145 Amazing Tree Tattoo Ideas with Meanings

It is generally assumed that trees have long-term durability and resilience. The fact that they endure long periods of time (50 to 5000 years), weathering storms and other elements, makes them a sign of strength and adaptability to many cultural and societal settings. These trees provide shade to creatures that nestle in their branches, rest in their shade, and even shelter to anyone who builds their home with their lumber. Various cultures use trees for their medicinal properties, as they offer apples, pears, and other stone fruits. A variety of layers of significance and meaning have come to adorn these nutritious and medicinal trees.

Trees are often used to symbolize life stages and seasons; for example, a tree with buds might symbolize youth, a tree with flowers might symbolize adolescence, a tree with fruit might symbolize mature maturity, and a tree with bare branches might symbolize old age.

In this article, we would learn all that there is to the tree designs. We have collected a list of amazing tress tattoos which will represent various kinds of tress and of course, their meanings would be given along with them. Thus here is all that you need to know about this kind of design with 145 amazing ideas.

Meaning Of Tree Tattoo Designs

Despite the various symbolisms attached to the different types of trees, the tree in general symbolizes regeneration, strength, and life. According to the life cycle of trees, this meaning has been derived. Come spring, the tree grows leaves and flowers, during the summer, the tree is in full bloom, in the fall, the leaves change color before falling to the ground, and come winter, the leaves are gone, and the tree is naked. The cycle begins all over again once spring arrives. In other words, it represents the “circle of life”.

Circle of Life

Among all the tattoo meanings, the circle of life tree tattoo is the most common. It symbolizes the fact that there is always something new right around the corner for someone who uses this meaning. They can look at their tree tattoo and know that they will have better times in the future no matter what their day has brought. In the majority of cases, it is a very motivating tattoo design, something that the owner can look at to improve their mood.

Social Rank

It was once customary to display one’s social status with a tree tattoo in ancient cultures. In older times, the tree was regarded as a symbol of nobility and high social standing. Some people still choose to get their tree tattoo to show their pride in the standing of their family in the world, even though this isn’t one of the most popular tree tattoo meanings these days.

Symbol of Connection to family and ancestors

In addition to being a symbol of your connection to your ancestors, trees are also associated with your family. Several generations of your family can be represented by a tree tattoo. The tree starts as a seed and grows into a larger tree just like our ancestors. Smaller branches follow every branch as they represent offshoots of the family. Fruits from the branch represent a new generation of trees that will blossom from its roots as it grows.


In the same way, the tree of life also represents family through the continuity and connection between all generations displayed in its growth and branches. All of us are interconnected through the system of branches that is constantly growing. There is a big branch that represents grandparents and their grandparents before them, from which each branch has descended.

Growth of Human Spirit

Symbolizing the development of the human spirit and body from youth to a unique and beautiful person, trees also symbolize growth. Most trees look the same as saplings when they are just beginning. A tree’s appearance changes based on the storms that it lives through while growing old, similar to a person’s. It is remarkably similar to the process of human growth, in which they have experiences that subsequently influence their personalities. In the event of a storm, the roots become stronger.


A tree represents strength, so this leads to the tree being a representation of strength. The roots of a young tree cannot withstand strong weather forces and are easily pulled out by strong winds. As roots grow deeper and longer, they become stronger and more complex. Growing up, the trunk becomes thicker and the branches become tall and strong. Our strength is reflected in this symbol. Just like trees, people also become stronger over time through experience and knowledge.

Sacred Symbolism

As well, tree tattoos were also regarded as sacred by ancient cultures and only permitted to be worn by those who were of noble birth. In the olden days, people who didn’t come from a noble background and had tree tattoos were punished, sometimes to death. It’s only natural that some people will choose to get a tree tattoo as a way to demonstrate that they do not play by the rules.

The tattoos of trees come in a range of styles. It is common for artists to portray just the bark, while others will only include the top branches. In addition, some plants differ in terms of the number of leaves and branches on them, as well as their presence of roots or lack thereof. Tree tattoos are characterized by many distinctive features, which can sometimes change their meanings dramatically. It depends on the type of tree you choose on the majority of its characteristics. Many trees can represent very different things in a tattoo, so thought must be taken into choosing which tree you will use.

Ideas for Tree Tattoo Designs

There are different interpretations of the meaning of this tree in different societies, but the general idea is simple. Symbolizing knowledge, strength, abundance, forgiveness, and salvation, this tree has become an important part of human culture. Often, it can be pictured by intertwining its roots and branches into a circle. In addition to choosing one of these meanings or choosing which one most means to them, a person can also choose the meaning that is most meaningful to them at this time.

Apple trees

Throughout history, apples have been considered a symbol of enlightenment or forbidden fruit in many religions. Apples are dual-natured: Apple shapes represent both evil and temptation, symbolizing Adam and Eve as they were tempted by the apple tree in the Garden of Eden, but they also symbolize knowledge and learning.

Ash trees 

A mature ash tree can reach a height of over 200 feet and can have huge diameters. To maintain such growth, it is necessary to have a very deep root system. Ash has a hefty appearance, a large root system, and a deep and complicated root system that can be interpreted as metaphors for growth or expansion. Ash trees are also often associated with spiritual significance because they are used as offerings to the god(s) or as symbols of spiritual insight.

