Kat Von D is an America based celebrity tattoo artist, model, television personality, and entrepreneur. She is a world-famous and most demanding tattoo artist who has got a very unique style of tattooing. She has got numerous tattoos on her body. Let’s scroll further to know more details regarding her various body tats along with their meanings.
1. ‘Portrait of Mother’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of mother’ tattoo near her left shoulder.
Meaning: Kat got the tattoo of the portrait of her mother, Sylvia Galeano, inked near her left shoulder. She has always been very close to her. On May 15, 2017, Kat uploaded a picture with her mother on her Instagram account, praising all about the beauty of her mother.
2. ‘Los Angeles’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Los Angeles’ tattoo on her left shoulder.
Meaning: Kat got this tattoo inked in May 2012 to pay a tribute to Los Angeles where she moved with her family when she was just 4. On May 5, 2012, she uploaded the picture of his tattoo on her Instagram account, with the caption,
Homeward bound to the City of Angels.”
3. ‘LTP’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘LTP’ tattoo on her right fingers.
Meaning: This tattoo means ‘Loyal To Profession’.
4. Flower Tattoo
Tattoo: Flower tattoo below her chin.
Meaning: In August 2012, Kat got this tattoo inked below her chin. On August 30, 2012, she uploaded the picture of this tattoo on her Instagram account, with the caption,
As simple and small as it may be, this little flower under my chin, is one of my favorite tattoos.”
5. ‘Heartagram’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Heartagram’ tattoo on her middle fingers.
Meaning: The symbol ‘Heartagram’ is a combination of heart and a pentagram. The heartagram is also a trademark symbol of the Finnish Gothic band ‘HIM’ created by Ville Valo.
6. ‘TLA’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘TLA’ tattoo on her right ring finger.
Meaning: Kat got this tattoo inked in November 2011. This tattoo means ‘True Love Always’.
7. Decorative Heart Tattoo
Tattoo: Decorative Heart tattoo on her right palm.
Meaning: According to the media reports, this tattoo of Kat was inked by her ex-husband Oliver Peck.
8. ‘LvB’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘LvB’ tattoo on her right index finger.
Meaning: The tattoo ‘LvB’ stands for Ludwig Van Beethoven, a German composer, and pianist.
9. ‘LOO$E YOURSELF’ tattoo near her right ankle
10. Spider Tattoo
Tattoo: Spider tattoo on her left index finger.
Meaning: Spider tattoo symbolizes power, wisdom, courage, strength, danger, balance, female power, etc.
11. ‘DILLIGAF’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘DILLIGAF’ tattoo on her right hand.
Meaning: The tattoo ‘DILLIGAF’ means ‘Does it look like I give a fuck’.
12. ‘Portrait of Maria Victoria’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of Maria Victoria’ on her right leg.
Meaning: Kat got this tattoo inked in May 2012. Maria Victoria is a Mexican actress, singer, and comedian.
13. ‘Portrait of Columba Dominguez’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of Columba Dominguez’ tattoo on her right leg.
Meaning: Kat got this tattoo inked in May 2012. Columbo Dominguez was a Mexican actress, singer, and painter who is famous for her powerful performance in the movie ‘Pueblerina’.
14. ‘Hollywood’ tattoo on her lower abdominal area
15. ‘Portrait of Tongolele’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of Tongolele’ tattoo on her right leg.
Meaning: Kat got this tattoo inked in May 2012. Tongolele is a Mexican actress.
16. ‘Peck’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Peck’ tattoo on her right fingers.
Meaning: Kat got this tattoo inked for her ex-husband Oliver Peck.
17. ‘Portrait of Beethoven’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of Beethoven’ tattoo on her right thigh.
Meaning: Ludwig Van Beethoven was a German musician who is known as one of the most famous and admired music composers of all time. Kat got his portrait inked on her right thigh.
18. Beethoven tattoo on her right inner thigh
Meaning: This tattoo of Beethoven was inked by the tattoo artist, Robert Hernandez.
19. ‘HiGH VOLTAGE’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘HiGH VOLTAGE’ tattoo on her left leg.
