have, but the Faith, Hope, and Love tattoo do carry a very significant religious connotation and one can make it personal and unique.
Faith Love and Hope Tattoo Individual Meanings
Besides religious meaning, Faith, Hope, and Love tattoo have other meanings too. You can basically add any kind of meaning along with this tattoo design which might be personal to you. The basic implications of this tattoo design remain the same none the less. Faith, Hope, and Love are super important in anyone’s life for them to lead a good one.
Love has no inclinations to receive but give always. It has no boundaries or restrictions but is definitely vulnerable. Love does not really see with its eyes but rather with its heart and soul. It is an untamed power that can leave you lost and dumbfounded. It is nothing o be deciphered. It is an emotion and feeling that we strive for in life by looking together in a similar direction.
The heart is a universal symbol that is used to emphasize such feelings. It also symbolizes friendship, courage, suffering, pain, etc along with love. The meaning of the heart thus remains pretty subjective. The heart was added as a religious symbol by the end of the 17th century when the Catholic church built the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.
Besides its religious significance, the heart means passion, commitment and has become a representative of the agreement of loving hearts, the origin of the human spirit, wedding, connections, best friends, life, broken heart, troubled love, etc. Heart tattoo designs are usually blended with extra figures such as – wings, stiletto, shaft, flowers, and each key has a distinctive application.
Hope is an emotion that expresses an excessive desire or wants for a particular object or event. It is an emotion that controls fear and anxiety. It is something that lies amidst what is positive and negative. In fact, you can call it a manipulator – the mind manipulate the heart. It is a barrier between actuality and fantasy.
Faith applies your whole confidence in someone or something and provides us support and faith. Faith is letting go and never looking back, releasing while remaining unproven. It is not an excellent feature but only for the preferred determined few. Faith is what causes us to thrive.
Ideas for Faith, Hope, Love Tattoo Designs
Anchor: In many tattoo designs, people use symbols instead of the line that says Faith, Hope, and Love. People use the cross, heartbeat, and a heart that is connected. Many people also use other symbols and replace them with something more personal. A heartbeat or anchor symbol represents hope. Although anchor might be the symbol for sailors it is also pretty religious. The anchors were used by the Christians who were under heavy persecution by the Roman church to show their allegiance to the faith. It represents hope and steadiness.
Heart symbol: The heart sign is the timeless representation of love. People use unconventional logos for Faith and Hope but for love, it remains more or less the same. The love heart also signifies affair, relationship, wedding, solidarity, and passions.
Crucifix or Cross Symbol: A crucifix or cross is a very popular logo for the Christian faith. Christians also adopt dove, Ichthus, butterflies, roses, and thorns alternately of the cross. People from different faiths substitute the cross with a derivation of David, om, or a crescent moon with stars, for instance, to describe their sacred faith.
The cross is one of the most traditional figures of human civilization, located in all the religions following the Neolithic period. The cross, like a logo, is seen in Celtic, Egyptian, and many other societies where it meant male and female creation, the union between Isis and Osiris. A cross embedded in a circle is a representation of the sun, and in each classical history of the world, it had a convincing application.
The cross was formally accepted as a Christian symbol in the ninth century and since then it is one of the central representations of faith. Christian cross tattoo is a representation of the martyrdom of Jesus Christ by the Romans and the triumph of life over death. There are distinctive varieties of the Christian cross that you can also choose while getting yourself inked in general – the Latin cross, the Orthodox cross, etc. and in tattoo design, it is often linked with other components– butterflies, roses and thorns, lilies; angel wings, excerpts from the Bible and the other traditional scripts, and cross with a heart in the middle.
Ambigram: People frequently create these three words as an ambigram, making a square by piling Faith, Hope, and Love on each other. By intention, the words are interconnected, but it also highlights the importance of the individual word. These kinds of formats highlight the importance of each word as well as the interconnectedness of the terms mutually. It implies that each idea is reliant on the other, but also that each is significant in its perspective. This is an excellent idea option for those who conceive of each of the words as being equals, providing them to stand out concurrently rather than viewing them from left to right or individually.
