Hyland DeAndre Jordan Jr is an American professional basketball player for the Brooklyn Nets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Jordan is a devout Christian, prays frequently and his body ink is evidence of his faith. In 2017, he was named NBA All-Star for the first time. Jordan currently holds the NBA record for best career. He is fully wrapped up with inks all over his body. Let us take a tour and study his passion for permanent inking on his body.
1. ‘g.w.o.m’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left side of DeAndre Jordan’s lower abdomen has a tattoo of praying hands and letters “g.w.o.m” inked on it.
Meaning: The alphabets “g.w.o.m” stands for God Watch Over Me.
2. ‘Matthew 5:4-5’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left side of DeAndre Jordan’s chest has a tattoo of the fourth verse of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament which reads, “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted, Blessed are the most for they will inherit the earth -Matthew 5.4.5.
Meaning: DeAndre Jordan explained:
“Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the Earth.’ It’s kind of self-explanatory. I mean I see a lot of writing and things like that, that I can relate to and I’m not like, ‘Oh, I should get it tattooed on me,’ but I just kind of like them so much that I want to get it.”
3. ‘Lion Head’s’ Tattoo
Tattoo: To the right side of DeAndre Jordan’s right pec there is a tattoo of a lion’s head.
Meaning: Jordan explained :
“The lion was one of my first ones when I first started getting tattooed. Strong leaders have a lot of courage and heart, things like that, so I got that one.”
4. ‘Portrait Of Grandmother’ Tattoo
Tattoo: DeAndre Jordan has a portrait of his grandmother’s inked to the right side of his lower abdomen.
Meaning: DeAndre Jordan said,
“It’s my grandma’s face. I knew that I was going to get something about her right here (abdomen), but I didn’t know whether it was going to be some roman numerals of her birthday or something. She’s like my right hand man; she’s always there for me.”
5. ‘Angel’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right side of DeAndre Jordan’s chest has a tattoo of an angel inked on it.
6. The symbol of Eye
Tattoo: The left side of DeAndre Jordan’s upper abdomen has a tattoo of an eye inked in a designer way that looks like a symbol of â€.
“I wrote this – I got it before the Draft (in ’08). I was just kind of sitting around and was like, man I wanna get a tattoo. Because I always have writing of what other people say, so I wanted to write something for myself. It’s kind of like, I’m blessed to have the talents that I do and I’m going to dedicate myself and sacrifice myself to my talents and just thank God for everything that he’s given me.”
7. Design on Left Side of Stomach
Tattoo: The left side of DeAndre Jordan’s abdomen has a tattoo of personalized intricate design inked.
8. Portrait Of His Father
Tattoo: Towards the centre of his stomach, De Andre has the portrait of his father, Hyland Jordan.
9. Design on Lower Left Abdomen
Tattoo: Just below the intricate design which is difficult to make out, there is another design inked on the lower left side of his abdomen which seems to be multiple flowers.
10. ‘Philippians 4:13’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right side of DeAndre Jordan’s body has a quote that reads, I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me Philippians 4,13″ inked on it. This is the verse inspired from the e and the reason to get it inked is De Andre’s strong faith in Christianity and Jesus Christ.
Back Tattoos
11. Angel on his Back
Tattoo: DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo of an angel inked on the left side of his back. This is another addition of angel inks on his body. Angels are a symbol of good luck.
12. Quote on the Leftside Of Back
Tattoo: The left side of DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo which is known to be another one taken from the Bible.
13. ‘All Eyes On Me’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The backside of DeAndre Jordan is covered with skulls and alien creatures topped with a phrase that reads, ‘All Eyes On Me‘. This shows how obsessed De Andre is with his fan following and thus, is focused on grabbing everybody’s attention towards himself.
Right Arm Tattoos
14. ‘H and Star’ Tattoo
Tattoo: On the right shoulder of DeAndre Jordan consists of a big five-pointed tattoo with the alphabet H inside it inked on it.