Meaning: High Voltage is the name of Kat Von D’s tattoo shop in West Hollywood, California. High Voltage is also the name of Kat Von D’s first book; explaining her artwork and tattoos which was released in January 2009.
20. Anatomical Heart Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Anatomical Heart’ tattoo on her left leg.
Meaning: A heart tattoo is a symbol of emotions, love, passion, feelings, friendship, and adoration. In an interview, Kat said,
I have an anatomical heart tattoo that’s probably one of my favorite color tattoos that I have.”
21. ‘W.T.F.’ tattoo on her left leg
22. ‘F.T.W.’ tattoo on her left leg
23. Sugar Skull Tattoo
Tattoo: Sugar Skull tattoo on her left leg.
Meaning: Mostly, the sugar skull tattoo is inked in reference to the deceased someone. In some cultures, this tattoo also symbolizes good luck, knowledge, wisdom, power, transformation, and change. Kat got this tattoo inked by the tattoo artist, Ronnie Earhart.
24. ‘Portrait of Father’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of Father’ on her right forearm.
Meaning: Kat got the tattoo of her father, René Drachenberg inked on her right forearm.
25. Skull Tattoo
Tattoo: Skull tattoo near her left ankle.
Meaning: Skull tattoo is a symbol of death, anger, rebirth, and transformation.
26. ’12/12/12′ tattoo on her left leg
27. Tattoo on her left palm
28. Pentacle tattoo on her right wrist
29. ‘LA’ tattoo on her left ring finger
30. ‘Mi Vida Loca’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Mi Vida Loca’ tattoo on her back.
Meaning: ‘Mi Vida Loca’ is a Spanish term for ‘My Crazy Life’.
31. ‘Carmen Miranda’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Carmen Miranda’ tattoo on her back.
Meaning: Carmen Miranda was a Brazilian samba singer, dancer, and actress who was mostly known by her other name, ‘The Brazilian Bombshell’.
32. ‘Sister Karoline’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Sister Karoline’ tattoo on her left forearm.
Meaning: Kat got the tattoo of her elder sister, Karoline, inked on her left forearm to express her love and feelings towards her.
33. ‘3D Eye’ tattoo on her left hand
34. Tattoo on her left middle finger
35. Tiny Heart Tattoo
Tattoo: Tiny heart tattoo on her left ring finger.
Meaning: Kat got the tattoo of a tiny heart filled with red-color on her left ring finger. Such tattoos are symbols of love, passion, feelings, emotions, and compassion.
36. ‘I LOVE YOU’ tattoo on her right shoulder
37. Tattoo near her right shoulder
38. Tattoo on her left ear
39. Heart tattoo on her right arm
40. ‘ALEX’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘ALEX’ tattoo on her right arm.
Meaning: Alex was the name of Kat’s ex-boyfriend whom she dated from 2007 to 2008.
41. ‘CAT’ tattoo on her left leg
42. ‘VODKA FOREVER’ tattoo near her left hand
43. ‘FUCK’ tattoo on her left thumb
44. Pentacle tattoo on her left hand
45. ‘Stars’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Stars’ tattoo on the left side of her face.
Meaning: Star tattoo is a symbol of hope, direction, guidance, desire, intuition, and honor. It also denotes the fight against the darkness. In an interview, Kat said,
The star is a symbol of being able to be heavily tattooed and still carry yourself in a feminine way.”
46. ‘BOOKWORM!’ tattoo on her left leg
47. Tattoo on her right pinky finger
48. Piano tattoo near her left ankle
49. Tiny Star Tattoo
Tattoo: Tiny Star tattoo on her left pinky finger.
Meaning: Tiny star tattoo is a symbol of the fight against the darkness.
50. Tattoo on her right forearm
51. Tattoo on her right wrist
52. Tattoo on her right hand
53. Tattoo on her left arm
54. ‘ANGELITO’ tattoo on her right arm
55. Tattoo on her left leg
56. ‘T + T’ tattoo on her left leg
57. Tattoo on her right shoulder
58. ‘HERMANA’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘HERMANA’ tattoo near her left wrist.
Meaning: ‘Hermana’ is a Spanish version of the English word ‘sister’.
