30 Best Achilles Tattoo with Meaning and Ideas

Ancient Greek mythology provides a wealth of symbolism and significance for Achilles tattoos. Tattoos often highlight the heroic deeds and valor of the legendary Greek hero Achilles because of the impact his story has had on popular culture. On the other hand, his backstory is connected to the concept of vulnerability, which is the subject of certain tattoos. In Greek mythology, Achilles played a pivotal role. He was the main character of Homer’s Iliad and the son of the goddess Thetis and the mortal Peleus. Achilles’ mother dipped him into the River Styx when he was a baby, turning him into a god who could not be hurt unless he was grasped by the heel. Here is a list of Achilles Tattoo designs.

Meaning of Achilles Tattoo Designs

The story of Achilles, and the tattoos that depict him, are full of symbolism and multiple meanings, as are all Greek mythology stories and tattoos. As a result, the meanings of people’s Achilles tattoos can range widely. Strength, Capability, Vulnerability, Endurance, and Adoration of a Hero are all characteristics that define Achilles.

Tattoos depicting the Greek hero Achilles are commonly interpreted as symbols of masculine strength. It was thought that Achilles possessed incredible abilities and superhuman strength. Therefore, tattoos of his likeness typically stand for courage and determination.

Ideas For Achilles Tattoo Designs

Tattoos honoring Achilles can be as elaborate or simple as the wearer desires, and they need not depict the hero himself or even the entirety of his saga.


The majority of tattoos based on Greek mythology are portraits, giving the viewer a detailed likeness of the subject they’ve selected. The lack of definitive information on Achilles’ appearance has led numerous artists to make do with what little they do know when depicting him. Some people take inspiration for their tattoos from cinematic depictions of Achilles, while others choose to read literary accounts of the hero instead.

Achilles Tattoo

Tattoos from the tale of Achilles

Some people may want to examine the entire story of Achilles, while others may want to concentrate on certain details. An arrow that killed him may stand for frailty, his shield for courage, and his spear for heroism and valor. The meaning behind a tattoo is highly dependent on the person getting it.

Achilles Tattoo

Where Should You Get Achilles Tattoo Designs

For Women

  • Ankle
  • Wrist
  • Finger Spaces
  • Hands
  • Shoulder Blades
  • Behind the Ears

For Men

  • Chest
  • Biceps
  • Legs
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Forearms

List of Achilles Tattoo Designs & Meanings

  • Vivid Achilles Tattoo Design on Forearm

Achilles Tattoo

When considering how painful an Achilles heel tattoo could be, keep in mind that simpler designs, like a simple outline, may be more bearable. If you have a phobia of needles or other sharp objects, these tattoos are for you. These tattoos are a great option for those who are nervous about getting inked. Now that you know the best way to cope with an Achilles tattoo, you can stop worrying about getting one.

  • Abstract Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

In 2020 and 2021, abstract art has become quite trendy, and as a result, abstract tattoos have become extremely popular. Trying to put words to an abstract tattoo now. What about a symbol depicting a wooden Trojan horse, the sword of Achilles, and a flourishing garden of flowers representing good fortune? An artist’s interpretation of an abstract design might indeed have multiple interpretations, but since a tattoo is a permanent mark of the wearer, the only meaning that matters is the one you intend. Don’t be bashful about flaunting that abstract Achilles tattoo in public.

  • Achilles in war Tattoo Design on Leg

Achilles Tattoo

It is said that everyone has a weak spot, or an Achilles heel, in their armor. Nothing is perfect, as the adage goes. Even the great warrior Achilles was flawed; his heel was a particular weakness. For this reason, many people choose to have a tattoo on their heels to transform a perceived weakness into a source of pride.

  • Hector and Achilles Tattoo Design on Arms

Achilles Tattoo

The legendary battle between Hector and Achilles, which was ultimately won by the Greek hero Achilles, was a defining moment in the Trojan War. Thus, if you want a tattoo that symbolizes triumph, the shield of Achilles along with the God of War, Ares, are two excellent options.

  • Outline Achilles Tattoo Design on Ankle

Achilles Tattoo

The heel tattoo has a lot of significance when it comes to Achilles Tattoo. The wearer has an outline of Achilles ready for battle but the placement of the tattoo speaks volumes about it. There is a lesson to be learned from Achilles’ story: even the most powerful individuals have faults and frailties. In the case of Achilles, it was his heels that would ultimately prove to be his undoing, despite his considerable strength. This suggests that many tattoos represent the vulnerabilities inherent in even the strongest individuals.

  • Fine line Achilles Tattoo Design on Forearm

Achilles Tattoo

Drawing only the outline of a design, without filling it in with ink, results in an outline piece. It’s common for them to be done in black ink with extremely fine lines. This tattoo is an outline of the helmet of Achilles along with the armor with which he protects his face. This tattoo is a sophisticated yet uncomplicated symbol of courage.

