250+ Amazing Aztec Tattoo Designs and Ideas

Aztec represents the symbol system of the ancient civilization of the Mesoamerican culture who loved adornments. A way to adorn themselves was by the means of tattooing. Some of the ancient cultures, like Otomi, Huaxtec, and Mayans used permanent tattoos, the Aztecs did not. However, the Aztecs liked to get inked during religious or cultural ceremonies. However, the scholars say that if all the cultures who are around the Aztecs got tattooed, it is quite the possibility that Aztecs did too. Aztec warriors, especially, used body paint before they went to war. Similarly, Aztec priests also used body paint before they could perform any ceremony.

The Aztecs worked in a societal relation that was super structured and had rituals and superstitions. Tattoos then also became an important part of their art and culture as they continued to develop a variety of designs, patterns, and motifs that was focused on repetition until a specific shape was developed. It involved a lot of structured geometrical patterns too.

A lot of basic Aztec symbols and motifs are still used in modern-day Latinx tattooing across the southern USA, Mexico, and Central Latin America. 

In today’s culture, Aztec designs are much popular. The use of abstract and geometrical designs in Aztec pottery and walls is often used for modern tattoos. Many people like to go for the common symbols of the sun or some Aztec God, like  Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god. We are providing 250 amazing Aztec tattoo designs in this list with their meanings for you.

Aztec Tattoo Design

The Aztec culture is said to be very structured and it is a primitive civilization, the society functioned well with a lot of social and religious rules. In this culture, tattoos played a huge part as well. They were used in rituals that involved worshipping of Gods like Uitzilopochtle, Cuauhtli, or Quahtli. One such ritual included getting the children tattooed to encourage religious feelings towards a specific god.

Out of all the symbols that we will discuss below, one of the last and the most important rituals involved in the Aztec community was to honor their warriors by means f body ink. They were proud and victorious warriors and they would return home, the locals would straightaway carve the most beautiful artwork for them in their honor. The designs were often transferred to the warriors afterward as an acceptance of the honor that was bestowed on them.

Aztec tattoos have become quite popular not just in modern-day Mexico but also in other parts of the world. Many people still use such methods to honor the culture and rituals associated with their ancestors by following their footsteps and so that they can feel rooted. Some people use the Aztec style to represent children’s names or any other word that is significant for them. Whatever meaning they hold, they are pretty complex in design and require a lot of detailing in comparison to other modern-day designs.

Aztec Tattoo Meaning

Different Aztec symbols represent different meanings that were given to everyday objects. For example, the sun is used at many places as it is considered the chief symbol because it is responsible for giving life and is central to everything else like religion, farming, and even the famous Aztec Calendar.

You would want to go back to the 12th century and you will notice that what was once the capital of Aztec on the Lake Texcoco, called Tenochtitlan, is not the city of Mexico, the capital of the country. The Azotic art form is the most popular because it features almost everything that can be found in nature. Each design would feel lifelike and alive because it is a very expressive form o fart. However, this form of art was used to avoid death and destruction and has a lot of religious connotations. It has many rituals like animal sacrifices etc. Even humans were sacrificed too. I’m talking about 80,4000 prisoner sacrifices within four days as claimed by the Great Speaker, Ahuitzotl!

Though, not all motifs have such evil and grime purposes. For example, the frog was a symbol of joy, while the butterfly stood for transformation. The monkey is seen as a symbol for celebrations and dancing. If you were to mix all these symbols, the story it would tell is the one that is filled with a rich and happy life.

Now, some symbols like the Ideograms were employed to represent and show certain concepts. A warrior looking over his enemy with a weapon would show the idea of conquest and victory.

Other symbols are based on animals which include animals such as the jaguar, monkeys, bears, eagles, and even frogs! The animals were actually totems for the people of the civilization to depict various personalities and behavioral patterns.

Other popular symbols were that of Aztec warriors that celebrated their victories, courage, and strength on the battlefield. They also had some significant symbols which the scholars have compared to the Egyptian hieroglyphs which were also added to the tattoo designs.

  • Aztec Calendar

Speaking of Aztec Calendars, there is not just one of them but they are independent systems. One of these calendars called the xiuhpohualli has 365 days which describes each day and rituals related to the season. Therefore, it may be called the solar or agricultural calendar. Other calendars also have 260 days. In some calendars like Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, it is called the tonalpohualli or, the day-count. The most common form of calendar is the sacred calendar or tonalpohualli.

  • Eagle

The most honored bird is the eagle in the Aztec culture. This bird is symbolic of power, courage, and strength. Many Aztec warriors chose the wage as their choice o design to express their bravery, courage, and determination. The most common eagle design is the one in which the head of the eagle is turned sideways and with its beak open.

Another important thing is to notice that Aztecs had a warrior society where the warriors could join once they have captured at least 4 enemies. They could then become Eagle warriors or Jaguar warriors. These two, although same in the rank, expressed their beliefs differently. Eagle knights chose Huitzilopochtli as their god and the Jaguars revered Tezcatlipoca. Other famous Aztec animals for tattoos involve the jaguar, monkey, and frog.

  • Aztec dates

Instead of getting the hefty system of dates in the Aztec calendar, many people opted for an Aztec representation of some date that was important to them. The huge and complex solar calendar largely mapped the movement of the sun. It is different from ours in the way that although it counts days and the number of years it has not divided it into months.

However, many websites can convert the modern date into the Aztec pictorial representation of the same. Each date involves three major symbols for a day, a 13 day period system akin to month or week, and for the year respectively.

For example, January 1, 2019, would use the symbolic representation of the wind, the jaguar, and the reed. It is a great option for someone who is looking for a tribal tattoo design having some personal meaning, is unique, and is subjective.

