It feels like the X letter tattoo is a very simple symbol that might have some negative connotations and implications. It can be a symbol of warning or probably something dangerous or wrong. It is also associated with something that might be incorrect. However, in the tattoo community, it is much more than an implication. It is a letter that is considered bold and very provocative.
The letter in itself has a very daring and erotic suggestion. It has also been linked to a person marking his territory instead of using his name in the place. Thus, it is a representation of an entire human and their identity with just two lines.
Roman number, 10 is a letter X which can denote many things. Thus the letter X can be thought of as being both simple and complex and its multiple associations depend on the individual who has assigned this deisgn especially when it comes to body art and the way others understand it.
Therefore, the X letter can be a very personal tattoo design the value of which can only be known by the individual who gets this deisgn inked.
X Letter Tattoo Meaning
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The X letter tattoo design can mean a lot of different things for different people. And I guess that is the most important meaning, the one you have for your own self. This makes the tattoo even more fun and creative where there is some personal story to share behind it.
Not everyone will agree on the same story and we all do have different notions behind the X letter tattoo design. We can, however, explore what others think of this design and see if any elements in the X letter tattoo can be associated with our own personal meaning.
Straight Edge
The word ‘straight edge’ originates from a subculture of punk rock music. Unlike several of the ‘punk rockers’ that would misuse booze and pills, this hardcore suit of rockers was abreast of the use of any medications. Hardcore straight edgers had a genuine battle against those who would use pills, stretching as far as inciting riots and growing powerful with liquor, tobacco, or medication users.
Those who were part of this knowledge would oftentimes be vegan or vegetarians, implying they would not eat meat. Some of the hardcore straight-edge vegans would not use any commodities that were experimented on animals, or any goods that put creatures in wickedness’s way to create.
Commencing in the 1980s, straight edge punks developed in three unusual ways. In the beginning, it was just the neighborhood people in the music industry that were drained of comprehending everyone splurged on drugs and alcohol. They desired the people to clean up their act. Years succeeding, straight edge bands had been created and began to really take the industry by storm, fresh segments of this movement were built. By the 2000s, the straight edge was at an all-time high, altering its appearance once again to a more aggressive station.
Although these personalities have amazing left-wing tendencies, they are also very traditionalists from various perspectives. Straight edge was supposed to be originated by the group Minor Threat. They came out with a song named ‘straight edge’ and since then the prototypes of the number and demand grew, they fostered the name ‘straight edge’. When asked about this innovative movement, the bandmates said they had no plan of beginning a whole subculture. The years ensuing, numerous other bands bounced on the straight edge wagon delivering the scene more powerful than ever.
Once the prevalence caught on with this new display, a band by the title of the Teen Idles began. One night when they were assumed to perform a show in a bar, the bar manager apprehended they were all under the lawful drinking age. To make certain the band was not getting served liquor, the bar manager checked all of their hands with the figure of an X. This indicated the bartenders not to serve alcohol to anyone with an X on their hand because they are minors. The band liked this plan so much that they took the concept and set it in clubs and venues all over the country. This was a way of engaging the younger crowd to come into the venue, letting them in the bars only if they have X’s on the back of their hands so that they would not be authorized to booze within the bar. The X symbol was then being designated as a style icon. People would sign their hands with X symbols to prove that they were straight edge, it began to grow into the culture’s trademark logo.
Straught edge band began to put this X mark in from of their album covers too. It was a symbol that was so much associated with the straight edge that it was seen everywhere. They would also have sXe written in many places which meant Straight X Edge. Three X in a row was also a way of presenting the fact that one was sober and preferred it that way.
Hardcore straight edge members then began to get designs with X’s or with weapons intersecting each other to make an X. These hardcore straight edge organizations even got agitated. They would swing by the local gas stations and markets anticipating for people to walk in to buy tobacco goods or liquor. When the buyer would come out with whatever item they purchased, gangs of straight edge kids would hit them producing bodily harm. Terms have changed though and the straight edge scene is a lot more amicable now than it was before.
X Designs
Since the X tattoo was made most famous by the straight edge community, segments of the straight edge scene began to get varieties of this logo as a tattoo. Like the initial X mark on the back of the hand from the breweries and clubs meaning this character was not allowed to booze. The tattoo lovers in the straight edge society got the X tattooed on the back of their hands. The back of the hands was not the sole area that straight edge members got this tattoo nevertheless. Anywhere they could probably put it, they would have it inked. Having three X’s in a row (XXX) is a different method of describing this concept.