Aspen trees

The quivering of aspen leaves is often remembered in literature, lore, and legend. Those familiar with this tree may have witnessed its dance in the wind. Aspen groves were sacred places for druids, who watched nature dance and consulted them for guidance. When aspens are situated together, they represent a momentous ending (conquering doubt or fear, overcoming hardship), but they can also represent mourning or lamentation. It has long been a symbol of mystery in antiquity, and aspen trees have been heavily represented in ancient literature. It’s amazing to see how this plant moves in the wind and it almost seems mesmerizing. There are even some who describe it as dancing. This tree is often depicted on tattoos as symbolizing protection and self-confidence. It is an appealing design due to its powerful symbolism for someone who has experienced hardship but is stronger for it.

Bay trees

Bay Laurel has long been believed to aid in communication with spirits of imagination and poetry. Apollo’s temple was surrounded by bay trees whose leaves were used to cleanse souls as they entered. It is believed that bay helps people find past lives and buried memories, as well as stimulate psychic ability. There is something very positive about this tree, it represents honor, glory, and rewards.

Beech trees

Its grey bark, short trunk, wide branches, and smooth trunk make it a strong and impressive tree. Historically, the beech is associated with lost wisdom, knowledge, and teachings from ancestors or the same time period. Symbolic of patience, prosperity, and knowledge, the beech can represent any of these traits.

Cedar trees

Traditionally, the cedar tree, a revered tree for thousands of years, has been used for sacred purposes, including making doors, as well burning in purification rituals. Traditionally, humans believed the tree to be a sacred space where gods lived and a conduit to other realms. You should think about your cedar closet-these trees are excellent for protection and incorruptibility.

Cypress trees

The Egyptians used cypress to protect mummies, and the Greeks and Romans used it to construct coffins and urns for burying the dead. The Greeks and Romans also buried branches of cypress with their dead. Among both Muslims and Christians, the cypress is a sacred tree planted in cemeteries to shield them from evil spirits. Protection is a positive aspect of cypress, but death, sorrow, and mourning are also associated with the tree.

Dogwood trees

Dogwoods are highly regarded for their delicate flowers and scents and are also acknowledged for their hardwood. These characteristics can make it an interesting tattoo candidate because the dogwood is believed to symbolize indifference and apathy.

Elm trees

A commitment to dignity and commitment is clearly demonstrated by these trees.

Fig tree

Figleaves are often used to convey that one is covering up something embarrassing or distasteful, which stems from the Bible story in which Adam and Eve used leaves to hide their nudity after their uncleanliness was revealed whenever they ate from the tree of knowledge. The genitals of many portraits and statues sometimes have their genitalia covered with fig leaves. The fig tree, which is known for its longevity and abundance, may symbolize fecundity or a desire of hiding it, but it may also represent exaggerated self-confidence.

Hawthorn trees

A positive symbol of a tree hope, these are symbols of contentment, happiness, and a sense of hope for the future.

Hazel trees

These flowers can symbolize wisdom, eloquence, and concealment, and are considered feminine and natural.

Holly trees

These symbols are used because of their religious overtones to symbolize integrity, protection, and spirituality.

Joshua trees

This tree displays praise, worship, and strong will as it is rooted in the Bible and is associated with Biblical themes.

Laurel trees

Although it’s usually seen as a positive symbol that represents tenacity, victory, and heroism, it can also represent deceit.

Linden trees

This tree is closely associated with marriage and symbolizes monogamy as well as love.

Poplar trees

In addition to being considered a negative tree, it is often associated with death, burial, and mourning.

Walnut trees

The walnut tree is considered a symbol of clarity and focus by Native Americans.

White pine trees

The Native Americans revere these trees as representatives of serenity.

Willow trees

There has been a loss of freedom, healing, and love. In addition to this, they often take on mystical meanings and can be seen as symbols of magic, dreams, and visions.

Yew trees

Some believe they are positive since they depict rebirth and resurrection, but others believe they have a negative aspect of piety and sadness.

Birch Tree Tattoo

Symbolizing rebirth and renewal, these tattoos can be considered rebirth tattoos. The beauty of birch trees is best expressed when they are seen in groupings, so a birch tree tattoo often has a larger tattoo to emphasize those features. Getting this tree is one of the best things you can do if you’ve overcome extremely difficult times in your life.

Bonsai Tree Tattoo

Symbolizing harmony, peace, and mediation, this tree symbolizes these things. A tree tattoo like this one would be most appropriate for someone with a very positive attitude towards life. Many people like Bonsai trees for their distinctive and beautiful features, so they get them for these reasons alone and add other meanings later.

Palm Tree Tattoo

In addition to their connection to bending but not breaking, palm trees also symbolize peace. People who have persevered even while facing very tough times in their lives will probably find a palm tree tattoo to be an ideal tattoo for them.

Cherry Tree Tattoo

Rebirth and awakening are the symbols represented by the cherry tree tattoo. Cherry blossoms symbolize new romance, affection, and love, just as their beautiful flowers symbolize new love and romance. Moreover, it represents luck and good fortune. If you choose the cherry tree tattoo, you may choose to attract more luck in your life.

Hazel Tree Tattoo

A symbol of wisdom and divination in ancient folklore, the hazel tree is also called Witch Hazel. Furthermore, there is a belief that wearing the hazel tree symbol represents having a power of cleansing and healing. This is one of the characteristics that the hazel tree tattoo is also said to hold.