  • War Hero Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

Thetis and Peleus, king of the Pythian Myrmidons, had a son whom they named Achilles. A fatal arrow from Paris ended his heroic career as a Trojan War hero. When fighting alongside his allies, Achilles was unstoppable, but when struck by Paris’ arrow, he went down immediately. Many people take their tattoo inspiration from Achilles because of the power, courage, and honor he has become to represent in combat.

  • Symbolic AchillesTattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

The god Thetis and Peleus, ruler of the Myrmidons, had a son named Achilles. Even though Thetis dipped Achilles in the river Styx to make him immortal, he was still mortally wounded because she was holding him by the heel. Achilles’ death from an arrow shot by Paris during the Trojan War is a pivotal moment in Greek mythology. This tattoo symbolizes the death of Achilles.

  • Ferocious Achilles Tattoo Design on Chest

Achilles Tattoo

Tattoos honoring Achilles can take a wide variety of forms, from traditional depictions of the Greek hero in armor, such as a helmeted warrior, to more abstract, contemporary designs. The most common option, however, is to depict Achilles himself, either as a young man or an elderly bearded warrior donning his recognizable helmet.

  • Detailed Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

In ancient Greek art, Achilles is typically shown as a dashing young man. Most depictions of Achilles feature an elderly man with a beard, clad in armor and brandishing a spear or sword. His palace is also frequently depicted alongside him in this tattoo. The detail added to the tattoo is exquisite. If you don’t want to just go with the Achilles portrait then you can also choose something like this.

  • Achilles in his entire armor Tattoo Design on Leg

Achilles Tattoo

As the saying goes, “clothes make the man,” in battle, the armor does the same. Achilles is already one of the finest fighters and is only partially mortal, but his armor makes him stand out even more. The other troops soon come to recognize his armor as a representation of his authority. His allies will be cheering when they see it, and his adversaries will be terrified. This tattoo has Achilles in his entire armor, from his helmet to his boots. It is quite a vivid and intense tattoo.

  • Subtle Achilles Tattoo Design on Forearm

Achilles Tattoo

Although most Achilles tattoos are with dark ink and a lot of details, this one on the list stands out. It is preferred mostly by women. The tattoo is a simple outline of Achilles struck by an arrow but as the story goes, his heel was his weak part and the only way he could be ever destroyed. However, in this tattoo Achilles is calmly trying to pull out the arrow. The tattoo looks quite simple but carries in-depth meaning.

  • Dedicated Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

When a pet enters our lives, they immediately bring joy. You will understand what we are talking about if you have ever been in a difficult situation and your pet has helped you through it. There’s a chance you have a pet named Achilles, or that your pet is named after you. You can get a tattoo of their name with a small paw print or handprint next to it, or even a portrait sketch of them. In this manner, you can keep them on you at all times.

  • Ready-to- Battle Achilles Tattoo Design on Leg

Achilles Tattoo

This tattoo shows a depiction of a fighting Achilles. Among the many famous Greek soldiers, Achilles stands out. During the Trojan War, he distinguished himself as a courageous hero. When you get an Achilles tattoo, you’re showing the world that you’re not afraid to put yourself out there. This tattoo features a Greek warrior bearing the symbols of protection, power, and strength: a shield and a sword.

  • Young Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

The distinct quality of this particular tattoo is that usually, Achilles’ tattoos show him with Armor and with either holding a spear or sword or his shield. However, this one stands apart as it only shows Achilles with his helmet but his body exposed. This is an interesting way if you want to let the world know that you embrace your vulnerability. Even the greatest warriors can feel vulnerable and that’s okay.

  • Detailed Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

In the Trojan War, the Greeks were led by the legendary Achilles. He was known as a formidable warrior in his own right. Thetis, a sea nymph, was his mother; she dipped him in the river Styx, rendering him immortal but for the heel she grasped. This tattoo is loaded with detail. Along with the Achilles, the wearer has also added minutely detailed parts of the body sort of diagram that adds a unique quality to the tattoo.

  • Wounded Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

This Achilles tattoo accurately represents strength and courage. He is standing on the battlefield and is being attacked with arrows from all sides. Many times in life situations are not in our favor and we have encountered problems one after the other. This tattoo will serve as a reminder to always stand strong against problems no matter how much they attack you.

  • Bold Achilles Tattoo Design on Back

Achilles Tattoo

As a symbol of valor and power, Achilles is widely recognized. Lessons can be learned from his experience, including the fact that even the most powerful people have vulnerabilities. He also symbolizes the will to improve upon one’s frailties. This tattoo depicts just that.

  • Dark Achilles Tattoo Design on Calf

Achilles Tattoo

Do you know that the name “Achilles tendon,” which refers to the tendon located near the back of the heel, comes from mythology? Legend has it that the poisoned arrow of Paris pierced Achilles’ heel right here, and he bled to death from the wound. Does that pep up your ears? An equally stunning and memorable tattoo might be of Achilles in bold, primary colors, placed directly above the heels.

