The tattoo industry is literally booming with most complicated to the simplest form of art and in a search for eve evolving talent to add some innovation. Although, your boney fingers are not just hard to ink but could be quite painful to ink too. The tattoos are in danger of fading away too if not kept a constant check on due to exposure and contact. However, it does not really stop one from getting it done on your skin. It’s a way of expression!
In today’s trend, finger tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo designs ever. I am specifically talking about the middle finger tattoos here! It is a part of your body you can not hide and so why not make middle finger tattoo on the most un-hide-able place of your body? However, if you are not heavily inked or a rule-breaker, you would need some serious consideration before you make any commitment to yourself. Unless you are getting a ring tattoo….which is sweet.
Other than that, if you are OK with letting everyone who is going to shake hands with you to see what are you are up to, then you would probably enjoy going through this list of 30 amazing middle finger tattoo designs for both men and women. In this collection, you will find some of the coolest ideas that you can use for yourself and probably create a very unique design for yourself. Without further ado, we shall dive into the pool of great ideas:
List Of Middle Finger Tattoo Design
Middle Finger Tattoo Design On Neck
This middle finger tattoo is pretty simple but right there on the neck, it looks pretty classic. It does not have many elements to it but just the outline of the design that makes it look fantastic! You can get your middle finger tattoo on the neck and this way you can hide it whenever you want to.
Middle Finger Tattoo Design on Back
The back is a place which can be hidden at any time you want. If you want to show your middle finger tattoos design at some times only, the back seems like the place to be. The tattoo int his design is pretty big and only placement areas like back and chest can contain such a huge design. It looks totally great.
Disney Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This Disney inspired tattoo design looks very amazing. It is a great idea for sarcasm because the middle finger is something we keep away from children and this middle finger tattoo is totally inspired by children’s television channels. So here’s a great contrast for the beginners. It shows that you have a rebellious personality.
Skull Middle Finger Tattoo Design
Skull middle finger tattoo is one of the most famous tattoo ideas on the internet. Here, the boney fingers of the skeleton are showing off his middle finger to the world. The arm is the most preferred place to get this tattoo. The fingers are coming out of a broken heart which can be seen bleeding so you know it is a matter of heartbreak.
Middle Finger Tattoo Design Outline
This design is dedicated to someone you hate or someone who probable;y might have done something wrong to you, like break your heart, for example, However, this tattoo can have many other connotations too. The tattoo design is simple and looks very chic. You can make it on your arm because it would look just awesome there.
Full Skull Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This design is great for someone who is very chill in all situations. The leg is a great placement idea because then the tattoo would not be that direct. It showcases a full-blown skeleton design who has both his middle fingers up and who is not really giving a damn about the world. Probably, he might also be talking about meeting other people in hell.
Pain Fades Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This design is a great option if you have had any recent heartbreaks of probably you have gone through tough times which has caused you a lot of pain. It is done with beautiful black ink. Only the outlines are made and the overall design ha been kept pretty simple. So it is a great option if you want to keep it as a reminder to move on with your life.
Unusual Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This is quite a weirdly funny design. It is a hand win color green which is showing it’s the middle finger. The picture is rather unusual but yet so creative. It is almost funny and ridiculous! However, it is a great artistic perspective of not giving a damn about the world or of anyone who has done them wrong.
Awesome Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This one is pretty direct. Although it just has a single swear word which is done on the middle figure, it is still too direct. Getting a middle finger tattoo on your middle finger is a pretty creative and level choice, I must say. It makes sure that the message has been given properly and without any misinterpretations. The finger is also great for a small design like this.
Amazing Middle Finger Tattoo Design
‘Aloha’ is the Hawaiian word for saying goodbye. So if you want to say someone goodbye from your life, it is a pretty creative way to do so. And rather rude too. However, this design is pretty amazing. It is simple and the hand looks pretty realistic. Adding the goodbye word is a great idea and you can add goodbye in other languages too.
Great Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This is a huge and great skull tattoo that has covered almost the whole of the arm. It looks pretty real because of the 3D and the cool shading effect. Clearly, it is a great idea for an arm design because it would look pretty apparent from here. You do not have to hide such a cool design and of course, it isn’t without meaning either. So it is a win-win situation!
Wonderful Middle Finger Tattoo Design
The wearer is clearly a rebel who wants nothing but peace. It could be a rebellious sign if you are actually fighting a cause and want things to change for better. It could be a sign of social cause. However, the leg is a great place to get this kind of design because it must be a little discreet as it might not be accepted everywhere in society.
Monster Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This is a very monstrous-looking middle finger tattoo design. However, the monster is not that scary. The reason behind it is that it is made up of very bright colors like yellow, green, and blue. So it is rather cartoon-like and funny rather than being scary. However, the kind of message it puts forth is definitely scary!
Mickey Mouse Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This design is once again Mickey Mouse inspired design which can be made at almost any place on your body. This design looks wonderful because although it is a kid’s channel and represents everything related to children, it has been used in such a direct and “adult way”. In fact, this tattoo design has some offensive words just below it which you can write or can withdraw from.
Death Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This tattoo design is although offensive, but it looks very attractive. I am guessing that it is because of all the beautiful and bright colors that this tattoo design has. This skeleton hand seems like it is coming straight out of the coffin while the beautifully painted pink colored flowers are just lurking above. It is a subtle way of saying what you want to say!