Juniper Tree Tattoo

Symbolically, the juniper tree tattoo represents embarking on a great journey while staying true to yourself on the road. Being able to stay true to yourself during challenging times without compromising your integrity is something I cherish highly. Tattooed juniper trees are often worn by those who have made the difficult journey and come out unscathed and have kept their unique identities.

Oak Tree Tattoo

The oak tree tattoo is a symbol of strength and courage, representing a tree that grew from a single strand of oak branches. A tattoo that depicts the oak tree could not go wrong if you want your tattoo to outline your power and character. The oak tree is said to be one of the strongest trees, so you can’t go wrong with such a design.

Olive Tree Tattoo

It’s common knowledge that an olive branch is an expression that we all know well. Peace offerings are often made as a sign of good faith. In many ways, the olive tree tattoo symbolizes the same thing. There is also the belief that the olive tree represents purification, strength, fruitfulness, rewards, and victories.

Redwood Tree Tattoo

Symbolizing wisdom and foresight, redwood trees symbolize everlasting life. Known as some of the oldest and most experienced trees in the world, redwoods are renowned for their profound experience. The whispers of the redwood might be able to help you with the wisdom you may be seeking if you sit enough time under a redwood tree.

Willow Tree Tattoo

As a tattoo, the willow tree represents inner vision, dreams, and lessons learned from the past. To put it another way, it is a metaphor that causes us to reflect on past experiences and learn from them. It’s very common for us to miss signs that have been set up to aid us in learning. By getting a willow tree tattoo, we might be able to discern more of those signs.

 Evergreen Tree Tattoo

Unlike most trees that change appearance with the seasons, evergreen trees stay green all year round. Plants of this kind are unique because they retain their leaves and color all year long. When this is considered, it is easy to understand why it has become a symbol of eternal life and longevity. To understand the full meaning, these tattoos need to be in full color; however, you can get creative about where you put them.

Tree Branch Tattoo

As tattoos are meant to be permanent, you will want to give a lot of thought to the design. Having a strong personal connection is a good way to avoid regretting your choice. A tree must have branches since they represent growth. It can also stand for a lasting relationship or act as the embodiment of a special bond between two people. Alternatively, a broken branch can represent the end of a relationship or the death of someone you are close to.

Tree Silhouette Tattoo

There may be people who prefer elaborate, detailed tree tattoos, but they’re not for everyone. The silhouette style will appeal to individuals who are reserved, and individuals who prefer a more casual look. In general, you will find that the type of tree you choose to get will create an image that resembles a forest, no matter what type of tree you choose. Depending on your tattoo, nature or serenity may be portrayed. This is a great choice for someone who prefers simple designs and black ink.

Dead Tree Tattoo

Dead trees have a more somber significance than live trees because they symbolize life and eternity. It is difficult to look at this image without feeling sad. The bareness and loss it represents are embodied in its motif. The symbolism of ink will be meaningful to a man who has experienced personal turmoil or lost a close friend. To create a unique design, additional elements, such as ravens, are frequently added to the picture.

Simple Tree Tattoo

It’s common for tree designs to be quite detailed, but that’s not a requirement. The man who prefers minimalism would benefit from simple tattoos. For a piece to have meaning, it doesn’t have to be too complicated; trees, in general, are symbols of endurance, longevity, and life. A characteristic quality of these inklings is that they focus on the design’s basic shape without shading or colored ink.

Small Tree Tattoo

Tattoos of small sizes are becoming increasingly popular, and there is no mystery as to why. They look awesome as well, and they can be worn on your finger or wrist – a great way to achieve multiple placement options. The type of tattoo you choose may be more subtle and will provide an excellent option for someone who is trying to conceal his tattoo in more formal environments. Small tattoo pieces also require shorter tattoo sessions to complete, are often cheaper, and aren’t as painful as large tattoo pieces.

Where Should You Get Tree Tattoo Design?

For Women

  • Ankle
  • Wrist
  • Finger spaces
  • Hands
  • Shoulder blade
  • Behind the ear

For Men

  • Chest
  • Biceps
  • Legs
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Forearms

Tree Forearm Tattoo

How about getting inked on your arm? An arm tattoo would be a great place to see your artwork every day. There may be some discomfort involved with tattooing this area, however, it is generally considered to be one of the least painful placement options. If that’s still not enough to sway you, you’ll be glad to know that this spot works particularly well with a three-piece because long, narrow ink pieces work wonderfully with it.

Tree Sleeve Tattoo

In most cases, a sleeve tattoo involves a design covering the arm as a whole, just as long sleeves would cover the body. Many creative options have gone into combining different elements to make these pieces one of the most popular all over the world. You may wish to incorporate a single theme, such as nature, or you may desire to get creative and add patterns and symbols. This piece will surely capture attention, and you will probably never are interested in wearing shirts again!

 Tree Arm Tattoo

In addition to the placement, the design is equally important when it comes to getting a tattoo. The arm tattoo is popular due to the visibility factor but is also said to be among the least painful places on the body. Trees tend to have long and slender designs, and this area of skin is, therefore, an ideal place to grab one. The aesthetic appeal will be fantastic, and you’ll enjoy seeing your selection every day!