  • Sun

Rather as a matter of confusion, the Aztecs had many sun gods. They had a belief that the world has been destroyed and then created a total of four times. The present time is the fifth time and therefore, the fifth sun. Each of these periods was ruled by a specific sun god, the past four of them are no longer the gods. These were Tezcatlipoca (smoking mirror), Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent), Tlaloc (rain god), and Chalchiuhtlicue (goddess of water). The god of the fifth sun is called Nanauatl who became Tonatuih. However, Huitzilopochtli, the god of war is also something’s considered to be the sun god because he is the warrior of the sun for its protection. Aztec sun tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo options for people.

  • Egyptian Hieroglyphs

In some cases, the tattoos used words, and the language of the Aztecs is considered similar to that of Egyptian hieroglyphs. The language was officially called Nahuatl and it has largely not been translated. The language uses many pictures to depict each word which could be confusing at some times. For example, some words like an eagle were depicted using the eagle head, while some words such as rain were depicted using the image of the rain god. Therefore, it was quite tricky sometimes.

  • Aztec Warrior

Many men and women also like to choose the symbol of an Aztec warrior, also known by the name of Huitzilopochtli as the warrior of the sun. The symbol is that of a male face with the tongue usually sticking out.

The tattoo of the Aztec warrior symbolizes the afterlife. This tattoo is also sometimes combined with an Aztec eagle because it is the primary source of strength and courage for the warrior as he goes to the afterlife. It is because of such magnificent symbolic representation that this kind of tattoo is popular amongst people who are in similar modern-day professions like soldiers, policemen, and athletes. These symbols also give them the strength to lead a virtuous and gather goodness for their next life.

  • Calendar Stone

Another one of the Aztec tattoo designs is taken from the face of the sun or Calendar Stone. This design was actually found near the cathedral in Mexico City, Mexico. It shows the face of the fifth sun, names, Tonatiuh. The stone also shows the four suns that have been destroyed in the sun. There are two jaguar heads on either side of the Tonatiuh which depicts the earth. The Calendar Stone also contains many symbols that are based on Aztec myths. It is one of the most recognizable tattoo signs.

  • Day Symbols

In the Aztec writing system, each day is represented by its own symbol. Many people love to get such abstract images for their tattoo design because they are unique. The Aztec symbols include many animals like the jaguar, eagle, crocodile, elephant, etc. The symbols that they use are made out of everyday objects to represent notions such as death etc.

  • Aztec Crocodile Tattoo

The crocodile in the Aztec is often associated with creation or birth. The people of this civilization believed that this scary-looking creature was the first god and the earth is a part of his body. Many people who were into land business or were pioneers of agriculture used this symbol on their bodies. They believed that this symbol would help them harvest good energy for their lands and for their fields and crops to grow and create something new.

  • Aztec Feathered Serpent Tattoo

The serpent tattoo was considered an all-powerful god in civilization. The serpent god is called by the name of Quetzalcoatl, which is considered the god of learning, creativity, science, arts, and crafts. It is also known as the patron of priests and other religious figures. People choose this tattoo to help them boost the positive energy around them,m and is supposed to bright good fortune in their field.

  • Huitzilopochtli

Huitzilopochtli was the god of war and the sun, and naturally the most important deities in the Aztec culture. It was believed that’s sent an eagle first to guide the land for it to become an empire. This god is often depicted as having blue legs and arms and carrying objects like a snake-shaped spear-thrower, a shield, or feathered arrows.

Sometimes, he was also symbolized by a hummingbird because he wore the feather of the bird in his helmet. He is also represented by an eagle sitting on the pear cactus and while holding a snake. It is very similar to the image of something which appears in the national flag of Mexico.

  • Tláloc

Tláloc was one of the other principal deities and was considered the god of rain, water, lightning, and agriculture. It was believed that he could send rain to provide water for drinking and cultivating fields, but could also send storms and drought when he felt angry. His mouth was soften shaped like corn which symbolized the power to provide rain for the land.

  • Other deities

Apart from these few gods who are considered the most important, the Aztec pantheon also includes:

  • Quetzalcoatl – This one is considered the creator of the world, the god of wind and rain, and the god of learning, science, agriculture, crafts, and the arts, etc. He did not only belong to the Aztecs but was a supreme deity in the other religions of ancient Mesoamerican cultures. He is usually depicted as a serpent with feathers.
  • Tezcatlipoca – He is the god of sustenance, warriors, and the embodiment of change through conflict. He is often shown with a smoking mirror on his head and a serpent instead of his foot. Usually, he’d also wear a turquoise mask with a black eye band. Interestingly, he was normally designed in various colors depending on the course he was intended to imply. For example, black for the north, blue for the south, red for the east, white for the west direction.
  • Xipe Totec – He was the god of agriculture and Spring, usually represented with a large face, double lips, and sunken eyes. Seldom he was shown as covering himself with the skin of one of the victims sacrificed to him.
  • Xiuhtecuhtli – He is the god of fire, usually presented as wearing a crown, with a bluebird dangling from his forehead and a fire serpent at his back.
  • Xochipilli – He is the god of flowers, love, dancing, creativity, and Summer. He is often portrayed in the group of butterflies, flowers, mushrooms, and animals; and sometimes supplemented by a symbol of four dots that symbolized the sun.
  • Mictlantecuhtli – He is the god of the dead, and linked with owls, spiders, bats, and the southern cardinal direction.
  • Coatlicue – This is the earth-mother goddess and the protector of childbirth, often presented as wearing a skirt of serpents, with large claws that she employed to swallow human corpses.

