D’Angelo Danté Russell is an American professional basketball player who plays in the NBA National Basketball Association for the Golden State Warriors which is based in San Francisco. He started playing basketball in college and his rookie season was with Los Angeles Lakers in 2015 and he has since then played for Brooklyn Nets and the Golden State Warriors. D’Angelo has many interesting tattoos on his body. Let us take a look at what they are and the meanings they hold.
1. ‘#230’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On the wrist of his right hand there is a number as ‘#230’.
2. ‘Yin Yang’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On the inner side of both wrists lies a tattoo of Yin Yang symbols.
Meaning: According to the ancient Chinese Philosophy, yin and yang depicts the concept of dualism which is the fact of this universe. It represents the dual and opposite forces which can, however, turn as complementary, interconnected, and interdependent. The opposite forces or two halves are depicted as the dark and white sides which come together to form a complete thing, thus, showing that they both are dependent upon each other.
3. An ACE of Diamond Tattoo
Tattoo: On the top of his left arm, there lies an ace of card tattoo.
Meaning: This ace of cards is inked just below his ‘N:OW’ ink, which makes it relevant to understand that this card represents the transformation. Thus, as we know Russell got N:OW tattoo to show that it is his time in the game and he is all shining among all on the field, thus, the ace of cards is another of his tributes to the fact that his time has actually come, ultimately representing the TRANSFORMATION. It is also the symbol of good luck and good fortune.
4. Checkered Path
Tattoo: D’Angelo has got the chessboard inked on the inner side of his right bicep.
5. Chest Tattoo
Tattoo: On the top of his chest, D’Angelo has a quote tattooed which can be read as ‘The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are”. On each side of the quote, there are two stars inked in red and black color.
Meaning: It is a popular quote written by C. S. Lewis. The idea of it lies in a lesson that in order to become wise and smart, the first step is to surround ourselves in the company of such smart people.
6. Chinese Writing
Tattoo: There are some Chinese letters tattooed on the top of D’Angelo’s right bicep, which is speculated to be the translation of the English phrase ‘Ice in my veins’.
Meaning: ‘Ice in my veins’ simply implies Russell’s continuous reminder to himself that he needs to be patient in all the circumstances irrespective of how harsh the situations turn into.
Tattoo: On his right forearm there lies a big footprint tattooed along with the words over it which can be read as, ‘GOD GUIDE MY STEP’.
Meaning: D’Angelo is the strong believer of God and this tattoo is enough for us to know that he totally relies upon God and his blessings to make sure that he succeeds and does well in every step of life that he takes.
8. ‘Ghost Faces’
Tattoo: The inner side of Russell’s left mid arm is tattooed with some weird looking ghost-like faces.
8. ‘Smile Now Cry Later’ Masks
Tattoo: D’Angelo’s left bicep is tattooed with the smile now cry later masks. A clear picture of the tattoo has never been captured but the tattoo is the symbol of the fact that D’Angelo believes in living his present moments happily without worrying about their outcomes.
9. Angry Teapot/Mask Tattoo
Tattoo: On the backside of his right elbow there are two faces tattoed. One is the genie and the other is the angry mask face.
10. Portrait on Right Leg
On the outer side of his right leg, D’Angelo has got a portrait of some female tattooed.
11. ‘Pyramid Eye’ Tattoo
Tattoo: Also known as All-Seeing Eye is ink done on the inner side of D’Angelo’s right hand’s wrist.
Meaning: This ink relates to Christianity and includes an Eye, which is considered to be the eye of God, and, is the symbol of the belief that God is watching us all followed by some rays surrounding the eye.
12. ‘Jason Mask’ Tattoo
Tattoo: Jason mask tattoo inked on the outer side of his upper right arm.
Meaning: Jason Mask is a hard white hockey mask which is well known as the one worn by the character Jason Voorhees in the Friday the 13th films.
13. ‘Roaring Tiger’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On his right knee, there is a roaring Tiger’s face tattooed.
Meaning: The tattoo of the tiger is the symbol of D’Angelo’s strength and confidence.
14. ‘Rose on Bicep’ Tattoo
A rose, which is the symbol of love is tattooed on Russell’s right shoulder.
15. ‘Multiple Stars’ Tattoo
Tattoo: Surrounding his footstep step, there are multiple stars covering D’Angelo’s right forearm. Some of them are darkly shaded while others are just outlined.
Meaning: Stars are considered to be the source of light and guiding an individual in his life in each step he tends to take forward.
16. ‘Mohammad Ali’ Tattoo
Tattoo: There is a big portrait of Late Mohammad Ali on D’Angelo’s right leg.
Meaning: This tattoo was Russell’s tribute to Mohammad Ali, when he died.
It’s crazy to see somebody with that type of legacy go,” Russell said. “I went to his high school and I’m from the same city, so for somebody like him to pass away, it hurts. I’m young, so when I first met him, he was struggling a little bit and I didn’t get to see him at his best. I just knew how great he was back in the day.”
17. Left Arm Design
Tattoo: Russell’s left arm was earlier covered with a tattoo which was more of dark bushes however, now he got it covered with a chessboard.
Meaning: Chess is a great analogy for society, its limitations, and how each class of society interacts with each other. The king represents the bosses of this world; he represents the leaders in society. He holds the most power and can determine the fate of the chess game of life.
18. Writing on Right Arm
No revelation has ever been made by D’Angelo about the big writing done on his right bicep.
His left arm is inked with a face tattoo of some character followed by the words, YOUNG SCIENTIST.
20. ‘INTERSTATE Trophy’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On the outer side of his left bicep, D’Angelo has got a trophy inked which carries a clock around it and followed by the word, ‘INTERSTATE’ under it in a banner.
21. ‘John 8:31-32’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On the inner side of his right forearm, Yung has got the lines from John 8:31 which can be read as
“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
22. ‘LOUISVILLE’ Tattoo
Tattoo: Russell’s left forearm is tattooed with the word, ‘LOUISVILLE’ in different sized capital letters and in a variety of images including buildings, a basketball, and a pencil.
Meaning: D’Angelo was born in Louisville, Kentucky’s largest city.
23. N:OW Tattoo
Tattoo: Highlighting his presence and his time in the game, and to create awareness among other players about his strength and power, D’Angelo got this tattoo inked along with a clock that says, ‘N:OW’.
24. ‘Pencil’ Tattoo
25. Portrait on Right Arm
Tattoo: There is a big portrait of Bob Marley inked on the inner side of his right arm.
26. ‘Air Jordan Shoes’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On the outer side of his left leg, Lean has a tattoo of AIR Jordon shoes inked.