Tree Back Tattoo

If a man is looking for a large, elaborate tattoo, his back is a good place for it, and a detailed tree design will look fantastic there. Getting a tattoo on your back might cause some discomfort, but the results will be worth the pain. While the tat will undoubtedly be a fashion statement, it can also be an intimate and personal choice. It does not matter what everyone sees about your body art for it to be unique to you.

Wrist Tree Tattoo

Since people can see the tattoos on their wrists, tattoo placement on the wrist is popular. The right location enables you to look at your chosen design every day, and this is especially true if it’s a multi-layered, symbol-laden piece of art. The importance of a given tree of course draws you to it if you’re going to get inked. It may have a slight drawback, though, due to the pain factor. The skin is thin and the lack of muscle makes this area extremely sensitive.

List of Tree Designs

  • Awesome Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

This is a beautiful tree tattoo design that has been made on the nack of the wearer. It looks pretty awesome and is added with some symbols that might be personal to the wearer.

  • Marvelous Tree Tattoo Design On Chest

tree tattoo

I really like the placement idea of the wearer who has chosen the chest to make a beautiful chestnut deisgn. The black and white color looks pretty nice.

  • Wonderful Tree Tattoo Design On-body

tree tattoo

I really like this really beautiful tree tattoo design which has been made with black and grey ink.

  • Marvelous Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this small deisgn on the arm of the wearer which is done with black ink. It looks really pretty.

  • Nice Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

This is a pretty awesome deisgn which has been made on the back of the wearer. It is made in a super innovative way too.

  • Modest Tree Tattoo Design On Foot

tree tattoo

The ring of the trees has been made on the feet of the wearer which looks super distinctive!

  • Spectacular Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This beautiful tree tattoo design has a lot in it. It is added with different kinds of colors which show various seasons.

  • Superb Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really liked this Halloween-inspired tree tattoo design which has been made on the upper arm of the wearer.

  • Fantastic Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is an amazing armband tattoo with trees that look pretty amazing. It is a great deisgn that has been made on the arm.

  • Lovely Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

It is quite a simplistic deisgn which has been made on the arm of the wearer. It is also added with a dot work pattern right below that looks pretty nice.

  • Attractive Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

I really like this beautiful tree tattoo design on the leg which is added with various colors.

  • Admirable Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This amazing ring pattern is made on the thigh which looks pretty great.

  • Astonishing Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This linework looks pretty cool on the arm. It is also added with a cute little sun.

  • Family Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

A family tree is something we all know of and this tree tattoo design looks very small to that.

  •  Remarkable Tree Tattoo Design On Shoulder

tree tattoo

I really like this beautiful tree tattoo design which has been made on the upper part of the chest. It is a great one that you can make with black and grey patterns.

  • Pleasant Tree Tattoo Design On Ankle

tree tattoo

I really like this amazing tree tattoo design which has been made on the leg of the wearer.

  • Miraculous Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This DNA tree tattoo design is very popular and it looks perfectly made on the leg. You can also make it on the arm!

  • Colorful Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this beautiful and colorful abstract ink that has been made on the upper part of the arm.

  • Vivid Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

I really like this watercolor effect which has been made here and which looks very amazing.

  • Freakish TreeTattoo Design On Thigh

tree tattoo

This is a beautiful tree tattoo design that has been made on the upper part of the thigh.

  • Unique Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this awesome tree tattoo design which has been made on the arm of the wearer. This tree tattoo design looks really nice with the sunset image.

  • Splendid Tree Tattoo Design On Shoulder

tree tattoo

I really like this tree tattoo which has been made on the upper part of the back. It looks really nice.

  • Graphical Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This is a pretty nice geometrical design that has been made with amazing dot work patterns.

  • Pretty Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This beautiful and simplistic tree tattoo design is added with some initials that look great.

  • Unusual Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

I really like the simple tree tattoo on the upper part of the back which looks pretty awesome.

  • Harmonious Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

I really like this great tree tattoo design which has been made to cover the back of the wearer. It is filled with loads of beautiful colors that look nice.

  • Imaginary Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is an amazing deisgn which describes ahead of a man along with the tree that grows on top of his head. The whole deisgn is done with black ink.

  • Excellent Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design along with scenery is made in the shape of a feather. I think it is quite a nice deisgn that has been made.

  • Creative Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This is quite a simplistic tree tattoo design with flowers growing on top.

  • Artistic Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really like the geometric patterns which have been made on the upper part of the arm.

  • Formative Tree Tattoo Design On Wrist 

tree tattoo

The roots of the tree go until the palm of the wearer and this is a very distinctive feature of this design.

  • Graphical Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

I really like this amazing tree tattoo design which has been made on the upper part of the back. The geometric deisgn looks quite interesting which is encapsulated inside a hexagon.

  • Crafty Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This is a great tree tattoo design that is added with amazing blue watercolor effects.

  • Symbolic Tree Tattoo Design On Upper back

tree tattoo

The tree tattoo design here is added with a super nice initiative. It is a beautiful one that can be made to dedicate to someone.

  • Adorable Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

I am guessing the upper part of the back is one of the most common areas to get the deisgn.

  • Attractive Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

I really like how smaller trees are made inside another tree which is the biggest one. It is also added with beautiful scenery.

  • Ultimate Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

The wearer here has made a beautiful palm tree that looks pretty nice. This tree tattoo design is made with amazing black ink.

  • Productive Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this unique tree tattoo design which is made in the shape of the tree but encapsulates the world map.

  • Rising Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This beautiful tree tattoo design is made with black ink and the shading effects done in the cloud area look pretty charming.