Adding a graphic to the traditional X symbol is invariably a choice as well. This encourages additional representation of what your X is all about. In the straight edge society, the X is seldom depicted with weapons intersecting each other to form an X. Baseball bats are a favorite thing to put in this form, along with axes, upright razors, and even swords.
X Letter Tattoo Ideas
A large “X” can be shown in scratch marks, burns, or wounds in the skin which produces an energetic design that implies fight. This can be a symbol of past struggles that have injured or hurt the person and moved them in some way and left them without a touch of healing. The level of misery can be shown in the picture depending on the degree of the wound. An “X” made of scar mass can serve the opposite, a return from hardship and the strength to move ahead.
An X which is made in the form of a stroke of the brush may be signified of an artist or a writer. This plain symbol reveals that the person has the soul of the artist which signifies their entire existence. There are also numerous fonts that you can pick for your X letter tattoo design and which will represent your thoughts. Lines can also be added to the top and bottom of the X letter to represent the Roman number 10. The X can also be placed inside a box or square figure which can be thought of as a checked mark box.
More miniature symbols can be attached to the lines of the “x” as well to form a more complicated picture. A heart or star shape organized into the “x” makes a complete design and makes it have a stylistic element that lowers the harsh nature of the intersection lines. The extension of marks into the “x” does not certainly make the image more delicate and sensitive, particularly if the additions are sharp like straight lines add to each end of the intersection lines. Soft, curving edges as found in the cursive form of the word “x”, nevertheless, as objected to straight lines, do supplement lightness to the frame. The “X” shape can also be furnished as a thick block shape to be swelled in with a design or extra visual or icon.
In some cases, you can also take the X symbols as a tribute to show shows, like X files, etc. Thus, the X letter becomes a symbol of a sci-fi or science fiction genre that is very popular among the boys especially. It symbolizes the obscure and unexplained. The number in this instance is blotchy and rough and looks much like the lettering on an old copy.
X is one of the most identifiable characters in the English alphabet. Not only is X the 24th letter in the script, but it is also applied in a variety of distinctive situations. If you are studying to get a design of the letter X, there is apparently something about it that you can recognize with. Many characters with the X tattoo may take various implications behind it, for every tattoo, there is normally a tale to go along that moreover illustrates the design.
Before you consider getting an X letter tattoo design, there are many things that you might want to consider. Here, we have consolidated at least 60 amazing X letter tattoo designs with all the possible meanings that they can have. The placement and the designs of the X symbol, its various styles, and why a particular letter is so popular, are all mentioned in the list below. Hope you find your ideal deisgn with this one.
X Letter Tattoo List
Adorable Letter X Tattoo Design On Back
This X letter tattoo deisgn is made on the woman’s back and the middle of the X is separated into two halves. The quote that is written in the middle says “The truth is out there” which can be something significant for the woman. The color of this deisgn is black which I am guessing is very badass.
Clear Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
X and O is a slang word for hugs and kisses used by the youth. It is a cute couple deisgn which can be made on your wrist like this wearer has made here today. So you can get an X letter and convenience your friend or partner to get an O letter along with you to make a whole tattoo.
Simple Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a very special deisgn. The wearer has marked an X shaped figure on the forearm and there’s something written just below it. It is probably in Russian but whatever language it is, I am guessing it adds a bit of exoticness to the deisgn. I really like the subtle fonts that have been used.
Fair Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
Instead of a single X letter, you can get this double X. The deisgn here might have a different kind of significance for this wearer but you can make it for purely decorative reasons. The X here is a little bold and inside some sleek designs and patterns have been filled.
Gorgeous Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
Adding another letter tattoo to your X tattoo is quite a great idea. This deisgn right here represents a logo. It looks like a logo for sure. The X here is combined with the P alphabet. I really love the style and how the P is cutting right in the middle of the X alphabet.
Double Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This double X tattoo deisgn looks rather funny. In fact, the person has also got the picture clicked so that the two X represent the two eyes of the wearer. I have seen these kinds of deisgn in some horror show where a doll or a puppet has X shaped eyes.
