Millie Bobby Brown, a young actress from Britain, gained fame for her role as Eleven in the popular Netflix series, Stranger Things. Alongside her acting skills, Millie is also recognized for her distinctive style, which frequently incorporates striking and intricate tattoos. Despite her youth, Millie has already amassed an impressive array of tattoos, each carrying its own significant meaning. This article delves into Millie Bobby Brown’s tattoos, exploring their meanings and the stories behind them. From delicate floral designs to powerful symbols of empowerment, Millie’s tattoos provide insight into her personal journey and the values that hold significance to her. Whether you admire Millie’s acting or have an interest in the art of tattooing, this article is guaranteed to be an enlightening and engaging read.
List of Millie Bobby Brown’s Tattoos
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Tattoo for her Grandmother on her Ribs
During the premiere of “Enola Holmes 2” in October 2022, the young star made an appearance with a new tattoo on her ribcage. Wearing a stunning pink gown by Louis Vuitton, Millie showcased the name “Ruth” written along her right ribcage. According to Glamour, the tattoo is believed to be a tribute to her late grandmother, Ruth, who lost her life to Alzheimer’s disease in 2020. In a post on her Instagram, Millie expressed her sorrow over the disease, saying, “Alzheimer’s is evil. It’s cruel. Taking away someone’s ability to remember memories and then how to function like a human being. It’s so hard to sit there and watch.”
Stranger Things Tattoo on Her Wrist
Millie gained popularity for her portrayal of the protagonist, Eleven, on the hit show “Stranger Things.” She recognized the significance of the role for her Hollywood career and chose to commemorate it with a tattoo. Like her character, who was branded by a secret government network, the young star had “011” inked on her wrist.
Heart Outline on her Collar Bone
Millie has a minimalistic heart outline tattoo on her collarbone done by Sketch Reppin Ink.
Rose Tattoo on Shoulder Blades
Millie Bobby Brown has a beautiful and intricate rose tattoo done with black ink under her shoulder blade.
Butterfly Tattoo on Upper Right Arm
Millie has a slightly tribal butterfly tattoo made on the upper part of her arm.