1. Unalome Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Unalome’ tattoo on her neck.
Meaning: Unalome tattoo holds a very important role in the Buddhist culture that defines the path towards enlightenment. The turns and twists in the design of this tattoo denote several struggles of life and the straight line denotes the path to enlightenment. In the Hindu culture, the symbol denotes the third eye of Lord Shiva.
2. Cherubs Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Cherubs’ tattoo near her collar bones.
Meaning: Cherubs are the baby angels and the tattoo of cherubs denote the protection of the wearer. It also denotes the joy, playful, and cheerful nature of the wearer. Sometimes such tattoos are inked in the memory of a closed young person who has passed away.
3. Tattoo on her chest
4. Tattoo on her left torso
5. Tattoo around her neck
6. Puzzle Piece Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Puzzle Piece’ tattoo on the right side of her face.
Meaning: A puzzle piece tattoo symbolizes a mental disorder “autism” in which the person is unable to communicate or interact. This condition affects the emotional, physical, mental, and social well-being of the person. Lil Bo Weep died because of mental disorders like PTSD, trauma, depression, and drug addiction.
7. Peony Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Peony’ tattoo on her left shoulder.
Meaning: A peony tattoo symbolizes love, affection, beauty, honor, grace, bravery, courage, etc.
8. ‘YOU CAN NOT OWN ME’ tattoo on her right leg
9. ‘Peony’ tattoo on her left forearm
10. Mandala Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Mandala’ tattoo on her left elbow.
Meaning: Mandala is a unique design that holds several meanings in different cultures. This design is made in a circular form and is comprised of several different shapes and symbols that denote the eternal balance in life, perfection, harmony, infinity, and power.
11. ‘Jahseh’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Jahseh’ tattoo on her right leg.
Meaning: Jahseh aka XXXTentacian was an American rapper, singer, and songwriter who was killed on June 18, 2018. After the death of the rapper, Lil Bo Weep got the tattoo of the name “Jahseh” inked on her right leg. On June 20, 2018, she tweeted,
May your body rest jahseh,, thankyou you for being a good friend to me and an amazing creator. You’re soul will live on.”
12. ‘3773’ tattoo on her right wrist
13. Dot Work Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Dot Work’ tattoo on her left forearm.
Meaning: Dot work is an amazing artwork in which the tattoo artist uses the dotted patterns to create a visual effect on the wearer’s body. Though this tattoo doesn’t hold any specific meaning, the tattoos of Lil Boo Weep used to hold special secretive meanings to her. On February 14, 2019, she tweeted,
Hi pls be mindful of what my tattoos could mean to me before u go copy them >.< A lot of them are symbolic to me and Abuse I went thru throughout my life. It’s rlly hurtful when that’s ripped off because “style”I have no problem w people being inspired by me- but please take.”
14. ‘Peony’ tattoo on her left forearm
15. Tattoo on her left leg
16. Tattoo on her right leg
17. Tattoo on her right leg
18. Tattoo on her right arm
19. Ankh Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Ankh’ tattoo on her right pec.
Meaning: Ankh symbol holds a very important role in the Egyptian culture that denotes the life, power, peace, prosperity, abundance, culture, etc.
20. Baby Deer Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Baby Deer’ tattoo on her left torso.
Meaning: Baby deer tattoo symbolizes spirituality, love, affection, grace, regeneration, maturity etc. This tattoo might be related to the miscarriage she suffered. In one of her last Instagram posts, she also uploaded several videos stating that due to her disorders, she won’t be able to conceive in life. She said,
btw im NOT high, I am heavily dosed on seroquel to avoid any psychosis from my cptsd. not only have I been mourning my child, I have recently found out my fertility has been affected by growing up with a severe eating disorder. If you so so so any sort of a ninja Cerner I recommend to really think about what you’re doing to yourself because I may never be able to have a full term pregnancy or have a child of my own due to the way I treated my body.”
21. Tattoo on her right forearm
22. Junji Ito Tweety