Stuart “Stu” Alexander Bennett is a professional wrestler and an English actor, and also former bare-knuckle boxer. He performed last in WWE in May 2016. He became popular under the name of Wade Barrett during his tenure with WWE. Wade has a good strength of followers who have always been interred about his body tattoos. Let us explore his inks and their meanings.
1. ‘Right Bicep Song Lyrics’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On Wade’s right bicep there are red roses inked along with a banner that wraps around the roses and contains the lyrics from a song called “Little Baby Nothing”.
Meaning: Wade in an interview, said that he has been so inspired by the song of Manic Street Preachers which is a rock Band that he decided to get its lyrics inked on his body. The tattoo contains the words as, ‘CULTURE, ALIENATION, BOREDOM, and DESPAIR’ inked vertically inside the banner. The song is based on the girl who has been mistreated and exploited by men all her life.
2. Left Bicep Tattoo
Tattoo: On his left bicep there is a tribal tattoo inked. However, Wade got it covered up with a barbed wire tattoo which covers the whole of his left bicep.
Meaning: Tribal tattoos are the symbol of reflecting one’s courage and his strong personality.