A simple search on the internet search will reveal to you numerous instances of nice Aztec style tattoos

Similarities in Symbols

Aztec tattoos have a lot of symbols, signs, and motifs that have a variety of similarities.  For example, the sun is a recurring motif in many designs as it is important to Aztecs. To this tribe, the sun is the symbol of creation and has been present since the beginning of time and is thus considered sacred. The calendar was also made around the movement of the sun with multiple images of the sun bearing various facial expressions to describe the position. Therefore, it was the main symbol of many tattoo designs.

The animals are other recurring symbols like jaguars, monkeys, elephants, lions, eagles, frogs, etc. They are the totem animals or what we know as spirit animals that describe the personality of a human being. The people of that time would select a special animal based on their spirit guide and feelings of empathy and kinship towards other creatures.

For instance, animals such as bears, eagles, and crocodiles, which are on the more special top of the food chain, would indicate that the person is thought of as strong and dominating. Frogs reveal the value of that person in the circle of life, despite not being towards the tip of the food chain, and animals such as monkeys and tortoise were picked because that person sensed an inclination towards the animal’s habits – such as the seldom unusual behavior of the monkey or the inactivity of the tortoise.

Aztec Tattoo Placement Ideas

Each deity has its own specific symbolic pattern that helped the people know about the ritual. However, in addition to this, the placement area was also important because each placement option held its own unique importance and own meaning. For instance, when a child got a tattoo to receive and acknowledge loyalty, it was normally on their chest, stomach, or wrist and would signify commitment and loyalty to a special God of choice.

You can get Aztec tattoos almost anywhere on your body. Picking the perfect spot for your tattoo depends on various circumstances such as the size, color, design, symbol, and lifestyle.

Large tattoo designs such as the Aztec eagle and the Aztec calendar are usually tattooed at the back, on the chest, or even on arm. A back piece and a full sleeve provide the tattoo artist with more movement and space to correctly perform specific designs. It also provides you with the chance to highlight the best characteristics of the Aztec symbol that you desire to utilize in your tattoo.

On the other hand, the placement of a small piece of Aztec tattoo is more comfortable to choose from. You can use any part of your body for that especially your hands, palms, nape, feet, legs, or your lower arms for these kinds of tattoos. Small Aztec patterns normally go well with more petite body parts, since it helps them make the design appear bigger.

Your lifestyle can also be a great factor in determining the perfect location of your tattoo. If you are regularly struggling with chemicals that are there in tattoo ink or other skin hazards, then the nape of your neck, back, and upper arms are the ideal locations to keep your tattoo protected.

List Of Aztec Tattoos

  • Cool Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This full-back warrior tattoo looks absolutely stunning and majestic. If you have a warrior spirit inside of you and you wish to have a reminder for all that conquers your fears, this tattoo would be a great example of that. The wings that the warrior has look splendid.

  • Awesome Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is the Aztec sun symbol tattoo design that the wearer has decided to do on his shoulder. The sun is symbolized with this human face and his tongue sticking out. It looks pretty intricate. So if you have the patience to sit through something like this, this design is probably a cool idea.

  • Animal Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Here you can see there are two symbols made. It can mean something personal to the wearer in the Aztec language. Here are a bear and a sun. The bear looks pretty ferocious, to begin with. However, the whole design looks pretty amazing to be inked on the shoulder.

  • Full Back Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec back tattoo mens

This design is a great combination of the traditional Aztec style painting and the modern Chicano script.  The background elements are found in the Aztec symbols and motifs like the temples, warriors, and other intertwining or related patterns. The central or the focus of the image is composed of Chicano fonts done against the black and gray inks which look super cool.

  • Awesome Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is another popular Aztec tattoo symbol which is the sun god. It is great if you want something that represents strength because the sun stands for the regeneration of things. It is the essence of life and a great tattoo for you.

  • Popular Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This looks like a very stylish and different Aztec tattoo design that the wearer has chosen to make on his arms. It is intricate but still has bold tattoo patterns that make it look balanced. Therefore, you can get something like this you do not want anything too complicated.

  • Arm Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

It feels like this tattoo represents Aztec armbands which are quite popular. It has various symbols like dragons and other patterns that you can probably find on some pots or even some tribal wallpapers.

  • Amazing Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Getting an Aztec tattoo does not mean that you have to get your whole skin inked in different intricate designs. You can get this small Aztec bird symbol, which could symbolic of an eagle and therefore strength on any part of your body. It is a great substitute.

  • Great Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo design looks pretty amazing because it makes you feel as if you are looking at some monument in real life. The intricacy is great and the overall design looks pretty awesome.

  • Wonderful Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This man has decided to get a tattoo of some tribal girl in this picture wearing headgear and intricate jewelry designs. The other arm has been tattooed with a similar design with a dragon accompanying it. The design looks pretty spectacular.

  • Superb Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

To be honest, various Aztec symbols have looks we can not comprehend but it is the patterns on them that look very attractive and is the most common reason for people to get Aztec tattoos. Here, this symbol, no matter what it stands for, looks pretty amazing.

  • Lion Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

You can see a kid here with a lion’s body on his head. It can help us explore deep into the Aztec culture for example of what they wore! On the other hand, as a tattoo design, it looks pretty majestic too. It is an extension of your imagination.

  • Chest and Arm Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo begins from the chest with a  dragon using black ink and ends by covering the whole hand. The wearer has used some colors right when coming at the end of the design. It is a creative and attractive one, I must say.

  • 3D Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is quite a heavy design. It resembles a carved rock in real life and looks pretty heavy! Such realistic designs are a great idea for a big area like the chest or the ribs like this wearer has inked.

  • Leg Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Quite an interesting choice of placement area. This tattoo design looks pretty awesome on the legs. It begins from the thighs and covered the whole leg. It has various patterns and symbols in the design and looks pretty iconic.

