21 Cocaine Tattoo Designs

Cocaine is one of the most popular choices amongst people and it is so popular that it has been used as a tattoo design by many enthusiasts.
Cocaine is an extremely addictive prescription that amps up your levels of attentiveness, alertness, concentration, and stamina. You might have heard that it is also categorized as a stimulant. As for its composition, it is made from the coca plant, which is indigenous to South America. It is illegal in many parts of the world including the U.S. but still used in some recommended amounts for medications. Here are some other common nicknames for this substance:
  • Coke
  • Snow
  • Rock
  • Blow
  • Crack

Now the kinds of design for a Cocaine tattoo highly depend on the variations that the drug itself comes in. Cocaine is used as a fine white powder that can be snorted. It can also be made into rock crystals. However, the powdered form is the most common one as most people prefer to snort it up to their nose. Many also rub the powder into their gums or even mix it in a liquid and then inject it in their veins through a syringe.

The crystal form of it is beautiful and it is usually heated up to breathe in the smoke.

Thus, these are some forms of cocaine that can be developed into a tattoo too. The drug sends a signal that causes the dopamine levels to rise. Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain that signals the brain to control pleasure and instead builds up intense feelings of focus and energy. This reaction is also called ‘getting high’.

There are many ways where love for cocaine can be depicted through various tattoos. Many people use such tattoos to depict their struggles like getting over some hard time. Nonetheless, take a look at 21 of the Cocaine tattoo designs that will help you feel motivated.

  • Semi-Colon Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This is an apt representation of the cocaine tattoo design. Here, the semi-colon represents continuation. The quotation here also tells that the story is not yet over. That means the struggle is not over and so one must stay persistent with that. This tattoo serves as a reminder to stay motivated.

  • Realistic Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

The details of this tattoo are superb. Here, the picture is very common. It shows a girl sniffing some cocaine. It is an exact representation of the memory, probably. The idea behind this tattoo is that it is pretty personal to the wearer and might represent someone close.

  • Simplistic Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This is a very simple picture of a hand done in black ink. The idea behind this image that it has multiple perceptions. It can be perceived as something telling that losing is not an option and to be positive as the hard times will go away sooner or later.

  • Colorful Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This is a cool representation of cocaine tattoo design. First of all, the word ‘cocaine’ is written in big and bold letters so there is no question of it being indirect. Second, the tattoo is quite funny too because it showcases a very surprised animal, which looks like a cat. Similarly, if you want to jazz up your tattoo design, you can pick on something funny too. The colors add to the whole look of it being a funny one.

  • Syringe Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

The most common drug tattoo is a syringe tattoo. You can dd different elements to it to make it more personal. You can probably add some pills or even write some text that is very personal to you. It is a great way to revamp your memory that is associated with the design.

  • Chemical Composition of Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

Chemical composition structures are one of the most common designs when it comes to drug tattoos. Here, the chemical composition is beautifully done with just a few simple strokes of black ink. There are multiple places on the body where such designs would look really great.

  • Angel With Syringe Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

Just like we said before, adding some elements is a great way to enhance the common syringe tattoo. This wearer has added an angel which is a fresh change to the design. It not only adds to the aesthetics of the design but also makes it look exceptionally unique and personal.

  • Colorful Syringe Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

Although not many new elements can be seen still the design is pretty unique. That is because of the vibrant colors that have been used in this design. The design, being a very common one, pops out really well. The theme here is little on the caricatures side. You can even give a realistic angle to it.

  • Chest Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

Just like the one we saw above, this realistic portrait of a girl snorting some cocaine looks very personal. If you have some memory with such an event, probably a design like this would help you always keep that memory in mind. For those who do not have any such association, this design is still cool enough to be inked with.

  • Blue Syringe Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This blue syringe tattoo design is uncommon for two reasons. First of all, this design has just a single color, which is blue. The second reason for it to look unique is the fact that it has a chemical composition incorporated with it. Itis a great addition to the whole design.

  • Full Body Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This is a design featuring a measuring cup and a pack of baking soda. Now, this design can mean two things. Either love for baking, or an indirect way to showcase a cocaine tattoo design. Many of us who love cocaine do not live in a very forward society and might face criticism for getting very apparent tattoos. So this tattoo lets those people play safe.

  • Cool Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

Once again a very realistic tattoo featuring a girl sniffing some cocaine powder, this tattoo is done with brown and black ink that makes it look very appealing. This design does not really need many colors either. It looks great when done with simple strokes.

  • Cocaine Tattoo Designs Depicting Struggle

cocaine tattoo designs

This design has some more elements added to it, for example, cash, and a cutter besides a packet of drugs, probably cocaine powder. This whole design depicts trouble or maybe past struggles or loss. This can clearly be made by someone who has been a patient of depression and getting this inked can serve as a reminder of the possibility of a better time that is yet to come.

  • Cocaine Tattoo Designs With Heartbeat

cocaine tattoo designs

Cocaine is usually related to fluctuating heartbeat and this design is a very cool representation if the same. Here the chemical composition is added by a heartbeat that complements the chemical composition of the drug very well. The whole design is done in a very simplistic way with black ink.

  • Cocaine Tattoo Designs on Chest 

cocaine tattoo designs

The chest is one o the best options when it comes to getting a tattoo, especially if it is as big as this one. The chest offers a place that is not only big and can incorporate several elements, but also the fact that it is closer to the heart than other body parts. So if there is something of a profound significance fo you, you can get it inked on your chest.

  • Girl Taking Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

The girl taking sniffing cocaine is probably one of the most common cocaine tattoo designs on the list. It seems like people love getting such a realistic picture of this design inked on their bodies. They might have some association or probably none at all; however, it still seems like a design to give a shot at.

  • Cocaine Tattoo Designs on Ribs

cocaine tattoo designs

This tattoo design is done near the ribs area and it is one of the most preferred areas to get a cool tattoo design. The great thing about such a placement option is that it is easy to hide and you can reveal it whenever you want to. Therefore, it remains personal most of the time.

  • Penguin Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This is quite a funny cocaine tattoo design as it features very vivacious looking penguin in north pole, enjoying his share of some of the drug. This design is very animated because of the vibrant colors that have been used. The cocaine powder resembles snow here which is also what makes this tattoo very indirect in its connotations.

  • Bicep Addiction to Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This is a very direct tattoo design that speaks of some sort of ‘addiction’ but not exactly which addiction. However, if you are looking for some cocaine tattoo design but do not want to be too particular about it, here is your shot at it. Addiction can mean a lot of things besides addiction to drugs and here’s when you speak the unspeakable.

  • Quotation on Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

Just like other semi-colon designs, this design also gives the message o continuation in the times of difficulty. This provides strength and motivation. Semi-colon has been a universal symbol of evading such hard times. This particular tattoo is beautifully done. The blue background adds a lot of charm to the whole design and makes it pop out even more. The quotes are also written in such delicate fonts that it seems like it has just come out of a book. The overall look is very attractive.

  • Simple Cocaine Tattoo Designs

cocaine tattoo designs

This design is ultra simple. It just showcases a simply rolled joint. Probably the best choice for someone who has a ‘no-nonsense’ personality. The black and white ink further adds to the simplicity of the whole design.

That’s all about different cocaine tattoo designs. I hope this list was able to inspire you with your next cocaine tattoo design and give you some more ideas to experiment with.

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