Infinity Symbol: In other forms, each word is granted its own logo to build a line of icons that are applied in extension to “Faith Hope Love”. A cross, heartbeat, and heart are put along with each other in a single row as one united sign with the terms written in beautiful calligraphy either above or below it. The infinity symbol (∞) is often added as well, indicating the timelessness of the expression. While the overall composition of this tattoo design is usually the same, people can customize the tattoo in any way they want to fit their temperaments.
Simple Designs: In the simpler versions sans any objects with it, they render their own meaning. You can place them individually. If you want to count on these three words only and not use any distractive elements along with it, it is a great idea to let it be simple. The words alone have the kind of power to encourage and motivate people. However, placement options are very important in this kind of tattoo design because you would want the words to look great on your skin.
Calligraphy: Many people choose to get the design of Faith, Hope, and Love in different calligraphic styles because then it does not require any more added elements. When you choose a simple font, you can think of adding other symbols like a heart, peace symbol, the Christian cross, or a rosary, etc. However, no matter what kind of font you use, the words remain significant. But if you choose a specific font it is purely because of aesthetic reasons and how it suits your personality.
Foreign Script: You can use other scrips like Chinese characters, Arabic fonts, Sanskrit translations, etc for your Faith, Hope, and Love tattoo instead of English font. They add a certain appeal to your tattoo design and make sit unique. It becomes more attractive and mysterious because not everyone knows about the meaning of this font and it will be something unique to you.
As you can see, there are lots of plan options that you have to think about when making a Faith, Hope, Love tattoo. It is going to be a significant tattoo despite what it seems like, but you have to consider where you wish to have it fixed on your skin and what font you want to apply. If you need to combine even more significance to your Faith, Hope, Love tattoo, you can also supplement it with more pictures inside or encompassing the words.
Extra figures like birds, doves, flowers, roses, angel wings, ropes, chains, etc. are also a choice but before combining any other picture to your tattoo design, it is best to get familiarized with its application. Where you will set your tattoo depends on your individual inclination and the dimension of the picture, of course. Some people like ankle or foot tattoos better as they can be sneaked in if needed. Others opt for bigger designs like a chest tattoo, and ink on the arm or the shoulder, so there is no general rule for your placement idea.
- The translation in Latin – Fides, Spes, Caritas;
- An inscription of the words Faith, Hope, Love, and a pictogram
- The infinity symbol with the words Faith, Hope, and Love
- A classic anchor with a heart and cross;
- An ambigram
Take a look at the 90 amazing Faith, Hope, and Love tattoo designs down below for more inspiration!
Where Should You Get Faith, Hope, Love Tattoo Design?
The placement of the design depends on two major factors: the kind of design and the size of it. If you are adding some extra elements to your tattoo design to make it appear bigger, you will definitely need a larger space like chest, back, thighs, arms, legs, etc. For smaller tattoos, places like the foot, ankle, neck, the ear is the best. The placement also depends on your own individual choices. So people like to get their tattoo on the ankle while others are more interested in getting a tattoo on their back or chest where it can be hidden if needed. You can also choose visible spots like shoulder, arms, hands, etc.
Faith Hope Love Tattoo on Wrist
The wrist is apparently the most popular place for this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design among the girls. If you are working on getting it on your wrist, then go for a more modest design. The simplistic cross, heartbeat, and love heart seems prominent on the inner wrist. You can expand out the pattern on the side of the wrist.
Faith Hope Love Tattoo on Shoulder
You can get this tattoo right beneath the collar bone. Because of the large area, you can increase your design more. Instead of adding different elements to your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design, you can have the words printed in your chosen font and flatten it under the collarbone. Some elements would also look great nonetheless in this spot.
Faith Hope Love Tattoo on Forearm
The forearm is another ideal place for Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design. Its wide area provides you the right to be artistic. Most tattoos are made in black ink, but a lot of people apply red ink to illustrate the love heart. Red and black is a fabulous contrast. The watercolor effect that many people use also makes the tattoos more lively.
For Women
- Ankle
- Wrist
- Finger spaces
- Hands
- Shoulder blade
- Behind the ear
For Men
- Chest
- Biceps
- Legs
- Neck
- Back
- Forearms
List of Love, Faith, Hope Symbol Tattoo Designs
Nice Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Shoulder
This is a great Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design that is made on the wrist of the wearer. The wearer has chosen to represent these three emotions by the means of symbols and has chosen the Christian cross to represent faith, an anchor to represent hope and a heart for love. It is a great design that is simplistic.