  • Traditional Girl Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tribal girl tattoo design is pretty cool to look at. She is pretty pensive and in some thoughts. If such a design resonates with your views, then you must go for it.

  • Real Looking Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design is quite skillfully done on the arms. The design looks very realistic and as if it is carved out of a very old stone. It all depends on the artist!

  • Skull Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This whole front body design is quite striking to look at. It has many Aztec symbols like Aztec pyramids, skulls, and the Aztec calendar with the Aztec sun god in it. The design has various elements that are very intricate to draw and need a lot of skill.

  • Back Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This full-back Aztec design is divided into half. The first half has an Aztec skull and the second half a beautifully inked tribal Aztec girl. Both of these designs look pretty awesome.

  • Skull Back Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This skull looks like a pirate. We do not know if pirates were common in the same community but the resemblance is uncanny. If you like pirates and Aztec at the same time, you know this is the perfect design for you.

  • Sun God Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec art tattoos for guys on upper arm

This is a superbly made Aztec shoulder and chest tattoo. The artist has used the negative space to make some black lines and then used the technique of shadowing to fill in and combine the empty spaces. It is a very detailed design that represents a skull warrior and a traditional Aztec sun.

  • Diety Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Here is another example of how you can incorporate a diety in your Aztec tattoo design so that it looks amazing. It gives the touch of the carved stone and looks pretty amazing.

  • Skull Warrior Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The elements of this tattoo seem to have been taken from a telenovela and the Road to El Dora. The elements of these tattoos are warrior chief, black jaguar, some ancient temples, and a jungle scene. For a tattoo like this, you must make sure that your tattoo artist is skilled in the shadowing technique which has been done in this entire tattoo. It seems to be a combination of Aztec and Latinx body art.

  • Animal Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This lion design is pretty great to look at. It is made on the arm but another choice of placement could also be the back of the leg. The calf muscles stand for strength and so does the lion. So it is pretty appropriate.

  • Cool Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Clearly, the sun tattoo designs are pretty popular. There is no end to where you can place this kind of design.

  • Neck Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This neck design looks pretty marvelous and unique to look at. This design says a lot of things because it has various elements. It is a great neckpiece for anyone who loves to show off some great historical coolness.

  • Attractive Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec band tattoos for men

This is a beautiful tattoo design. The tattoo art shows a fearsome warrior chief which is at the top of the tattoo design near the shoulder. The sharp lettering patterns are used to emphasize the chief’s own symbolic tattoos. The other part of the tattoo looks pretty maze-like which has been completed using the shading effect. The whole look is pretty great.

  • Eye Catching Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec dragon tattoos for men on chest

This chest tattoo that extends to the biceps and arms looks pretty great. This body art is pretty awesome looking. It seems as if the artist has put up the exact representation of the stone cut design. The artist has also made use of the negative space in the design which looks pretty awesome by using shading techniques. The overall effect is superb.

  • Half Side Tattoo Design

aztec god of death tattoo for men

It is a humungous tattoo design that has been laid out for you! It is huge, made with bold patterns, and is very crafty! The use of negative space in this tattoo design is awesome because it is hard to fill up the spaces. Therefore, it can be only done by someone who has a lot of mastery over tattoo art. Such a work of art is not something you can see regularly.

  • Black Ink Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec half sleeve black tattoos for men

This is a great tattoo that depicts all the elements of a mesoamerican tattoo design. The bottom of the tattoo represents the Chichen Itza which is shining in the sunlight. Then there is also a warrior present with his elaborated headdress. Ther is also a beautiful dove that can have the same meaning as it has now in the modern world or can represent something else.

  • Amazing Looking Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec leg sleeve tattoos for males

This leg tattoo is pretty intricate and hectic and maybe one of the favorite Aztec tattoos around. The shading done by blacks and grey ink is balanced with the use of white ink too. The unusual highlights create a very amazing effect. The method of making intricate designs is unusual. The temple has been placed on the top of the tattoo which is quite clever. The overall look is pretty fantastic.

  • Girl Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec arm tattoo mens potrait designs

This beautifully etched Aztec tribal woman portrait looks absolutely gorgeous on the arm. The artist has made use of black and grey ink primarily and different elements to hide a bit of a woman’s face. Other elements have also been added to this design very carefully.

  • Warrior Fight Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is not just a tattoo design of some elements but represents a whole story. Here you can see two Aztec warriors in a dual. At the top, you can see huge elements that could represent the God of the time. There are other elements like clouds and Aztec temples and Aztec pyramids that have a huge significance in this design.

  • Hand Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec bicep tattoo men

This is quite a creative design and smaller than other full-body designs that we have seen before. The tattoo consists of a falcon that is broken into many sections and then sectioned into various Aztec patterns. This design is done on the inside of the forearm and has made shaded effects.

  • He Headdress Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This fierce female warrior is donning a beautiful headgear, that is, of a fierce leopard. It is quite a strong remark on the whole situation. The craft is beautiful.

  • Girl on Chest Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec chest and arm tattoo for men

This is a great tattoo design with a traditional headdress that the tribal woman is wearing. The lady with the headdress contrasts well with the zero spacing or the negative spacing image of the monkey stomach tattoo. It represents how different kinds of body art can be used to make a single design.

  • Motif Aztec Tattoo Design

aztec culture tattoos for men on upper arm

This traditional Aztec tattoo design looks very intricately made because the sun motif relies heavily on the intricate work. It looks as if it has been made from a very fine needle with black and white ink used. The look of the design is very rustic, however, the makeup of the whole pattern has been pretty consistent in the whole design.

  • Warrior Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is a great warrior tattoo but he is not fighting in his image. In fact, this image represents the warrior as a savior of people. he is carrying an injured and unconscious lady. The beautiful Aztec patterns look superb!