Arrow Shaped Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This is the deisgn of two arrows that look pretty chic and these arrows have intersected in the middle which makes them acquire the shape of an X alphabet. I really like this deisgn and it can be a traveler’s choice because the two arrows represent two different directions.
Capital Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
although getting an alphabet tattoo deisgn is different and stylish fonts are quite a trend these days, I really like this design which has been kept to a bare minimum. I like how simple it is and still, it looks very elegant and sophisticated. This single X letter tattoo is enough.
Awsome Letter X Tattoo Design
This X letter tattoo deisgn is there different because it is there a shaded text. It seems like the X shape design has been rather crafted out of an outline that has been made using a spray brush. I really like the green and blue colors that give this deisgn a spooky effect.
Paired Letter X Tattoo Design On Wrist
The font of this X letter tattoo deisgn looks a little spookish but in a way, it also looks like the stroke of an artist’s brushes. It is a great deisgn to be made on the wrist because the two X letters are in a pair. You can get this deisgn made on the nape of your neck too if you like.
Tiny Letter X Tattoo Design Below Ear
The neck is one of the most common areas to get this kind of deisgn made. It is most popular among the guys. The guys love to get a bold and black ink letter tattoo deisgn like this X alphabet tattoo design It is looking very attractive.
Poised Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
The X alphabet here is made instead of the eyes of the skull. X letter when represented in this way shows that it means danger from something. This X letter here is made inside the skull which definitely represents some sort of peril. I really like this design which is most commonly worn by guys.
Attractive Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
Small Letter X Tattoo Design On Neck
This X letter is made on the nape of the neck of this wearer. It is a great placement option for people who keep their hair up in a bun, especially girls who can hide it and show it whenever they want. it is also a great placement option for guys because of their short hair.
Massive Letter X Tattoo Design Below Wrist
These two big and bold X letter tattoo designs are made on the wearer’s wrist. The two alphabets are also combined with different kinds of elements like a rose. A rose here might have many connotations like romance or some other depending on the thinking of the wearer.
Cute Letter X Tattoo Design On Upper Arm
This XO deisgn is super cute. It represents hugs and kisses which is written in the texting language. It is a super cute deisgn if you have made it for someone special or made it as a matching deisgn with your partner or your friend. I really love the shorthand concept of it.
Bonding Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This X letter tattoo design might look like something else at the first glace. However, this deisgn is made out of two Xs put on top of each other. I really love the resulting deisgn which looks super cute. The elbow is a great place for a person to get this deisgn because it is quite visible.
Magnificent Double Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
The wrist seems to be the perfect area if you want to get an alphabet letter tattoo deisgn. Here, the deisgn looks pretty awesome. Thus you can make it in a place where it is visible. However, this X letter tattoo design is bold so you can also consider different placement options.
Attractive Letter X Tattoo Design
This X letter tattoo design can actually be made on any part of the body. It is made inside a circle which is actually a great way to symbolize a tick mark as you get in some kind of MCQ test. Thus, it is a creative one.
Futuristic Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This X deisgn is made on the calf muscles of this person. This area has a lot of muscles and flesh and hence the deisgn here is a bit less painful. You can get this beautiful roman date inscribed on your leg which can be associated with some personal event or a person.
Lovely Double Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This double X tattoo design looks pretty awesome made on the area just above the elbows. This placement idea is pretty good because it makes the tattoo deisgn visible. I really like the bold strokes of this X letter tattoo design.
Colorful Letter X Tattoo Design On Foot
This X letter tattoo deisgn is made on the feet of the person. The feet are a great place if you are a beginner and want to start with getting a tattoo. It is much easier to hide a tattoo on your feet than anywhere else in the body. This X letter tattooed design seems as if it will glow in the dark!
Little double Letter X Tattoo Design On Foot Side
This X letter tattoo design is made on the side of the foot just below the ankle. This is a different and unusual area to get a tattoo design, but whatever sails your boat and whatever represents your style best. This double X letter deisgn looks very cute.
Handsome Letter X Tattoo Design On Neck
This wearer is pretty bold I must say considering he also has a tattoo on his face. He has an X letter tattoo deisgn on his neck which is pretty visible. In addition to this, he got his bold black X letter with a red background which makes it even more attractive to look at. This will certainly catch a lot of attention.