  • Growing Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

The leg is one of the best placement ideas to make such an elongated design.

  • Unique Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

The dot work in this deisgn looks pretty awesome. It is made on the arm.

  • Amazing Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

I really like this deisgn which has been made on the back. It looks pretty amazing.

  • Aesthetic Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is a beautiful deisgn which is super lovely. It represents the love tree of two people whose initials have been written below.

  • Indicative Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

It is a great and symbolic deisgn done with black ink. The crows flying above look like they are preying on the dead. The trees too are without leaves and look quite good.

  • Dancing Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

It is a beautiful tree tattoo design that has been made on the upper arm. It is made in pair with someone and you can try to pull your friend or your family member for the same.

  • Soaring Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

It looks like a beautiful scenery deisgn that look super pretty.

  • Soothing Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is a great deisgn with a  tree and a moon that is made in a black ink outline.

  • Phenomenal Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

I really like this cool tree tattoo design that has been made on the back. The texture has looked pretty awesome.

  • Imaginative Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this beautiful tree tattoo design which has been made on the backside of the wearer. It is done with a creative approach.

  • Dramatic Tree Tattoo Design On Ribcage

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design is also added with some texts that look very nice.

  • Curved TreeTattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This beautiful tree tattoo design is made using two kinds of colors, black and pink which look pretty nice.

  • Calm Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

If you love beaches and palm trees, then this deisgn is quite befitting.

  • Adorable Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this pretty tree tattoo design which would suit more girls.

  • Braver, Stronger, Smarter Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design has a lot of texts which say “braver, stronger, smarter”. It looks pretty nice.

  • Captivating Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this amazing tree tattoo design which has been made on the upper part of the arm of the wearer. It is a great one with awesome shading effects.

  • Picturesque Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design looks quite psychedelic with amazing colors that have been used in this deisgn.

  • Wild Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this tree tattoo design which has been made with such a realistic effect.

  • Spirited Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design looks inspired by the Halloween season.

  • Virgin Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design definitely has some underlying meaning behind it which looks absolutely great.

  • Noble Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really like the black shaded effect which has been given to this deisgn.

  • Cute Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Chest

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design is added with a little star. It looks like a Christmas tree, so it might have some personal significance for the wearer.

  • Slender Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this small and amazing tree tattoo design which has been made on the arm of the wearer.

  • Exquisite Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is a beautiful tree tattoo design that has been made on the arm. It covers half the arm of the person.

  • Exceptional Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is a beautiful shaded tree tattoo design that has been made on the arm of the wearer. It looks super nice.

  • Awesome Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

This beautiful tree is added with some text which is written in Urdu. You can simply add some of your own texts which you deem fine.

  • Incredible Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

This outline tattoo of the tree looks quite creative!

  • Comparable Tree Tattoo Design On Ankle

tree tattoo

You can make a minimalistic design of your tree tattoo design in this way. This kind of design could suit the ankle or in the nape of the neck.

  • Rhombus shaped Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really liked these designs which are made on the arm of the wearer. It is added with beautiful scenery.

  • Cool Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

It is a pretty nice tree tattoo design that has been made to cover half the arm of the wearer.

  • Modern Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

There are many options for the tree tattoo design that you can choose from and which will look pretty awesome on yrou arm.

  • Magnanimous Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design is quite nice as it uses the negative space feature to be made. It is a beautiful deisgn with loads of symbols.

  • Covered Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is a great tree tattoo design that has covered the whole arm of the wearer. It looks super realistic too and makes the arms look as if it is a forest in itself.

  • Circular Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this amazing tree tattoo design which has been made on the arm. It looks like a complete circle.

  • Tree Tattoo For Parents Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

This tattoo is beautiful with the words “mom” and “dad” written on it.

  • Attached is Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

Tsi tree tattoo design has been given more depth to it by adding some symbols. You can choose to add some personal symbols to it to make it look more amazing.

  • Amazing Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Chest

tree tattoo

The chest is the best place to make a tattoo which shows that you care about something a lot. This tree tattoo design is perfectly placed.

  • Conical Tree Tattoo Design On Thigh

tree tattoo

This amazing tree tattoo design is made on the thigh of the wearer with a beautiful dot work pattern that looks quite nice.

  • Winging Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this nice deisgn which has been made on the arm of the wearer. it is made with beautiful black ink that looks awesome.

  • Small Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

The upper part of the back is added with a beautiful black image that is perfect if you are looking for something minimalistic.

  • Amazing Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

I really like the beautiful autumn colors which have been given to the tree. It is a superb deisgn.

  • Legendary Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design represents a very beautiful cherry blossom tree which is inspired by the Japanese way o making the tattoo deisgn. It also has other Japanese components which make the deisgn super cultural!

  • Vigorous TreeTattoo Design On Shoulder

tree tattoo

I really like this tree tattoo design which is added with a beautiful bird.

  • Sweet Tree Tattoo Design On Wrist

tree tattoo

This is quite a simplistic and minimalistic tree tattoo design which you can dd to show the significance of the tree.

  • Lengthy Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This wearer has converted the legs into a piece of art in itself. It is added with amazing tree deisgn which looks super amazing.

  • Charming Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

The back of the was looks like a work of art and the tattoo deisgn is filled with leaves that look pretty amazing.

  • Little Tree Tattoo Design On Wrist

tree tattoo

I really liked this design which is made on the arm. It is a beautiful deisgn with black ink that looks pretty simple.