Cute Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Finger
Just like the tattoo above, this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is also composed of symbols instead of terms. It has the cross, heart and an anchor imprinted in its finger. It is done with basic black ink and just the outline of this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is made. Thus, you can choose to get a minimalistic design like this one.
Beautiful Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Foot
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is a pretty cute one. It is made on the feet with a beautiful calligraphic font. You can select any kind of fonts that you like. It is also added with a cross symbol and a heart symbol that makes the design more aesthetically pleasing. The feet are a great option to get this design because it can be easily hidden here.
Sweet Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Leg
If you like, you can keep your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design uncomplicated and extremely simplistic like this one. It is a great design to be chosen because all it utilizes is black ink. It also has a cute heart outline which makes the design super cool. This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is placed on the arm where it fits perfectly.
Massive Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This design is a bit bolder than the previous Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design we saw before. It is composed of the symbols used for faith, love, and hope which are the cross, the heart, and the anchor respectively. It is a great design to be made on the arm and done with bold black ink. The halo behind the design makes it look very holy.
Creative Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Arm
This is an abstract Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design that is made on the side part of the arm of the wearer. It is a great design because it looks pretty fashionable. Itis not defined by neat and straight lines but is abstract. Another beautiful elements are the shading effect which has been given with black and grey ink.
Marvelous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
Clearly, this couple has made Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design together and if you have a spouse or your friend and family member, you can couple it up with them. This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design represents a heartbeat done in bold black ink and a red color heart that is attached to the heartbeat symbol.
Threesome Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design made with a black ink outline looks pretty cute and chic. It is a great design that you can make on the side of your wrist. It is simple and made with a black ink outline. Since minimalistic outline tattoos are pretty much in vogue, you can opt-in for such tattoo designs.
Sensible Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is pretty special because it has been personalized by adding a cute little dog’s paw with the design. The tattoo represents a heart and a heartbeat that is connected. It is made in black ink but you can use red for the heart part. This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is a sweet dedication to the pet.
Adorable Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design has been made with the common heart and heartbeat symbol that we usually see. However, it is also added with a little visible cross sign. It is made on the arm of the wearer and is a great design. Although not too complicated, this design is very meaningful.
Handsome Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a peculiar way to make a design but it has made the Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design very creative. It seems like the three words are composed in a box and ha been made to fit in it. It is a beautiful design because the wearer has also chosen a great font. If you feel that this design would be complicated, you can mellow it down a bit.
Super Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design here looks very composed in the shape it is kept in. It looks pretty awesome with the black ink. The wearer has selected a great font too which looks pretty stylish. However, I do not feel the absolute necessity to enclose this design but if you like it, you can go ahead.
Fabulous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a rather cool design because it has three basic criteria for a perfect design: text, symbol, and color. The words are added with symbols that look pretty awesome It also has red color added to the heart which makes it look more stylish. The addition of the symbols and the text together is done in a very creative way.
Awsome Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
These heart and heartbeat symbols that have been combined look pretty awesome. It is done with a shading effect. The shading effect makes the whole Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design looks 3D.
Small Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
In this picture, you can see two different placement options for your simple heart and heartbeat tattoo design. It is a great option for you to place your design in a very significant way without it losing its sense of style. The Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design here looks absolutely stunning.
Beautiful Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
The Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design here has been added with some terms and the symbol for them. For faith, the wearer has added a cross in dark black ink, for hope there is a heartbeat symbol in black ink and for love, you can notice a heart in red ink. The wearer has also added the initials for each sentiment along with it.
Colorful Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design with a watercolor effect right in the background. It looks pretty awesome made on the arm. The multi-color background makes it look even more pretty. It is a great design if you want to add the aesthetics part to the design. This design would look amazing.
Sleek Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design Near Abdomen
The wearer has really personalized this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design by adding a unique background to it. However, this unique background does add a bit of color to the Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design which is originally just made in black ink. It does not have any symbols but the words are written pretty stylishly.
Square Shaped Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Chest
This is a beautiful Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design made on tech hets of the wearer. The chest is a great placement idea for such a design because it shows that it is nearer to the heart. I really love this design which is made with black ink and is done in a pretty neat way.
Curvy Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is added with an infinity symbol. The infinity symbol combines ‘faith’ and ‘hope’ written in words with for love, there is a heart symbol that represents the emotion. It is a great design that you can select for your arm.