Mystic Letter X Tattoo Design On Ankle
This wearer has added another letter M with this deisgn. Now, the alphabets that have been used here have different fonts which is a great way to make your deisgn unique. M and X can also be for someone’s name, like Max. There are multiple implications for this deisgn.
Arrow Shaped Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
These two arrows have been intersected with each other right in the middle to make a pretty X sign on the calf of the wearer. It is a great deisgn to be worn on the calf as it can also be symbolic of adventure and travel. The arrows can also represent the directions.
Cute Letter X Tattoo Design On Waist
This X and O letter tattoo design is made on the ribs. The ribs offer a great space if you want to get a large tattoo design like this X and O letter tattoo deisgn. It means something very affectionate which is pretty apparent from the addition of the extra red heart on the ribs of the wearer.
Simple Letter X Tattoo Design On Neck
The nape of the neck offers a great place especially for the girls if she is wearing the kind of clothing which will enhance her style and make the tattoo on her neck visible. It is also a great option for guys and many guys get alphabet tattoos done on their necks.
Plain Letter X Tattoo Design On Finger Space
Getting a tattoo on your finger is a great style and is very much in fashion. You can also get this kind of deisgn for yourself since most of the celebrities are also getting such designs which are petite and sweet handmade on the fingers. Different finger signifies different thing but this deisgn look super cool.
Cool Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This X letter tattoo design is made on the forearm of this person which looks pretty cool. The forearm is a great spot for this deisgn as it can also represent “the spot” for something,
Thready Letter X Tattoo Design Above Chest
The wearer here has made two crosses a little apart from each other right on his neck where his collar bones begin. It is one of the trickiest parts of the body to get a tattoo deisgn because the front part of the neck is a bit delicate. This looks pretty robotic as if the wearer is some Frankenstein.
Bold Letter X Tattoo Design on Shoulder
This bold X letter deisgn is rather huge and the shoulder is the perfect place for this huge kind of design. Many people get their X letter tattoo deisgn on the shoulder because if your tattoo is big, it will be accommodated easily in this place.
Amiable Letter X Tattoo Design On Hand
A simple X letter on the hand can be referred to as the cult of the straight edge which was so popular that many people who are against alcohol and drugs and are vegan or vegetarians started getting this mark on their hand. It is quite a bold X letter deisgn here.
Elegant Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
These arrows that have been interested right in the center and make an X can be a sign for the passion of hunting or can also signify a traveler’s choice because it represents direction. It has various connotations that might vary from person to person.
Simple Letter X Tattoo Design Behind Ear
If you want to get a small X sign made, the area behind the ear seems to be a good place to do so because it is quite a visible rea. So even if your tattoo is small, it would provide an opportunity for you to show off your tattoo deisgn.
Handsome Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This bold X later tattoo deisgn is made on the arms of the wearer., It is a great deisgn for people who want to show off their tattoo deisgn. It is not too small and is neither too large. It is mediums sized and thus perfect for arms.
Amiable Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a quote from the famous show, X-Files. Those quotes didn’t begin out being told. They were terms on our TV screens, first witnessed in the pilot episode of The X-Files, which first aired on September 10, 1993.
The gleaming words “THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE” memorably emerged abreast of a dark sky at the end of the show’s opening credits series. They soon grew into a well-known and often exaggerated maxim. And, considering the show was a big success, its players soon became stars in the more prominent Hollywood understanding of the term.
Elated Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This little X letter tattoo deisgn looks super chic and hipster made on the arm of the wearer. This X letter has been added with some kinds of dots on each open side of the deisgn. It is a pretty cool deisgn.
Energetic Letter X Tattoo Design on Arm
Once again an XO letter tattoo design looks pretty awesome. I guess this sign was very much popular by the 90s punk and emo bands. Thus, many people began etching such a deisgn on their skins.
Letter X Tattoo Design With Love On Hand
This is a pretty cute and hipster way of forming the tattoo deisgn especially the XO tattoo design. These X and O letters are written on the hand where they’re pretty visible. Under it is written “til we overdose”, which is a pretty cute and romantic gesture.
Tiny Letter X Tattoo Design On Wrist
You can convince your partner or friend to get an X and O letter tattoo deisgn with you. You can get an X symbol and your partner can probably get an O symbol on their skin.