Meaning: The ‘H’ inside a star is the representation of his hometown in Houston.
15. ‘The Serenity Prayer’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right arm of DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo stretching from his shoulder to his bicep that reads, ‘God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change… Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference…
Meaning: The Serenity Prayer is the common name for a prayer that used to be favorite prayer of his Grandmother and is known to be written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr.
16. Quote On His Arm
Tattoo: The inner side of DeAndre Jordan right arm consists a tattoo of a prayer that reads, “I thank God I ve the will that he has given me I will honor the sacrifice and dedicate myself to my talent, I know where I have come from but I know where I am going”.
Meaning: This ink is the representation of De Andre’s strong belief in himself and his actions that he takes and he wishes to take in the future. He wishes to thank god for all his blessings due to which he has achieved the heights in his career and promises to dedicate all of him towards his talent.
17. ‘Rose’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The inner side of DeAndre Jordan’s right bicep features a tattoo of a full blossomed rose with petals inked on it.
18. Portrait of a Child
Tattoo: DeAndre Jordan has a portrait of a child face inked on the outer side of his right upper arm.
19. ‘ Chained Heart’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The chained heart is the symbol of locking up of one’s feelings’.
18. ‘Diamond’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right arm of DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo of a diamond inked on it. Diamond denotes power and wealth.
Left Arm Tattoos
18. ‘Celtic Cross And Basketball’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left arm of DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo of a basketball and a Celtic cross inked on it with a banner wrapped around the cross reading the names, “Corny”, “Bret”, “Avery”. These are the names of his mom and brothers.
Meaning: DeAndre Jordan explained:
“The basketball and the cross have my mom and brother’s names on it and that was the first (tattoo I got). It hurt really bad. I remember I had a grey muscle shirt on and it was drenched (in sweat) when I was done.”
19. Quote on Right Forearm
Tattoo: DeAndre Jordan is tattooed with the verses from the holy book Bible on his left forearm.
20.’Earth and Skull’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The outer side of DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo of half earth and a half skull which says, ‘Don’t gain the world and lose your soul.’ inked on it.
Meaning: DeAndre Jordan explained:
“It’s a Bob Marley quote. It’s a circle, but it’s half a skull and half the Earth. I just didn’t want to get caught up in materialistic things and forget who I am and where I come from.”
21. Portrait Of Jesus Christ
Tattoo: The inner side of DeAndre Jordan’s left forearm has a tattoo of Jesus Christ holding a bow in his hand-inked on it. This is another body tattoo that shows the strong faith of De Andre in his religion i.e Christianity and Jesus Christ.
22. ‘Stamp’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The inner arm of DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo that reads an alphabet ‘A‘, ‘C.L.A‘, stamp, a word Gillen, and a flag.
Memory Tattoos
23. Portrait of a Rockstar
Tattoo: The right upper leg of DeAndre Jordan has a tattoo of portrait of a rock star holding a bass guitar inked on it.
24. Portrait Of Bearded Man
Tattoo: DeAndre Jordan features another portrait of a bearded man with a scarf on his head inked on his right leg.
25. Portrait On His Right Leg
Tattoo: Portraits of faces on Jordan’s right leg
Meaning: DeAndre Jordan explained:
“My grandpa always tells me, ‘don’t take wooden nickels.’ Kind of like, don’t let anybody mess you over, don’t let anybody pull the wool over your eyes, things like that.”
“I have the street that I grew up on in Houston.”
“My little cousin who passed, he played baseball and he was young, he was like six. And he would always be like, ‘D, when you go to the NBA, I want to go to all your games.’ And then he passed, so I kind of got that piece in memory of him. His name was Ethan and that was my little man there.”
26. The symbol on Right Knee
Tattoo: The knee of DeAndre Jordan’s right leg has a tattoo of a symbol inked on it.
27. ‘Third’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left leg of DeAndre has a tattoo that reads Third, designed with floral prints and rose petals inked on it.