  • Leg Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The back of the leg is an awesome place for creating such bold designs especially this Aztec sun tattoo. The tattoo consists of many patterns that look pretty amazing.

  • Shoulder and Arm Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This 3D Aztec tattoo is very amazing. It showcases a motif design that looks starkly amazing. Except for a little part on the elbow, the whole arm is covered in Aztec patterns.

  • Illuminati Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This Aztec tattoo has many modern elements in it. It is quite creative to mix up modern and traditional elements in this tattoo design. Here, the wearer has added an Illuminati symbol with his Aztec tattoo.

  • Awesome Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This awesome tattoo represents a warrior looking very gravely at something. It can be a great reminder of determination.

  • Amazing Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Probably this tattoo represents the God of death because it contains a human figure and skulls around him. Skulls are often associated with death and evil and so, this could be a good representation of the same.

  • Great Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design looks pretty evil and scary, to be honest. The whole design is done with black ink which makes it look more evil than before. If you want your tattoo to look vile, this is a great option for you.

  • Creative Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is a good small tattoo design if you are into the Aztec culture which represents a unique figure. This figure can stand for many things that may or may not be the same for today’s world.

  • Unique Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

For you to make your tattoo design look unique, you can add several elements to your tattoo design. Here, the wearer has added different flora in his tattoo along with a dragon figure.

  • Black InkAztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Seems like the skull tattoos have been quite popular among the wearers of the design of the Aztec symbols. This skull tattoo looks pretty amazing with the shading effects that the artist has given.

  • Dragon Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

What makes this design unique is the fact that the dragon that is represented here has flared his wings in all directions to cover the whole chest. He is sitting on top of a red-colored cactus plant which, of course, does not have positive connotations. The mix of red and grey inks looks fabulous.

  • Great Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is a tribal Aztec tattoo of a smiling woman on the chest which looks super awesome. You can also notice some stairs and an Illuminati symbol which looks great. You can add multiple signs that resonate with your meaning.

  • Colorful Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Adding colors to your Aztec tattoo design is a great way to make it look different from that of others. Many people go for a realistic stone-like effect when it comes to traditional historical tattoo designs. However, you can try and add color to make it look different.

  • Multicolored Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Here is a very different image that looks like a half-human and half some other creature. Probably this is a very famous Aztec creature that looks awesome with the addition of colors.

  • Bold Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This Aztec tattoo design is not as intricate as others usually are. It is done with bold patterns. The ink used is super black in color to give it a bolder effect.

  • Different Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo design is great to work as an armband or something that can be made around the leg. In fact, you can try and get it around your neck too.

  • Full Upper Back Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The back is a great placement idea for some story or some idea that you want to show to the world or just a reminder for your own self.

  • Dragon Like Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

It looks like a stone-carved dragon tattoo on the back of this wearer. It looks pretty royal, I must admit. It is a mix between a dragon and an eagle.

  • Warrior Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

A simple Aztec warrior tattoo would look great on the shoulder. You can make the warrior tattoo using bold patterns because only intricate designs don’t need to be going to look pretty.

  • Skull with Headgear Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This simple skull tattoo with impressive headgear looks quite special. It shows that the people of the civilization regarded the death god as someone to be feared of.

  • Tribal Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo depicts a tribal man with unusual and distinct facial features and who is wearing leopard skin on his head. It shows that hunting was a great sport during that time and if you resonate with such activities, this could be a wonderful design.

  • Creative Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo of the tribal man looks very grime but yet so impressively made on the arm of the wearer.

  • Unique Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is the true representation of what a great warrior would look like. He holds a shield with the symbol of the eagle and has elaborative headgear too.

  • Attractive Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Upper arm tattoos are one of the most popular tattoos that we know of. This tattoo looks very impressive.

  • Traditional Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design overs the whole of the ribs and chest along with the hand of one side. You can get something creative like this with your own significant symbols.

  • The People Of Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo consists of a gothic lady with a few Aztec symbols. It is a mix of gothic tattoo designs and Aztec symbols. Such combinations have no end and you can combine Aztec elements with probably anything!

  • Improvised Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This simple Aztec symbol does not require much elaboration or ornamental design but it still looks pretty amazing. The whole image covered the ribs of the design so it is quite big.

  • Pretty Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The screaming Aztec tribal man looks very realistic. It is a wonderful design and the intricate patterns are very commendable.

  • Shoulder Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This Aztec animal symbol seems to be pretty common. With such a realistic representation, it feels like the animal is sitting right on the shoulder!

  • Aztec Tattoo Design on Arm

Aztec Tattoos

We have seen a lot of women donning leopard or tiger skin which makes us think that the women of the culture must have been as ferocious as the men!

  • Aztec Tattoo Design on Shoulder 

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo seems to represent some major Aztec lord that is sitting with all his pride on the seat. He could be a God for real or could be the chief of the tribe. Anyway, this tattoo looks very majestic. Specific attention must be paid to the headgear that is surrounding half the shoulder.

  • Aztec Tattoo Design Intricate

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo of the tribal man and woman together gives us a very great glimpse into the kind of people that were present during that time. Such tattoos give us a glimpse into the tradition of the culture.

  • Intricate Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This ferocious-looking warrior seems ready to fight in this tattoo design!

  • Superb Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This reminds me of the Hawaiian masks that are so popular in the modern world. Such a tattoo has no intricate details but still, looks awesome.

  • Aztec Tattoo Design with Colors

Aztec Tattoos

A great design for men. This tattoo depicts a temple along with an elaborately inked skull. This is a great choice for someone who wants a bold look for their tattoo.

  • Subtle Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design has a lion right in the center of the design which looks pretty ferocious and amazingly done. You can get such inspiration animals inked across your body for some courage and determination.

