Fred Flintstone is the main protagonist who appeared in the American sitcom “The Flintstones” which got premiered on September 30, 1960. The series is based on Stone Age settings where Fred lives with his family which include; Wilma (wife), Pebbles (daughter), Dino(pet dinosaur), and neighbor Rubble. The character of Fred is portrayed as short-tempered, a bowling lover, and an overweight man. These series were the longest-running animated television series for three decades. People enjoyed watching these series and are crazy for the character of Fred These are some of the most common reasons why people like to get themselves inked with Fred Flintstone tattoos. There is an endless list of different types of Fred Flintstone tattoos with their respective meanings and explanations. Here, in this article, you will get to know different Fred Flintstone tattoos and their meanings.
Where Should You Get Fred Flintstone Tattoo Designs?
Contents (Click to Jump)
For Women
- Ankle
- Wrist
- Finger Spaces
- Hands
- Shoulder Blades
- Behind the Ears
For Men
- Chest
- Biceps
- Legs
- Neck
- Back
- Forearms
List of Fred Flintstone Tattoo Designs & Meanings
Zombie Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Forearm
Getting unique tattoos inked describes the versatile nature of the wearer. The addition of a zombie effect to the tattoo describes the wearer’s interest, who might be a horror movie fan. It also suggests the wearer’s interest, who may be fond of the character of Fred Flintstone.
Fred Flintstone holding a Beer Mug Tattoo Design on Leg
In this tattoo, Fred is holding a beer mug which suggests, the nature of the wearer who might be cheerful, chill, fun-loving, independent, free-minded, and a party lover.
Simple Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on the Calf
This is a simple tattoo that describes the nature of the wearer who might be simple, cool, quiet, stable, and kind. It seems that the shine of the tattoo has vanished, you can always refill your tattoos once they start fading away.
Bowling-Theme Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Shoulder
The character of Fred is portrayed as a bowling lover man who enjoys it and is good at it. It seems that the wearer might relate to the character of Fred, or he/she might love to play the bowling game.
Fred Flintstone with Snoopy Tattoo Design on Forearm
The tattoo highlights Fred and Snoopy which makes an adorable combination. Snoopy is an Anthropomorphism beagle who appeared in the comic strip ‘Peanuts’. It also suggests the interest of the wearer who might be fond of these characters.
Sticker Style Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Forearm
The sticker-style tattoo has a lot of shading and intricacies, giving it the appearance of a 3D image and a peel-off sticker. You can customize this tattoo by adding more designs. This is the best place to get this tattoo done, as it tattoo because it stands out.
Cheerful Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Forearm
In this tattoo, Fred seems to be happy which looks amazing. It also depicts the nature of the wearer who might be joyful, free-minded, playful, and over-excited.
Trippy Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Forearm
Trippy tattoos use unique art styles to trick your eyes to create a hazy double-vision effect. You can add some colors or more elements to make it stand out.
Blackwork Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on the Calf
Blackwork tattoo is created solely by using black inks. People prefer this tattoo as it stays for a longer time as compared to other colored tattoos.
Embroidery Style Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Thigh
Patchwork tattoo is also known as embroidery tattoo is a type of design that appears to be stitched. This one is suitable for those who are more interested in stitching. You can customize this by adding your favorite cartoon character, just like the above tattoo. It seems that the wearer might love the character Fred and his wife Wilma.
Fred Flintstone with Wooden Club Tattoo Design on the Calf
In this tattoo, Fred is highlighted with the wooden club which was used by early men as a tool or a weapon. It describes the interest of the wearer who might love the character of Fred Flintstone.
Fred Flintstone with Basketball Tattoo Design on Forearm
In this tattoo, Fred is seen with a basketball which looks lovely. It also describes the interest of the wearer who might love to play basketball.
Amazing Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Forearm
The look of this tattoo is simple and sober. If you want, you can add more elements to decorate your tattoo and make it look extraordinary.
Fred Flintstone with Sprinklers Tattoo Design on the Calf
In this tattoo, Fred is seen eating sprinklers which describes the interest of the wearer who might be fond of eating sweets, especially sprinklers. This design gives a realistic effect and fits perfectly here but if you want you can get it on the leg, forearm, or back.
Traditional Style Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Thigh
The traditional style also known as old school style tattoos is trendy throughout the world. People who like to stay connected to their roots and values are more likely to get this tattoo.
Angry Flintstone Tattoo Design on Leg
You can customize this tattoo by adding colors or other elements. The angry face of Fred is highlighted which, suggests the nature of the wearer who might be aggressive, and impatient, destructive, and it seems that this character of Fred could relate to the wearer.
Fred Flintstone with Skateboard Tattoo Design on Ankle
In this tattoo, Fred is seen with a skateboard that looks interesting. This tattoo describes the nature of the wearer who might be naughty, playful, entertaining, lively, cool, and sporty. Such types of tattoos are mostly inked by males as it enhances their personality more and makes them look super cool.
Smoking Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Leg
The tattoo highlights Fred who is smoking. It also describes the nature of the wearer who might be cool, chilled, funny, enthusiastic, and lives his/her life to the fullest.
Lovely Fred Flintstone Tattoo Design on Leg
The tattoo looks simple and classy does not need any embellishment and can be placed anywhere on the body.
Fred Flintstone with Best Barney Tattoo Design on Thigh
In this tattoo, Fred is seen with his best friend Barney who looks amazing. This tattoo represents a bond, true friendship, soulmate, trust, unity, loyalty, attachment, love, care, togetherness, respect, and support. It also describes the interest of the wearer who might be fond of their friendship or might share a true friendship bond, just like them.
Fred Flintstone with Daughter Tattoo Design on Thigh
In this tattoo, Fred’s daughter ‘Pebbles’ is highlighted which is a toddler. It describes the emotions of the wearer who might love his/her daughter unconditionally. It also represents the bond of father and daughter and for every girl, her father is her king and protector. It also represents love, bond, care, protection, attachments, and fatherhood. The words mentioned above ‘DADDY’S LITTLE GIRL’ depict the everlasting love of father and daughter.