  • Perfect Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design is competitive in itself. It has a lot of fo patterns done with black and grey shading effect while the red sun looks pretty awesome behind.

  • Ultimate Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is the central figure in the cosmology of the nine worlds. In many myths and stories, Yggdrasil is a gigantic tree with roots buried deep within divine realms. In the worlds attached to Yggdrasil, gods rule over all aspects of existence. There is a point in Norse mythology where the divine Fraxinus comes to be regarded as almost as important as time.

  • Swirling Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

In addition to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Kabbalah, an esoteric discipline believed to have originated from Judaism, adopts the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. In Hebrew, the Tree of Life (Etz Chayim) represents the methodology and philosophy of God’s creation from nothing and all other forms of existence. A phoenix tree is often used to illustrate the concept of the Tree of Life, which has become a totem in many artworks such as the movie “The Tree of Life”.

  • Climbed The Tree To See The World Tree Tattoo Design On Wrist

tree tattoo

Many religious systems use trees as images, including Hinduism and ancient Egyptian cultures. In mythology, trees are usually viewed as symbols of control and have power over life because of their high status. 

  • Unusual Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

Ancient Chinese literature and poetry frequently contain references to trees. A Chinese academic noted that the word willow was the most often used in Tang and Yuan poems, and also tops the list in Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming verses. A wave of willow twigs is used by poets as a symbol of saying farewell to their friends since willow is the Chinese word for “stay”.

  • Graceful Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

Some trees symbolize the relationships you have with men in your life, did you know? A Chinese father is pictured by the Toon, or Chun, in “Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease.” his spring lasted for 8,000 years, and his autumn was also the same as the spring. Western culture has a tree symbolizing fatherhood known as an oak tree, which also represents integrity, honesty, and unflinching beliefs. In many works of literature, Chinese Redbuds are depicted as representing brotherhood. 

  • Pleasant Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

A tree image in literature is not always a positive one. As a symbol for sadness and death, pine and cypress trees often appear in old Chinese poetry. In Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince” there is a Baobab tree. Does that inspire you? This ominous image, depicting the evil Baobab trees as symbols of Nazism, suggests that they symbolize the evil threat the rose represents.

  • Annular  Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

So let’s get back to where we started. Harry Potter used a holly wand to defeat Voldemort, which symbolizes overcoming anger, protection, the winter solstice, and the celebration of the Christmas holidays. Yews, however, represent enormous lifespans that are associated with immortality.

  • Original Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

It is still very difficult for us to learn everything there is about trees, their habitats, and the best places for them. The more you understand their personalities, the more fascinating it is. Throughout human history, civilization has been given more meaning, giving more meaning to this beautiful, strong being.

  • Ultimate Tree Tattoo Design On Body

tree tattoo

There are many ways to represent the interconnectedness of everything in the universe, including the Tree of Life. By symbolizing togetherness and serving as a reminder that we are never alone, but rather connected to the world, the owl symbolizes togetherness. The Tree of Life has roots that reach deep into the earth, so it receives nourishment from Mother Earth, while its branches reach upwards, gaining energy from the sun and moon.  

  • Miniature Tree Tattoo Design On Ribcage

tree tattoo

In addition, the Tree of Life symbolizes one’s connection with their family and ancestors. In fact, it represents how a family grows, spreads, and expands throughout many generations, forming a complex network of branches. In addition, it is also a symbol of fertility since it always finds a way to keep evolving, either through seeds or new saplings, and is lush and green, which indicates its vigor. 

  • Designer Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

There is nothing more universal than the sight of a tree as it stands tall and strong all over the globe. To ground themselves and stabilize themselves, they spread their roots deep into the soil. The strength of trees can withstand even the strongest storm, which is why they are such a widely recognized symbol of strength. It represents growth in the way that a tree begins as a small sapling and eventually grows into a giant, strong tree. Growing up the tree symbolizes how a person becomes stronger and more knowledgeable as they gain experience and knowledge throughout their lives.

  • Outstanding Tree Tattoo Design On Palm

tree tattoo

One’s individuality is symbolized by the Tree of Life because trees all have their own unique branches sprouting at various points and in different directions. In other words, it symbolizes how a person develops into a unique human being as different experiences form them into who they are. As branches break off the tree, new ones grow, and the weather takes its toll, trees gain more unique characteristics over time. Throughout this time, the tree remains strong and sturdy. The following metaphor describes how we are molded and shaped by our unique experiences as we grow and change over our lifetime. 

  • Cute Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

As trees lose their leaves and seem dead during winter, the Tree of Life symbolizes rebirth as they turn green once again in the spring and sprout new leaves. Upon completing this form, you are launching into a new life. Besides representing immortality, the Tree of Life also represents the continuation of an individual through its seeds, as each new sapling carries its essence.

  • Melodious Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

The Tree of Life is also associated with peacefulness and relaxation because trees have always been symbols of calm and peace. Standing tall, still, and with leaves that flutter in the wind, trees offer a soothing presence to mankind. One of the reasons for the Tree of Life’s uniqueness is that it serves as a reminder of the calming feeling that trees provide.

  • Bright Tree Tattoo Design On Body

tree tattoo

Symbolically, the Tree of Life has been around since ancient times. In Turkey, the earliest example dates back to about 7000 BC and has been found in the Domuztepe excavations. According to historians, the symbol spread throughout the world.  

