Kangana Ranaut, is popularly known as the ‘Queen’ of Bollywood after her remarkable success of her Hindi Movie Queen. She is the ‘Most Fashionable Diva’ of Bollywood. She has even launched her own clothing lines with the European brand Vero Moda, titled ‘Vero Moda Marquee by Kangana Ranaut’. Not only this, but she has also been very popular for her bold and honest statements which have always grabbed a lot of controversies. The same is the case with her tattoos that are equally bold like her personality. Let’s read further to know more details about her tattoos along with their meanings.
1. ‘Warrior Angel’ Tattoo
Tattoo: She has inked ‘Warrior Angel’ Tattoo at the nape of her neck.
Meaning: Kangana Ranaut, during her teenage days had got the ‘Warrior Angel’ Tattoo at the nape of her neck. Later after entering Bollywood, she got it rectified from a very famous tattoo artist, Sameer Patange. The artist on his official Instagram profile uploaded an image with Kangana stating,
“For those who still don’t know what Kangana got covered up.”
Warrior Angel tattoo represents her three aspects of her life. The crown on the top of the sword represents her power as she feels like a princess, the wings on the sides of swords represents her desires, wishes and her freedom which made her follow her own path of becoming an actress despite having a non-filmy background and the sword represents her fearless attitude towards her struggles in the film industry.
She admires her Warrior Angel Tattoo a lot. According to her, this tattoo not only specifies the three phases of her life but is also a source of strength for her unstoppable attitude in life.
2. ‘Angel’ Tattoo
Tattoo: An ‘Angel’ with swings and a star in her hand has been inked on her left ankle.
Meaning: Kangana Ranaut has got an ‘Angel’ Tattoo on her left ankle. Angels are called as the messengers of God. In fact, the word Angel in Latin means ‘messenger of God’. Kangana, by going with her instincts, always believes that Angels govern us.
According to her, she seeks the guidance of her angels at every walk of her life that’s why she has inked an Angel tattoo on her left ankle.
Both of these tattoos of Kangana Ranaut completely matches and glorifies her beauty.