  • Spectacular Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This spectacular Aztec tattoo design is great for someone who has a special affinity for such a design. This design represents a working man in the time of Aztec civilization. The whole motif is pretty real-looking!

  • Picturesque Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This whole leg tattoo design is very intricately done with a lot of hard work using black ink. The whole design is picturesque!

  • Amazing Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design is very intricate and huge. It needs a lot of hard work and patience for anyone to have a design like this. You can get such a design with a bolder pattern too across your chest or back.

  • Eye Catching Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This Aztec tattoo design is dominated by the skulls here. The design is covering the whole of the arm with many distinctive patterns. The whole aura is that of ferociousness.

  • Scintillating Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Chest designs are always the most creative when it comes to Aztec tattoo designs. For example, here, the man has carved beautiful sharp and realistic-looking patterns on his chest which looks very stunning.

  • Gorgeous Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

It is quite true that most of the Aztec symbols have masculine elements that look pretty amazing. So it is a great option for men in the first place. The females can also opt for something bolder like this or can mellow the design down.

  • Thrilling Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Looking at this design actually gives you chills. For me, it represents freedom because of the way the man’s hair is flowing in the air and he looks very carefree. So this design is a perfect example if you want to embrace your freedom.

  • Real Life Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is quite a bold and real-looking Aztec tattoo design that has many 3D symbols in the whole pattern. The wearer has decided to get this pattern all around his wrist so that his whole arm is covered in it.

  • Colored Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo is a simple representation of an Aztec man, however, it is done with a very abstract form with a lot of colors in it. This tattoo is great for anyone who is not looking for too intricate patterns.

  • Colored Arm Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The Aztec tattoo is a superb-looking one here. The chest represents the sun calendar while the arm represents the dragon symbol. Both these designs have their unique meaning or they could mean something totally different in the tribal language.

  • Simple Black Ink Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

It looks like a pretty sweet Aztec armband which is done beautifully around the man’s arm. The tattoo looks super natural and done with a lot of intricate and bold patterns. So it has a perfect balance.

  • Outline of Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo only represents certain bold lines that form the outline of an Aztec man. You do not necessarily have to add a lot of intricate patterns to your Aztec tattoo design and can go minimalistic with it instead.

  • Tribal Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This side chest tattooist very different because it is minimalistic and can represent many things still. For example, it can represent a man’s hairdresser or it can represent some kind of weapon. So there are multiple meanings associated with it.

  • Tribal Sun Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This intricate and elaborate design of the Sun Calendar because might have taken a lot of hard work and patience on the part of the tattoo artist and the wearer of the tattoo.

  • Dragon Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This one is literally so amazing and creative, we must say. This design is that of a dragon that has been made so creatively. You can add other elements but it looks so grand even when it is standing alone.

  • Symbolic Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

this skull tattoo design is amazingly done in the wearer’s hand. It looks quite tremendous and has a deep significance. The strokes made by the artist make it look as if the tattoo is made out of stone.

  • Death Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design has a lot going on. Not only does it has a skull image but also an Illuminati design to accompany it. Many other patterns look beautiful. The addition of colors makes the design more attractive.

  • Eagle Warrior Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design is very significant because it shows an Aztec village on the bottom of this pattern and the Aztec chief who is on the top. Probably it represents the sense of responsibility and protection for the people of civilization.

  • Amazing Knight Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This warrior looks pretty impressive. Both bold and intricate strokes have been used by the artist to create something like this. It looks pretty creative. The ink is deep and black!

  • Dark Ink Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This black ink tattoo has a lot of patterns in it which look great. Some are done with thin strokes while others are done with bold ones. For the fillers, the creator has added black ink to the design.

  • Shoulder Sun Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The shoulder and chest design look terrific because it has a center symbol and other features that motifs which are spread out everywhere. The central symbol is that of a man wearing an eagle head or probably a man trapped inside the mouth of the eagle. Two perspectives, really.

  • Aztec Tattoo Design on Hand

Aztec Tattoos

A simple Aztec symbol on the hand is more than enough for some people who do not look for anything elaborative or ornamental.

  • Amazing Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Many people go for a combination tattoo like this shoulder and chest tattoo design which is a great idea because now you have a lot of designs to get inspired from.

  • Small Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The top half of the image has an Aztec temple while the second half looks like the image of a man. Probably he is the god or head of the village.

  • Petite Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design does not have a lot going on when we compare it to the others on the list. However, its dark black ink makes it look very attractive. It is a great design for someone who is not looking for anything elaborative.

  • Awesome Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo is mainly made up of bold strokes that look super amazing. Such tattoo designs are great and even easier to make than the other intricate designs. So it is a great option for you.

  • Minimal Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The amazing black ink tattoo looks pretty darn good with the dark black ink and the amazing motif design. I must say that the artist has done a great job even with bold strokes.

  • Neck Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The neck is a great placement option for you if you want something small and still, it should be pretty visible. Most neck tattoos are always visible because they are at a very exterior part of the body.

  • Girl Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This girl tattoo looks pretty amazing with the beautiful rose with it. The headgear makes it look like she belongs to a royal family. So if you have certain similarities with her, you must go ahead with this kind of design.

  • Sun God Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo design on the shoulder is pretty great looking. It doe not need more elaboration and looks perfect.

  • Skull Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This skull Aztec tattoo design is amazingly good with a collaborative demeanor. The shading effect is also great.

  • Sweet Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This Aztec tattoo of a little boy with a lion head looks pretty cute and sweet. It depicts innocence.

  • Neck Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The neck tattoo is pretty elaborative and looks very ornamental. You can get a 3D representation of such a design which can also make it look very real.

  • Neck Design Aztec Tattoo

Aztec Tattoos

This is a similar neck tattoo design to the ones we saw above, but it is not complete. It has been broken off in the middle and from there a very amazing shoulder tattoo has begun.