Sincere Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This is quite a bold X letter tattoo design. Such designs are worth hearing on the wrist or the arm like this wearer has. Although this is not really a simple X letter tattoo design. This X letter also has some beautiful designs inside of it which is pretty cute. You can add some more colors which will look great.
Big Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This X letter is pretty bold and made on the forearm of this wearer. It looks pretty great. These bold X letter designs are usually opted by men than women.
Demonstrative Letter X Tattoo Design on Hand
This bold X letter tattoo deisgn is made on the hand of the wearer. It also has a great outline right on the side of it which gives it more definition and makes it look super cool.
Painted Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
Passionate Letter X Tattoo Design On Legs
This wearer has made the two X tattoo designs on each side of the hamstrings. Hamstrings are a cool and smart place to get a tattoo because it is not that painful as compared to the rest of the body parts. I really think that the deisgn looks pretty amazing.
Concerned Letter X Tattoo Design On Wrist
this were hs made an X tattoo on one side and has written something which completes her X letter tattoo on the other wrist. It is a great way to make your tattoo look smaller and creative.
beautiful Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
An X letter tattoo deisgn was also made by Justin Bieber on his arm. It is one of the most significant and popular designs that he has and trust me, he has a lot of tattoos on his body! Basically, the X was not an X as we apply it in the English script; it was the Greek alphabet χ (hee) which resembles very related to an X in English.
The Greek letter X (hee) is the primary alphabet of the Greek word for Christ, Xristos ( Χριστός). This is why we also practice the compression Xmas for “Christ’s Mass” which is what the word Christmas really implies. His “hee” tattoo connects other spiritual body art items for Bieber, including a couple of praying hands on his left calf and an icon of Jesus on his right. Thus, you can also get this deisgn if you are particularly religious.
Super Letter X Tattoo Design
This is quite a simple X letter tattoo design that looks pretty bol sitting on the arms of this wearer. It is quite a simple deisgn.
Cute Letter X Tattoo Design On Middle Finger
This X letter tattoo deisgn is made on the middle finger of the wearer which looks pretty awesome. The different fingers stand for different things which are great for personal assistance. Here, the X letter on the middle finger can mean multiple things.
Straight Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a simple X letter tattoo deisgn on the arm of the wearer. It might seem very common but it is quite stylish and popular.
Encircled Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This deisgn is made right above the ankle of the wearer. It is a great selection if you want something bold and visible for yourself.
Tiny Letter X Tattoo Design On Wrist
You can get an X and O letter tattoo deisgn on your own self too. There are various ways. You can get this sign made on yourself together or you can put one alphabet on one wrist or any other part of the body and the other half on the other part of the body. It will be pretty cool.
Miniature Letter X Tattoo Design On Wrist
I really like how two people can make a single letter on their skin and when they combine it, it turns out to be a whole new thing for them. It is a great deisgn so it’s about time you convenience your partner or your friend for this type of deisgn.
Adventurous Letter X Tattoo Design on Arm
This pattern is pretty unique and cool. It makes four triangles that together make an X symbol which is rather a clever way of doing so.
Accurate Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
It seems as if the wearer has been bleeding X and O in black ink from his arm. I also like the addition of a little heart that breaks the monotony.
Colorful Letter X Tattoo Design on Arm
I really love the idea of making this X letter tattoo deisgn bold enough so that it can be filled with some patterns. The patterns here are the face of a girl a beautiful rose flower. Probably the wearer has made it in the remembrance of a past or recent lover.
Elevated Letter X Tattoo Design On Arm
This deisgn is pretty bold and seems like someone has crossed out in a multiple-choice questions test sheet. It can have various meanings according to the individual’s perception.
Bony Letter X Tattoo Design
This X letter tattoo design is made with bones which is a pretty scary and haunting thing to do. It can signify various things. It can be a sign of a gang or can mean that one must stay away because the wearer is lethal.
Marked Letter X Tattoo Design On Finger
This X letter tattoo deisgn is made on the ring finger. The ring finger is often associated with love, commitment, and marriage so this X symbol can represent that the person has been booked by someone for their entire life. You can also add your spouse’s name to it.
Dynamic Letter X Tattoo Design on Arm
This X letter i made on the backside of your arm can be a great chance for you if you do not want it on the front.
Those were all the 60 amazing X letter tattoo designs for you to get inspired from! I hope you liked it all!