  • Immaculate Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

Ancient Celts believed that the Tree of Life symbolized a rebirth into life in addition to its significance. It represents balance and harmony and was a significant symbol in Celtic culture. In their belief, the tree had magical powers, so when they cleared their land, they left just one tree standing in the middle. Their important gatherings were held under this tree, and its cutting was considered a very serious crime.  

  • Wondrous Tree Tattoo Design On Ribcage

tree tattoo

There are many mythologies associated with the Tree of Life in different cultures. There is evidence that the symbol was used in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Iran, Ancient Mesopotamia, and Urartu, among many other places. Symbols such as this were widely recognized and used in ancient cultures, which made it difficult for researchers to pinpoint their exact origins and how they spread to other nations. 

  • Prospective Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

 There is a mention of the Tree of Life in the Book of Genesis of the Bible. A tree that grows within Eden provides eternal life and is the source of all life. In Christianity, there are several meanings behind the Tree of Life symbol. Those who believe it represents love and freedom from corruption and sin consider it the symbol of humanity free of sin or corruption. According to legend, the fruit of this tree grants immortality and healing properties.  

  • Unique Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

The Tree of Life is known as Bhodi-tree in Buddhism and is considered the Tree of Enlightenment. This tree is regarded as a much-sacred symbol because it was under it that Buddha attained enlightenment.  

  • Tiny Tree Tattoo Design On Neck

tree tattoo

In Celtic belief, the Tree of Life still occupies an important place and is represented in several ways. Roots are believed to represent the ‘other world’, trunk to represent the mortal world and branches to represent the heavens, and trunk to represent the mortal world. 

  • Conical Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

 In the Quran, the Tree of Life is referred to as the Tree of Immortality. Like a tree in Eden, it was a tree that Adam and Eve ate from after Allah had forbidden that they do so. 

  • Diamond-shaped Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

In many mythologies across the globe, trees have a special significance that has been entrusted to them over the ages. In ancient times, when observing trees’ growth and decline, and their annual dying and reviving of their foliage, human beings viewed them as powerful symbols of growth, death, and rebirth. A tree with an evergreen canopy stays green throughout these cycles and is sometimes considered a symbol of eternal, immortality, and fertility. There are many mythologies associated with the Tree of Life or World Tree

  • Sleek Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

It has been observed that many cultures around the world hang objects from trees to establish a relationship between the person and the tree. It is common practice in Europe to visit trees for pilgrimages, ritual ambulation, and to pray (Christianly) as they are sites of pilgrimage and prayer. The goal of hanging wreaths, ribbons, or rags above livestock and humans is luck, whether they are sick or not. There is a general belief that the sites are associated with healing, bewitching, or simply wishing

  • Gentle Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

Throughout the world, many popular stories are based on the belief that humans are intimately connected to trees, plants, and flowers. Man’s existence can depend upon trees and suffer when they wither or are injured, and we come across the concept of the external soul, which we already see in the Ancient Egyptian Tale of Two Brothers, almost 3000 years ago. In this scene, one of the brothers leaves his heart at the top of a flower of the acacia and dies when it is cut down. However, sometimes the tree serves as a mysterious symbol showing its sympathy for the absent hero by weakened or dying as the hero becomes ill or dies. Both of these characteristics come together very easily, and they represent a seemingly uncanny sympathy between trees and humans.

  • Friendly Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

Newborns have often been associated with newly planted trees with which their lives are bound; or, in ceremonial occasions (betrothals, marriages, ascensions to the throne), trees are planted, upon whose fortunes the career of the individual depends. Sometimes an individual will select boughs of plants or draw omens of life and death from them. In addition to depositing items placed in close contact with them upon a tree, an individual will also connect himself with it by putting hair or clothing onto a tree.

  • Diminutive TreeTattoo Design On Wrist

tree tattoo

It is not uncommon for trees to be associated with oracles. As a priestly task of great importance, Dodona’s oak was tended by priests sleeping on the ground. Many are the examples of the tall oak trees of the old Prussians that were inhabited by Gods that answered their prayers, and the Hebrew terebinth of the teacher, as well as the terebinth of the diviners, could be fairly classified under this category. The sacred trees of Sri Lanka play a significant role in pilgrimage, with the most noteworthy being the branch of the Bo tree brought there before the Christian era began. A forest or district will be enshrouded by tree spirits, and the animals in the area are sacred and may not be harmful.

  • Aerial Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

People commonly transfer disease and illness to trees through a custom known as transmission. There have been cases in which a sickly person’s hair, nails, clothing, etc. were tied to a tree, or thrown into a hole in the trunk, or the tree was split and the patient passed through it. Trees that have been injured have often returned to health and the same is true for the patients. It is possible to find different explanations for such customs that naturally take rather different forms among different races and classes of people.

  • Slim Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

Arab folklore describes sacred trees as being haunted by jinn, and those who sleep beneath them receive prescriptions from the air in their dreams. The act of pulling a branch is frequent and dangerous here, as elsewhere as well. Fear of destroying special trees is not new: Cato instructed the woodmen to offer sacrifices to the male or female deity before thinning a grove, and in the Homeric poem to Aphrodite, the tree nymph loses her life when she is wounded.

  • Elevated Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

It was believed that trees do not have minds or feelings and could be cut lawfully; however, it recognized that certain spirits lived inside them, such as Nang Takian in Thailand. Those cutting the sacred trees make propitiation before doing so; if they are carelessly removed, they may lose their lives or property, and they may miss the rain. Some trees are so dangerous that they must meet propitiation before being cut down.