Miniature Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design Near Chest
This is a small Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design that has been made near the ribs. It is made on the upper ribs of the wearer. It looks pretty chic because it is very simplistic. It is also a great design if you want to hide this design and not make it too visible for people. It is a beautiful one.
Cool Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is pretty cool. It has a unique background with a watercolor effect done just in red ink. This design has amazing symbols with words that correspond to the particular symbol written underneath it. It is a pretty awesome tattoo design.
Amazing Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This design is pretty similar to the one made above. It is made of black and a bit of red ink. It is also added with the text which is written in a super simple font. It is a great option for people who wants their message to be clearer.
Tiny Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design Near Shoulder
Getting a design on your collar bone is pretty chic. This design looks pretty beautiful made right above the chest. It is a small design however, it is still very visible made on this particular placement area. Such designs are cool if you are looking for simple and minimal Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo designs.
Rhythmic Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is pretty similar to the ones above. It is however done in jet black ink and made with bold ink. Getting a Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design on the arm is cool if you are using it to make it apparent.
Super Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
Each letter here is added with a tiny heart that has been shaded in the center. It is a pretty somber design and looks really sublime. It is a minimalistic and simple design that looks very chic. The words are also written with the most basic fonts and are not capitalized. This makes for a great Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design.
Wonderful Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
You can definitely add some symbol to your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design which will make it look more amusing.
Sleek Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This design is done in a very contrasting color, which is red and black. It is a great design that you can make on your arm. It also has the text written but of course, the word ‘love’ is done in red ink as well as its symbol too.
Cutie Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Ring Finger
Getting a tattoo on your finger is pretty trendy and you can get your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design on your finger too if you are looking for something minimal. It sits around your finger like a ring and looks super cool. It is a great design and is made on the ring finger so you know that it has a lot of importance.
Super Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Arm
Most people get their Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design on their arm which is pretty okay but this person has got the tattoo made near the elbow. It looks rather interesting. It is a great design to be made in such a unique place and would look absolutely stunning.
Lovely Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design Near Wrist
The Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design are usually simplistic a pretty minimal. It is a great design if you want something mellowed down and not too extensive.
Threesome Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Fingers
Rather than combining the symbols on any other part of your body, you can make these symbols on your knuckles with each knuckle having the anchor, the cross, and a heart symbol done in black ink. You can either fill it in with some colors but can keep it open as well. It represents the fact that each word exists on its own but has more significance when seen together.
Awsome Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
Getting the heart and a heartbeat in black in for your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is pretty cool when made on the side part of your wrist. It is a great design option.
Splendid Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
I really like the contrast in this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design. The bold Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo symbol are added with sleek black ink words which are written underneath them. It is a great design that you can make on your arms.
Nice Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Wrist
You do not have to go overboard with your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design to display your sentiments. This simple Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design would look pretty great on your wrist too.
Paired Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
Getting Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design coupled with your friend, a family member or your spouse is a great idea because it will help you guys to stay motivated. These three sentiments are pretty important for you to lead a great life and this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design represents exactly that.
Religious Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a pretty awesome Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design. It is added with a portrait of Jesus Christ which is made in a very realistic way. I especially love the halo which gives the whole design a very religious meaning. The design is also added with a heart and heartbeat along with these three words written own below. Jesus is holding the cross himself!
Bright Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design Near Shoulder
This chic Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is made on the collarbone in a very simple font. It is a great tattoo design that you can make. Such minimalistic and stylish designs are usually made by girls on their collar bones because it looks rather feminine. Guys would go in for more bold designs and font options.
Intense Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Arm
This is a great tattoo design that is made on the wrist of the wearer. The word “love” has been made pretty bold and probably the wearer wants the emphasis on it. It is also colored in red ink which makes it look distinctive. It is a beautiful tattoo design and if you want a tattoo with some part of it specific, then you can get inspired by this idea.
Charming Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful and small Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design that is made on the wrist of the wearer. It looks pretty great. It is a delicate design but enough if you want to emphasize the meaning and significance of it instead of looking out for its aesthetics.
Compassionate Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is pretty cute. The heart is made in a very detailed with a bold outline, re-dink which has filled in the outline, and the white ink that has been used to give it more details. The words Faith, Love, and Hope are written right underneath it. They look pretty awesome.