  • Amazing Warrior Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The great warrior tattoo is looking on with pride. So it can be a tattoo of remembrance.

  • Subtle Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The tattoo of this warrior lady looks like it is full of pride.

  • Great Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The leopard is a very recurring symbol in the Aztec tattoo designs. The other symbol is that of the skull which is pretty much as recurring as the leopard itself.

  • Huge Chest Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This is definitely a portrait of a warrior because it stands with such pride. Along with it, you can see the design of an eagle that confirms this fact.

  • Awesome Shoulder Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Such simple Aztec designs look pretty amazing on the shoulder.

  • Amazing Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This Aztec warrior seems pretty much in rage. That’s probably because of the dark red eyes that he has. However, the addition of colors has cleared his intention.

  • Creative Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

A simple bold pattern that was common during that time is a great idea.

  • Back Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

A simple Aztec warrior design on the back seems like a pretty great idea after all.

  • Colorful Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design is very close to the Illuminati design with its one eye open. These colors, however, make it look more attractive than before. The overall look is very appealing.

  • Emperor Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This emperor tattoo can be a good reminder of the responsibilities you have in life for yourself.

  • Arm Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

A little Aztec idea on the elbow is never a bad idea!

  • Bold Skull Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This creature looks rather vicious! However, it is still beautifully made by the creator.

  • Amazing Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The Aztec woman looks pretty darn good with a 3D effect to make it look more r.

  • Upper Arm Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The tattoo on the upper arm or near the chest is always in fashion. There’s no reason why not to have an Aztec tattoo in such a location.

  • Eagle Woman Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Quite a tattoo with a lot of emotions springing forth from it. It is truly significant!

  • Amazing Aztec Design

Aztec Tattoos

It probably shows the hardship of the life of the Aztec people with either the chief or god looking from above so that they do not deviate from the path of hard work.

  • Both Arms Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

I love such designs! The designs on both hands are complete only when they could come together. It is a creative idea to use such designs. Besides, the addition of colors is just superb.

  • Realistic 3D Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

It shows the life of a common man in Aztec civilization with two emperors or gods right at the bottom of the design. It is a great creation.

  • Symbolic Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo design represents the common man during the Aztec civilization.

  • Upper Chest Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This elaborative chest design surely does tell a story!

  • Full Back Elaborative Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This collaborative whole body design has each and everything present in this tattoo design. It has pyramids that resemble Egyptian pyramids. It also has some most common Egyptian designs and Aztec symbols like eagles, and other deities that they have.

  • Temple Skull Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Once again this skull tattoo with a temple and some fire looks pretty amazing to be placed on the arm.

  • Firey Skull Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos 34

It seems like this tattoo consists of a skull that is lit of fire. However, the presence of a temple above is very uncanny. Probably it is a way of mentioning something. Anyway, this tattoo looks very great.

  • Elaborative Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This whole design is very great to look at because it is very collaborative and unique. Such huge designs look great on the back.

  • Snake Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo is pretty different because it looks like a mix of a dragon and a human being. He has the body of a dragon and the face of a human. So it is a pretty innovative design, I must say.

  • Full Arm Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Whole arm tattoo designs that have a similar theme look pretty cool.

  • Stripes and Shapes Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This pyramid tattoo looks pretty awesome because it also resembles that of Egyptian painting. The stroke of lines looks great which can be seen on both the clouds and the land.  The ankle is a great placement option too. It is different.

  • Amazing Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Here, the tattoo is very similar to the Egyptian designs that we see in museums or any historical places. In fact, the language also has a resemblance to the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Therefore, it is no surprise.

  • Cool Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

A simple tattoo containing a warrior and an eagle with it looks pretty sufficient to convey the overall meaning of strength and courage.

  • Colored Leg Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The colorful tattoo design looks great with such bold strokes and is placed on an unusual placement area. Not many people place their Aztec tattoo design on the leg but rather on the chest and back, However, one must make their tattoo unique. Just like this one.

  • Amazing Hand Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

A small tattoo on the hand looks very amazing and chic, especially for girls. Most girls choose to have a small and sleek tattoo rather than heavy and huge tattoos as men have. Therefore, although this tattoo, can be worn by men, it looks better on a girl. In fact, this circular tattoo resembles a mandala.

  • Centre Chest Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Right in the middle of the chest, where the heart lays, it is a great placement area to get something you really admire and which means a lot to you. This Aztec tattoo design looks super amazing with all its small details and colors.

  • Creative Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

It looks like the two dragons at the bottom are protecting some sort of relic which looks absolutely amazing. This tattoo can be symbolic of protection and strength.

  • Dragon Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

These two dragon tattoos on either side of the design look very amazing. The two tattoos form a couple and you can get two similar-looking designs in couple form.

  • Awesome Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This warrior lady looks very headstrong and full f pride and strength. She looks very strong as she gazes ahead in life. It can serve as a reminder for you to always strive forwards in life too.

  • Warriors Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Here’s a picture of two different-looking people in Aztec form. The one seems to be a tribal person from millions of years ago and the other one looks like a normal modern-day lady. It can be a great design for both eras.

  • Finger Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design is tiny and yet such a creative and amazing idea if you want an Aztec tattoo. You do not have to go all elaborative. Simple Aztec patterns can be worn like a neckpiece, a ring, or even arm or shoulder bands. The point is that you can make your Aztec tattoo looks ornamental with your creativity.

  • Friendly Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo design with a single element looks pretty nice too. The difference is that you can get this design with minimum intricacy. You can add bold strokes and yet you will turn out with something amazing just like this one.

  • Pride Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This design seems to be that of a god instead of a man or a woman. It is a relevant design because many tribal people must get the picture of gods tattooed on their skin.