  • Climbing Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

In Burma, the Talein prays to the tree before cutting it down, and in Africa, the woodman brings a new sprig of evergreen to replace the old one. Hawaii considers a tree located in the valley or near the sea to be the gateway to the Underworld (AKA Pit of Milu) used by the soul of the deceased. Several ancient Indian tree deities, such as a god associated with the tamarind tree in Tamil, or the kadamba tree in Hindi, were seen as manifestations of a goddess who gives blessings by sharing the fruits she yields.

  • Movable Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

A tree is often mythologized as a fundamental element that gives life and existence. Trees of symbolic meaning enter human consciousness as soon as they become the first symbol. That symbol, the Tree of Knowledge, represents both wisdom and sinfully delicious temptation, the first tree of symbolic meaning in the Garden of Eden. 

  • Awesome Tree Tattoo Design On Finger

tree tattoo

If the idea of making this deisgn is to look for something minimalistic, then this tree tattoo design would look pretty awesome on your finger. It is a great deisgn that you can make with black ink.

  • Vivacious Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

I really like this amazing tree tattoo design which is made on the leg. It shows two people (or skeleton) which I am guessing is a parent and the child. Thus it can be a dedicatory post for someone.

  • Bracing Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

If you love the beaches, you will love this kind of tree tattoo design which is made on the legs.

  • Ingenious Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this amazing tree tattoo design which has been made on the arm of the wearer. It is done in a circular shape which looks quite nice.

  • Beautiful Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

This is a beautiful tree tattoo design that is done in black ink. The moon also looks quite great which is done with a shading effect.

  • Fantastic Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this amazing tree tattoo design which has been made on the arm. The tree deisgn is added with anchor designs that describe and symbolizes rootedness and stability in life.

  • Pretty Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is a pretty nice deisgn which has been made on the arm. It is added with realistic images of the tree.

  • Cutesy Tree Tattoo Design On Upper Back

tree tattoo

This is a pretty attractive tree tattoo design that has been made on the upper back of the wearer. It is added with amazing watercolors that look nice.

  • Attractive Tree Tattoo Design On Ribcage 

tree tattoo

Thsi is a beautiful image that has been made on the ribs of the wearer. It looks super cool and is quite minimalistic.

  • Unusual Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is an armband design that has been added with a beautiful tree deisgn that looks super cool.

  • Elevated Tree Tattoo Design On Body

tree tattoo

This is a simple design with a lot of depth and meaning. It looks as if this tree comes straight from the imagination and memories of the wearer that looks absolutely stunning.

  • Friendly Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this beautiful piece which has elephants too along with trees. Elephants are also symbols of wisdom and connectedness which tress too represents.

  • Shaped Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is a beautiful art piece that can be said to be quite amazing. The tree tattoo design is done with amazing black ink that looks great.

  • Orbicular Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

I really like this beautiful tree tattoo design which has been made on the arms of the wearer. It is added with darker and lighter shades to portray a beautiful image.

  • Marvelous Tree Tattoo Design On Wrist

tree tattoo

This is realistic black shading work that has been done on the arm. It suits here the best because of the location.

  • Sweet Tree Tattoo Design On Finger

tree tattoo

I really like this finger tree tattoo design which has been made with black ink. It is small and delicate and looks quite amazing.

  • attractive Tree Tattoo Design On Leg

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design is made using fine lines that are quite simple but yet so trendy. Many people go for minimalism and fine line tattoos these days.

  • Dainty Tree Tattoo Design On Neck

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design tattoo is done using the fine line technique. Even though e can add colors to this fine line deisgn but the black is the classic color that one can make.

  • Branching Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

The back of the wearer is covered with an amazing tree tattoo. The whole back is covered so it is quite extensive.

  • Slenderical Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

This is a nice tree tattoo design that has been made right in the middle of the back! It is done with beautiful black ink and amazing patterns.

  • Decorative Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design is super pretty and very girly. It looks like a cherry blossom tree which represents happiness and vibrancy in life. The beautiful colors look quite great.

  • Phenomenal Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

This is an amazing tree tattoo design that has been made on the arms of the wearer. It looks super amazing because they are pine trees and it reminds one of the beach life.

  • Feminine Tree Tattoo Design On Body

tree tattoo

This tree tattoo design is perfect to be made on the ribs. If you can notice, you can see that the bark of the tree represents a women’s body. Thus it is a very symbolic design. It can represent mother nature who is giving and nourishing. However, it may have other meanings according to o personal choice.

  • Assertive Tree Tattoo Design On Stomach

tree tattoo

This is a great tree tattoo design that has been made on the ribs of the wearer. It is a simple scene of a dense forest probably.

  • Awesome Tree Tattoo Design On Back

tree tattoo

Thsi extensive design on the back has a lot going on! It has music and nature blended which is quite significant.

  • Adorable TreeTattoo Design On Ankle 

tree tattoo

This is a minimalistic tree tattoo design that is made on the ankle of the wearer. It is a pretty nice one.

  • Accurate Tree Tattoo Design On Arm

tree tattoo

If this doesn’t remind you of the beach, I don’t know what will. I really like this tree tattoo design which has been made on the arm of the wearer using just black ink. It looks quite amazing and fits the arm perfectly.

Tree Tattoo FAQs

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