Sleek Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Neck
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is made on the neck of the wearer. It looks absolutely stunning. It is a great design to be made on the nape of the beck where it can be hidden. It is neither too huge nor too small.
Lovely Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
This is a pretty basic design for the Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design but it depends on the kind of artists that you choose too. A professional and skilled one would make even the simplest design look pretty awesome with his caliber.
Bright Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
It is quite a minimalistic tattoo design that is made on the wrist of the wearer. It is made up of three basic symbols: the heart, the cross, and the heartbeat which is perfect for a Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design.
Romantic Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
I really like the shading effect that has been given to this tattoo design. It is a gorgeous tattoo that can be made by the wearer to give a 3D look. This design is made with black ink which is pretty bold. It is different from other Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design that were quite simplistic.
Lovely Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful and quiet a minimalistic Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design. It has three basic symbols that represent the feelings of Faith, Love, and Hope. I love it also because it is pretty simple.
Considerate Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
A simple and small Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design would look rather chic made on the wrist of the wearer. It signifies hope and strength in the time so need and is a symbol for it.
Colorful Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Body
I love how this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design has used different colors. Although the design is pretty basic with three symbols and the corresponding words written underneath, the addition of the colors makes it look better and attractive. It is a great design that you can add to any visible part of your body because it will look very appealing.
3D Effect Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This 3D Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design with grey and black shading effect looks pretty awesome. It is a great design to be made on the side part of the wrist where it covered almost all the space that has been given.
Awsome Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
This design is pretty unique. Not only does it have all the symbols that are needed in the Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design but it also has the quote from the Corinthians which speaks of these three emotions. The background is made colorfully with watercolor effects and the whole design is in the shape of an infinity symbol which speaks of the timelessness of the design.
Sober Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This tattoo is made in white ink and thus it looks really discreet. If you want to keep your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design personal, as a personal reminder, probably, then this design and white ink would suit the best. You can also make a smaller tattoo and hide it by placing it on areas that are discreet like your ear or the neck.
Victorious Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is pretty basic with all the components and the symbols of the words in it along with the words written below it. It is a great tattoo design to be made on the wrist.
Fabulous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
I like how the word ‘love’ has been given a strong emphasis here. The other two words, ‘faith’ and ‘hope’ are written in simple black ink font but the word which has to be emphasized has been made strong.
Dashing Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Back
Making a tattoo on your neck is pretty unique in itself. Here, this tattoo seems like it has been carved inside the skin and some blood has spilled. It literally looks like the Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design has been seen onto the skin!
Lively Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design looks pretty basic with the word ‘faith’ written in it as it is and the other two words have been symbolized instead.
Courteous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
A simple tattoo can speak a lot when made on the skin. Thus, it is a great idea to keep your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design as simple as possible and focus on the significance of it.
Charming Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Shoulder
You can get your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design on the top of your shoulder where it looks amazing. It is a great design with a unique replacement idea.
Pretty Love, Faith, HopeTattoo Design On Wrist
This colorful Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design looks absolutely gorgeous. I think adding colors to any tattoo instantly makes it look ten times more vibrant and attractive.
Little Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design Above Ankle
This single anchor tattoo design consists of the cross as well as the heart which is made right at the top of it. They are all clubbed into one design and the whole design looks pretty awesome. It is a great way to concise your design in a very creative way. This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design on the ankle looks stunning.
Generous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Shoulder
This beautiful Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is made on the upper back of the wearer. While love and hope are represented in the symbolic form, the third emotion, faith is written in words. It offers the design an edge over others and makes it look pretty awesome.
Simple Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
You can get the three symbols together on your arm in a very simplistic way which would make the Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design look really chic.
Dutiful Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design looks pretty unique. It is carved out of a beautiful watercolor base which looks pretty awesome. It adds a certain vibrancy to the design.
Marvelous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
I really like the idea of making these Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design on the wrist because it is long in length. It is a great design overall.
Best Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Leg
I like how different this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design looks! It looks as if all these components have been rusted and have been kept out for too long. The patterns and the theme look pretty intimidating as it is done with all black ink. There are a lot of minute strokes which makes the design look different.
Courageous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a pretty simple Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design made with bold ink. It looks rather great with the jet black ink design.