  • Sepia Toned Achilles Tattoo Design on Shoulder

Achilles Tattoo

Fear is normal, but true strength lies in prevailing over your fears and moving on. That is the essence of personal strength. Recognizing and accepting weakness is a powerful source of strength. If you are one of the strongest persons on the planet, you will accept your flaw, work to improve them, and then proudly display it for all the world to see. This tattoo design would be perfect if you’re the one who accepts their flaws.

  • The Conquerer Achilles Tattoo Design on Chest

Achilles Tattoo

Since Achilles was a great warrior and conquered a lot of areas around Greece. People often get words like “The Conquer” or “The Great Warrior” tattooed along with this portrait. This tattoo is an example of such a tattoo. The wearer has placed the tattoo on his chest which is quite symbolic of being strong.

  • Rose and Achilles Tattoo Design on Shoulder

Achilles Tattoo

In addition to his immortality, Achilles was also famously attractive. Having a body that is both athletic and trained, one is capable of doing feats of combat that are impossible for mere mortals. The tattoo depicts the attractiveness of Achilles by adding the beautiful rose. It makes the monochrome tattoo stand out. You can also add color to the rose to make the tattoo look bright.

  • Fierce-looking Achilles Tattoo Design on Forearm

Achilles Tattoo

Many of Achilles’ fellow Greeks saw him as a demi-god due to his reputation as one of the greatest fighters in history. Aside from his humanity, he also possessed superhuman abilities including strength, speed, and stamina. As a result of his fierce temper, he frequently found himself in hot water with his superiors. Fortunately, his superiors always saw his value in battle and were willing to overlook his occasional transgressions. This tattoo is an apt depiction of his fierce attitude as you can see from his face.

  • Battle Scene of Achilles and Hector Tattoo Design on Sleeve

Achilles Tattoo

Like a well Greek hero, Achilles is credited with helping to win the Trojan War. The Achilles tattoo is ideal for the brave and fearless, as it symbolizes strength, bravery, and valor. Homer’s epic poem “The Iliad” details Achilles’s battle with and the ultimate defeat of the Trojan prince Hector. This sleeve tattoo is a depiction of the war and is loaded with detail.

  • Vibrant Achilles Tattoo Design on Arm

Achilles Tattoo

The tattoo stands apart with its bright shades of blue and green. The tattoo shows the warrior Achilles with armor and abs intact with his spear in hand and the belt of shield or sword around his body. Apart from the usual monochrome Achilles tattoo, the wearer has added a border around the head of the warrior which makes it look vibrant.

  • Falling of Achilles Tattoo Design on Body

Achilles Tattoo

A tattoo depicting a fighting Achilles is viewed as attractive and powerful. The tattoo depicts a Greek warrior with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. The ink is a badge of honor for the wearer’s strength, power, and protection. These tattoos were a kind of honor for ancient Greek troops. As a result, many people in the military, in the police force, in the wrestling world, etc., choose to wear it. These tattoos honor the ancient warriors who fought for the greater good. For men, this is without a doubt the best Greek tattoo ever.

  • Achilles Shield Tattoo Design on Back

Achilles Tattoo

The shield of Achilles is quite symbolic and the ancient poet Homer describes it very well. The shield depicts a microcosm of civilization. By depicting everyday activities in a peaceful setting, it suggests that conflict is simply one facet of life and not the whole of it. The shield tells us that harvesting crops are just one part of a full and rich life. Humans can be used for more than just fighting; they can also make things and till the land.

  • Skull Achilles Tattoo Design on Leg

Achilles Tattoo

Well, this one stands out on its own. Instead of going for the traditional fierce expression of Achilles, the wearer has chosen a skull. This adds a very mysterious look to the whole tattoo. The skull is dead and has no expression. If you too want to add a tinge of mystery to your Achilles tattoo, then here’s your pick.

  • Colorful Achilles Tattoo Design on Sleeve

Achilles Tattoo

A sleeve tattoo is one that extends along the front or back of the arm. So, if you’re wondering how to get a colorful tattoo, be prepared to be stabbed with pins or needles. A tattoo that is both colorful and meaningful can be a reflection of both the artist’s skill and the wearer’s individuality.

  • Horse and Achilles Tattoo Design on Leg

Achilles Tattoo

He represents courage, fortitude, and endurance. The design for Achilles’ tattoo is lively and appealing. It’s common among guys, soldiers, and wrestlers since it symbolizes strength and bravery. The ancient Greek soldiers who gave their life for a greater cause are honored by these tattoos.

Tattoos of Achilles are typically done in a classical style, evoking the look of antiquity and the museum pieces that display it. Tattoos are created using black and grey ink, with superb shading and scale work to create striking and unique pieces. You can mix and match these tattoos to create your own distinct one.

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