  • Back Dragon Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Now, this design is something very unique, I must say. The upper body dragon design with a two-faced dragon looks absolutely amazing. The dragon with two faces is joined from the middle which makes sit look super interesting. The amazing intricate pattern looks amazing too.

  • Shoulder Warrior Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The warrior looking in a direction with a lot of determination seems to be a thing for people because many people are opting for such designs. It is really cool and motivating too.

  • Elaborated Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The great part about such tattoo designs that cover the chest and the upper shoulder is that they look amazing because of all the beautiful patterns that can be added to the design. Such a design leaves quite a scope for innovation.

  • Shading Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This 3D tattoo art looks very great with the awesome shading effect. The combination of both the technique makes it looks more realistic and attractive than ever.

  • Colorful Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

Adding some colors to the design is a great idea. Although the whole design of the skull is done with just the outlines, the head of the skull or the upper part of the tattoo is done with beautiful colors representing a desert area. Even something as dry as a desert looks very appealing.

  • Stone Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo looks like a piece of the monument. It seems as if the tattoo artist has copy and pasted a stone relic on this man’s arm. The resemblance and realistic quotient are uncanny.

  • Skull Head Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The skull tattoo is a great design to get on your skin. It looks pretty decent with all these 3D effects that have been going on. The realistic look also makes it more attractive!

  • Upper Chest Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo looks very fierce a dark, to be honest. It is because the artist has used black ink which is pretty commendable. It looks pretty impressive and is good to go.

  • Fully Colored Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The great part about this tattoo is that it is very colorful and all these bright colors add attractiveness to the design. It is a big design and looks pretty awesome with so many beautiful colors together. The tattoo consists of a tribal girl with other Aztec symbols.

  • Chest Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This tattoo design looks pretty amazing on the neck. It covers the bottom half of the neck along with the chest of the man. So it is a pretty great tattoo design.

  • Asian Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This person in the tattoo does not really look very American but rather a descendant of some Asian country. If you are from some Asian country you can swap the nationalities to make your tattoo more personalized. It is a great way to add some innovation to your design too.

  • Hand Band Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

The armband tattoo is pretty cool in general. Because the Aztec culture had such beautiful patterns that they boast of, it is only wise that you go and get such tattoos on your skin. It is a great idea to mix both of these designs so that you can get the best of both worlds. It looks very ornamental.

  • Super Cool Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

This Aztec tattoo gives all historical vibes because of the representation of motifs and the temple along with it. It looks super real and awesome.

  • Small Finger Aztec Tattoo Design

Aztec Tattoos

These small finger Aztec tattoo designs look very awesome. The tattoo is so small that it can be adjusted anywhere. Fingers are also a great tattoo placement idea for many because of the small area. You get the best of both worlds by adding such small and easy-to-make designs to your collection of majestic designs.

That’s all about the list of 200+ amazing and glorious Aztec tattoo ideas that you can add to your list of future tattoos!

Preparation Tips Before Getting Your Aztec Tattoo

  • This preparation for your Aztec tattoo starts with your tattoo design itself. You must decide on a final tattoo by creating a draft first and then decide on the location where you want to have your tattoo placed.
  • Reading reviews and recommendations of the nearest tattoo artist in your place is a great option. You need to find out which parlor or the artist can help you achieve the perfect tattoo. Only an expert Aztec tattoo artist can give you valuable information that can help improve your existing concept or design.
  • Find out the rate of the Aztec tattoo design that you have selected so you come prepared and would not compromise. That is because most Aztec designs are pretty hefty and may cost a lot more than you expected.
  • You must try and condition your skin weeks before your scheduled tattoo session. This is because your skin will be the main canvas for your tattoo. Poor skin conditions can make your tattoo look poorer, so make sure to exert extra effort in taking care of your skin. Drink plenty of water and eat food rich in Vitamin C, E, and A.
  • If it is necessary to get your skin waxed or shaved, do it. The tattoos are usually made in solid black ink which can be difficult to point at when you are working on a hairy canvas. So if you’re planning to have your tattoo located on a hairy part of your body like your chest, back, arms, or legs, which is also the most common placement option for most Aztec tattoo designs, then shaving is highly recommended. Shaving the area where you want to have your tattoo helps you overcome the unnecessary obstruction during the tattoo session.
  • You must eat your meals and drink enough fluid before you leave for the session because Aztec tattoo designs can take a lot of time. Even though you will begin short breaks because of the hefty designs, it is better that you go prepared and do not starve yourself.

Maintenance Tips for Aztec Tattoos

How you maintain your tattoo is very important once you get your tattoo done. It shows how long is your tattoo going to stay in color and remain bold instead do fading away so that you do not have to go for touch-ups. It takes money and time and it is a primary reason why you should take care of your tattoo when you can. Here are a few tips that will tell you all about the maintenance of such a huge tattoo design like that of Aztec tattoos. Here are the tips:

  • A trustworthy tattoo artist would give you a list of dos and don’t that you must follow diligently. He will warn you against the common mistakes that are done by beginners and would give you some helpful tips that you can apply for yourself while your tattoo heals.
  • The healing process is the most important stage in your whole tattoo process because it requires a lot of care and maintenance. You must wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap or a solution so that it can help the tattoo to heal fast along with no sign of any infection or any unwanted scarring.
  • You should also think of applying antibacterial ointment on your tattoo design after you have washed it with an antibacterial soap to seal in the moisture and help it recover as fast as possible.
  • Once it is completely healed, the next step is to find out how you can capture the colors of the design and not let it fade away. A few tips include moisturizing the skin regularly and applying sunblock every time you step out of your house.

These details that have been provided here can assist you with all the basic information that you might require about getting any Aztec tattoo designs.

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