59. Roses Tattoo
Tattoo: Roses tattoo on her left arm.
Meaning: Roses tattoos are the symbols of a new beginning, true love, emotions, feelings, passion, and compassion. It also denotes a mature love and protection from an envious lover.
60. Tattoo on her left torso
61. Tattoo on her right torso
62. ‘HERMANO’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘HERMANO’ tattoo near her right wrist.
Meaning: ‘Hermano’ is the Spanish version of the English word ‘brother’.
63. Tattoo on her right pec
64. Tattoo on her left leg
65. Tattoo on her left leg
66. Tattoo on her right wrist
67. Tattoo on her right ear
68. Tattoo on her back
69. Unicorn Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Unicorn’ tattoo on her right arm.
Meaning: Unicorn tattoo is a symbol of wisdom, power, courage, magic, and miracles.
70. Tattoo on her right arm
71. Tattoo on her left arm
72. Tattoo on her right wrist
73. Tattoo on her left leg
74. Tattoo on her left leg
75. Tattoo on her left leg
76. ‘Rose’ tattoo on her right leg
77. ‘Flying Bird’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Flying Bird’ tattoo on her right leg.
Meaning: Flying bird tattoo is a symbol of new beginnings, freedom, joy, rebirth, and transformation.
78. ‘Pattern of Roses’ tattoo on her right arm
79. Portrait tattoo on her right forearm
80. Tattoo on her left elbow
81. Tiny flowers tattoo on her left arm
82. ‘Lightning Bolt’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Lightning Bolt’ tattoo near her right eye.
Meaning: A lightning bolt tattoo is a symbol of power, strength, courage, fearlessness, and passion.
83. Tattoo on her right forearm
84. Tattoo on her right hand
85. Tattoo on her right wrist
86. Tattoo near her right wrist
87. Tattoo near her left knee
88. Skull Tattoo
89. Tattoo on her left thigh
90. Tattoo on her right leg
91. Dagger Tattoo
92. ‘Reindeer getting Shot’ tattoo on her leg
93. ‘Portrait of Oliver Peck’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of Oliver Peck’ tattoo on her leg.
Meaning: Kat got this tattoo inked when she was married to Oliver Peck.
94. ‘Roses’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Roses’ tattoo on the right side of her neck.
Meaning: Roses tattoo is a symbol of true love, emotions, feelings, passion, mature love, and protection from an envious lover.
95. ‘Oliver’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Oliver’ tattoo on the right side of his neck.
Meaning: She got the tattoo of her ex-husband, ‘Oliver’ inked on her body.
96. Blackout Sleeve Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Blackout Sleeve’ tattoo on her left arm.
Meaning: In November 2019, Kat got her left arm covered with black colored ink and on November 5, 2019, she uploaded the post on her Instagram account, with the caption,
I’m so in love with my new blacked out arm tattooed by @hoode215! 🖤 Can’t believe it only took him 1.5 hours – and it’s the most consistent, true black I have ever seen!
I feel so lucky to have @hoode215 guest spotting here at @highvoltagetat and excited to have him come back in regular basis! Go follow @hoode215 to see the most impressive black work ever! 🖤🖤🖤”
However, most of her fans didn’t like it and she got an Instagram backlash.
97. ‘Sacred Geometry’ tattoo on her left arm
Meaning: In 2014, she got this tattoo inked by the tattoo artist, Dillon Forte.
98. ‘RYAN WAS HERE!’ tattoo on her body
99. ‘J’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘J’ tattoo near her right ankle.
Meaning: This is the first tattoo which Kat got inked when she was just 14. In March 2014, she uploaded the picture of this tattoo on her Instagram account with the caption,
Last night I ran into my first and probably only true Love I ever had: James. Fell in love when I was 14 and moved across the country on a greyhound bus together. Wild three years. I started tattooing (and getting tattooed) at that time. I got this “J” tattoo on my ankle back then..my first tattoo. It was done using a ghetto-ass home-made rig hooked up to a 9volt battery at a friends house. I still have it and still love it, even though it physically lasted longer than the relationship. And I have absolutely no regrets about it, and what it meant (and means) to me. What a gift.”