That’s Why Middle Finger Tattoo Design
It seems like this wearer has a lot of grudges from someone who might have hurt them in the past. Hence, this design is an apparent representation of his feelings. The skeletal hand is coming straight out by piercing the skin and spilling all the blood on the sides. It is a great design for anyone who wants to express their anger because this design, although cartoon-like, is pretty gore-y.
Rebel Middle Finger Tattoo Design
Probably this design is to say that although this person has done wrong (which explains why the hands are in cuffs) or someone might have hurt them, still they are in a better place. It is a very funny and imaginative way of saying what the person wants to say in offensive language. This middle finger design is superb!
Computer Middle Finger Tattoo Design
You do not need something elaborative to express any of your emotions whether it is that of love or sadness or even anger. You can try and get inspired by something very minimalistic like this and get over with it. This design is inspired by the computer cursor and is done in a pixilated manner to give the effect. It is quite creative.
Shoulder Middle Finger Tattoo Design
A full arm design looks amazing. However, this is a design of a girl who has her middle finger up. It is quite a realistic design, I must say and that is because of all the great shading work done by the tattoo artist. The girl in this design looks like Rihanna to me which may not be true but if you are inspired by some celebrity rebel, you might go ahead and get him or her tattooed with their middle finger up on your skin! There’s no end to creativity, right?
Skeleton Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This wearer has chosen quite a creative middle finger tattoo design. Her hand is done with a skeleton figure so that when she rises her own middle finger, the skeleton tattoo takes the shape automatically. I would say that this is a very creative way of showing your middle finger design without being too apparent and being discreet instead.
Mickey Mouse Colored Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This man has got a mickey mouse themed middle finger tattoo again but the difference is that it is not just a hand but the whole of the character! In fact, the beautiful colors that he has chosen to decore his tattoo with doe snot resonate with the meaning of his tattoo design. The sky is full of stars and fireworks and here is mickey’s middle finger raised! That is quite a funny way to show your feelings. Although the colors do make the tattoo design very bright, I must say.
Different Middle Finger Tattoo Design
Once again a hand tattoo design that looks like a hand having his middle finger up to show exactly that. Quite confusing, right? Well, so is the symbolic representation of the tattoo design. This tattoo looks pretty awesome. It is different from the one we saw above only in its color, so you can choose any color that you like.
Hand Middle Finger Tattoo Design
The wearer has made this tattoo design right in the middle of his chest where the heart lies. So this shows that the wearer is suffering from some kind of heartbreak because the tattooist so near to his heart. It is a creative placement idea and it shows that it is important to select ana appropriate placement area to convey your feelings fully. The handis seriously wounded and even has a skull right in the middle of it.
Calves Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This skeleton hand is done in pair and that too on the calves fo the legs! Quite interesting… However, while one skeleton hand has shown a thumbs up the other one has his middle finger rip. It is quite contrasting but shows the carefree attitude of the wearer. It can show that you do not care about what others think of you and have a pretty nonchalant attitude.
Man Middle Finger Tattoo Design
You can definitely get yourself finked with your favorite celebrity or someone you know tattooed with their middle finger up to inspire you to not give any damn to the hardships or heartbreaks in life. It could serve as a great reminder and is a great tattoo design. In fact, it is a very real looking tattoo too.
Amazing Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This middle finger tattoo design is made right on the arm. However, the wearer has played it smart because he has decided to make it upside down because some people might have a problem with these kinds of offensive symbols. And since you are a rebel but not that big a rebel, you would want to mellow it down a bit.
Sorry Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This tattoo has a very clear representation. This tattoo design is very straightforward in saying that it does not apologies. So if you have been done wrong by someone close to you, you want to tell them that their apology would not matter. And while it is always better to forgive and forget, sometimes people do not really deserve any forgiveness.
Funny Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This is a very funny tattoo design and rather creative too. It is a man with his middle finger up telling the person who has done him wrong to act in the same way instead of asking for expecting an apology. It shows that the war is on in every way possible and there’s no going back. The man has already built his walls high.
French Fry Middle Finger Tattoo Design
We all love fries and while it can be popular choice to get tattooed (because many people get their favorite foods tattooed on themselves!) it is also a very subtle way of being offensive, that is, showing your middle finger. While a direct representation may be offensive in a specific society, getting this french fry middle finger tattoo would keep it mellowed down.
Great Middle Finger Tattoo Design
This is a straightforward way of saying damn you. The tattoo is nothing but the outline of a middle finger which is quite the way to go about it. Sometimes you gotta keep it simple and move on. This kind of tattoo would surely serve as a reminder though to be more careful in life than you have been before.
With this, we come to an end of the 30 awesome middle finger tattoo designs. This list has all kinds of tattoo inspiration for you but if you want to add your own creativity to it, you can add. With a tattoo like this, you have to be careful about the connotation it holds and if it would be accepted in the society you live. While it might be ok for some people, some people would find these middle finger tattoos very offensive. So you might want to keep it mellowed down or discreet or even make it someplace where it is not too visible. If you can not face the consequences, there’s no pointing getting a middle finger tattoo design either because it is something that will stay with you for a very long time if not forever.