Cute Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Ankle
This Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is pretty interesting to look at. It is made of black and white ink which looks pretty gorgeous. This design is small and simple yet looks distinctive from other designs on this list which I am guessing is probably because of the white ink.
Snaky Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
The different aspect here is the Caduceus symbol which has been used along with the hope and love symbol. As a metaphorical article, it describes Hermes (or the Roman Mercury), and by continuation jobs, trades, or projects connected with the diety. In later Antiquity, the caduceus gave the foundation for the astrological symbol depicting the planet Mercury. Thus, throughout its use in astrology, alchemy, and cosmology it has come to signify the planet and elemental mineral of the same title. It is said the baton would arouse the sleeping and send the conscious to sleep. If utilized to the declining, their death was tender; if utilized to the dead, they turned back to live.
The caduceus is often mistakenly used as a representation of healthcare regulations and pharmaceutical practice, especially in the United States of America, due to confounding with the ancestral medical symbol, the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and is never represented with wings – the logo of the World Health Organization utilizes the Rod of Asclepius as its cornerstone.
Obliging Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a pretty standard Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design which looks quite amazing on the side part of the wearer’s arm. It is a great tattoo design but pretty simplistic.
Charming Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
The design here is made with very simple strokes which makes the whole thing look very delicate. It is a great and sweet Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design after all.
Positive Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design Near Abdomen
The Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is made on the ribs which are a very prominent placement option for such kinds of designs.
Small Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Leg
The fish sign that you can see is the most unique element in this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design. It is called the ichthys or ichthus, from the Greek ikhthýs is a logo consisting of two intersecting curves, the edges of the right side reaching behind the meeting point to match the outline of a fish. The logo was used by early Christians as a hidden symbol to represent faith. Thus the faith symbol in this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design has been replaced by it. The other two symbols are pretty normal and usual.
Lovely Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
A simple design like this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design can be easily fitted to suit the wrist.
Framed Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
I like how the heart has been used with green color instead of the traditional red color to make it look different. It is a basic Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design with just a small difference.
Smart Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
A simple Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design like this would fit the wrist like a piece of jewelry.. and that too a very meaningful one.
Religious Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
Here instead of the cross, the wearer has substituted with an om symbol. It is a great design that can be made on the rise and used by people who follow this particular religion. Similarly, you can choose what is most important to you and whats the definition of faith for you.
Awsome Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
A simple Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is written on the bicep is pretty exclusive. The placement area also represents strength.
3D Effect Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
This 3D Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design looks pretty creative.
Persistent Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Shoulder
You can make a design as simple as this one on any part of your body and it will look great.
Honest Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
This design is pretty simplistic and made on the arm of the wearer where it is visible pretty easily. Thus the placement ideas matter a lot when making a Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design.
Sharp Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
It seems like this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is written in a very nonchalant way because of its font. You must choose the kind of font that you like because it will set the tone for your Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design.
Comforting Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Stomach
It is a unique design and seems like the two other symbols are revolving around the cross. The cross and the heart have been symbolized but the symbol for hope is missing and instead, the feeling has been expressed by the means of the word ‘hope’.
Authentic Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Arm
A simple Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design on the arm would look pretty cute. This one right here is pretty neat in its structure.
Upright Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Foot
This beautiful Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design is made on the foot of the wearer. The font that has been chosen is pretty stylistic and makes the design look aesthetically pleasing. It is also added with a beautiful heart symbol that looks pretty.
Tender Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
The wearers here have coupled up this Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design and made it personalized by adding a date of birth along with it. It is a great tattoo design that has been made on the wrist of the wearers. It can symbolize various things that are individual to the wearer.
Vigorous Love, Faith, Hope Tattoo Design On Wrist
The three most common symbols of Faith, Love, and Hope tattoo design combine to make one in a very unique way. They look absolutely perfect and because it is tiny, it can be added to any part of the body, like the ear or the neck where it will look chic.
For us all, it is important to remember these three important facts of life- Faith, Love, and Hope because it forms the basis of all the people’s lives. We need to believe in our own self and the strength that we have would help us see positivity all around us. It will also help us have faith in ourselves that nothing is impossible. It is not a matter of astonishment that both men and women prefer to have them lastingly on their bodies. Faith Hope Love tattoo design concepts differ in style, size, and appearance and one can pick from simplistic terms to a complicated image with elaborate features. Thus, in this list, all of the aforementioned designs were present and we hope that you were able to select one for yourself.