The peacock, in the pompous and ostentatious bird with brilliantly melanistic tail feathers and multifaceted ‘eyes’, presented boastfully, is one of the “bird world’s” most appealing spectacles and a widespread subject in the tattoo world.
The bird has a dignified grandeur, a beautiful visage and tail, and a regal heritage. Its personality traits and his survival capacity, both resonate well with the tattoo enthusiasts who innovates the peacock tattoo designs to their liking.
The peacock’s appearances are the answer to the bird’s survival. They scare would-be enemies into imagining the animal is much more threatening than it is. Laboriously plumed peacocks are more inclined to keep predators at alcove by using the graphic, stunning many eye letterings on its tail feathers in a fan pattern. This is a necessary ability for an otherwise weaponless bird that can only travel small lengths.
The peacock’s dazzling tail feathers hold up to 60% of its body height and independently can become six feet in length. These feathers are dropped every year after the mating period to originate again, more prosperous, and more vigorous than before. Many houses are embellished with nice feathers separated by peacocks in fields and forests.
The following list shows a great assortment of compelling peacock tattoos in a span of techniques and industrial applications, succeeded by unusual views on the bird’s relationship that can be utilized in your next piece of body art.
If you want to get your peacock tattoo design, you can find some amazing collections online. You might want to create your design by adding some elements. However before you do that, make sure you have researched enough so that you know the significance and importance of the design completely. Thus, make sure your research game is strong.
If you are getting a peacock tattoo design for the first time, make sure you take some time out to know about the whole procedure that can be of great help. You can continue reading this article and get answers to your questions in the following headlines that explain all your problems one by one.
Meaning Of Peacock Tattoo Designs
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Tattoos have been on this planet for a very long time and it was also a part of the traditions of some cultures around the world. It began with Polynesian and Asian cultures and since then there have been numerous changes in this tattoo art world. However, the only thing that has not changed is how people use this tattoo to represent their personality and speak their minds. The tattoo is thus a great way for people to express themselves. Most tattoos that people get represent their personality. It hides a much deeper meaning than the outer meaning.
It’s uncertain when people started inking peacock tattoos. But it’s quite possible that they started it before tattoos were as popular as they are today. In the olden times, people usually tattooed whatever they saw around them. This included any tree, plant, or even animal. The Polynesian tribes believed in tattooing any animals that they found around them and they believe that doing so will help them call ut the particular animal’s spirit.
But it was not later that people started creating and associating these tattoo imagery with certain meanings. Thus, peacock tattoo design was seen as good and bad by different cultures. Many people think that all peacocks have these amazing plumes that they can fan out but it is not all animals but only the male peacocks that have this amazing tail.
On the other hand, other people think that peacock is very vain or proud and they show off their plume in vanity. Thus it stuck with the meaning of any peacock tattoo design. However, today, if you are getting a peacock tattoo design, you are free to decide whatever meaning you want to associate with your design because in the end it is your tattoo and follows your perspective of the bird.
But it is for sure that this bird has several connotations that are inspired by various distinctive cultures and traditions around the world. Here are some of them discussed in this part.
The symbolism of the Peacock
In general, the peacock symbolizes the following:
- Guidance
- Awakening
- Royalty
- Vision
- Watchfulness
- Spirituality
- Protection
- Luxury
- Pride
- Love
- Longevity
- Compassion
- Beauty
- Immortality
- Expansiveness
- Desire
- Sensuality
- Nobility
- Generosity
- Vitality
Ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt
In these countries, the plume of the bird was considered to be the evil eye during old times. The design on the plume looks like an eye and thus it gave them this connotation. Because it has a symbolic evil eye, the feather of the bird can see through each transgression that a person has committed. Even today, many people believe in this ritual, and they will not permit even a single peacock feather inside their properties.
On the other hand, the Chinese consider this bird as a symbol of royalty and nobility. The peacock is considered royal and belonging to a higher stature. Peacock feather is also given to men who belong to the military for bringing honor to the country. Ancient Chinese people gave peacock feathers as badges of honor to people in higher rank or military!
Both Buddhism and Christianity religion believe that the peacock feather is a symbol of the watchfulness of god or his omnipresence. For Buddhists, the feather represents the conscious mind. For the Christian on the other hand, the peacock feather represents the eye that is associated with the eyes of Jesus. For them thus, the peacock feather is also symbolic of immortality and resurrection.
In the end, no matter how many connotations your bird of choice holds, you can associate any meaning to your peacock tattoo design. It is your tattoo and thus your vision or story that is represented through peacock tattoo design.
Ideas for Peacock Tattoo Designs
The most difficult part is selecting a design of your peacock tattoo design. Many people want to create an ink that is also personal and tells a story about they live. They want to give out some message to the world through their heart. But how?
The first thing that you can do is to look out for what the existing trends are and how people are getting their peacock tattoo design made. The internet is full of different kinds of peacock tattoo designs and we have also compiled more than 100 of these designs in this list. If you take a look at this list, you might be get inspired to create your design. You would probably be able to find out the design that might speak to you and voila!
The other step is to find a reputable tattoo artist who has the desired skills. These artists are so professional and experienced that they will help you guide through the apt design for yourself and tell you what you should get. Thus, you might search for a great tattoo artist.
Usually, an able tattoo artist would create multiple versions of your tattoo design and would share it with you. You will then pick out one that resonates with you the most and hence proceeds with your tattoo design. These days there are many styles that you can choose from like minimalistic designs, watercolor effects, negative space tattoos, realistic designs, or traditional designs.
Where Should You Get Peacock Tattoo Designs?
Before you design your tattoo, you would also have to consider an appropriate placement for it. Small tattoos would work best in places such as the wrist, ankle, behind the ear, nape of the neck, etc. These areas do not have much space and would handle a small tattoo pretty well.
Bigger tattoos would work best on bigger spaces like the chest, thighs, ribs, back, etc. You will be able to get more detailed designs in bigger places than in the smaller areas.
For your peacock tattoo design normally, you will need a bit more spec if you are looking at an elongated feather design. These will look good in medium to large spaces. The replacement is extremely important for your peacock tattoo design because they can either make you design or break it. For example, if you get a tattoo on your stomach, your weight gain can disrupt the whole design. Thus these designs would change even if you do not like them.
However, here are some common places that men and women choose their peacock tattoo design:
For Women
- Ankle
- Wrist
- Finger spaces
- Hands
- Shoulder blade
- Behind the ear
For Men
- Chest
- Biceps
- Legs
- Neck
- Back
- Forearms
List of Peacock Tattoo Designs
Here’s a list of the best Peacock Tattoo Designs for you to pick!
Awesome Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design has something very fishy going on. It has monster heads in place of its tail. This peacock tattoo would look exceptionally good on the arm or the calves of the wearer. It is best for ornamental purposes because of the gorgeous colors. The best ink for this design would be either a black and white outline or the filled colorful ink. It can be put on arms, thighs, or shoulders. Anywhere between average to big size would look great. The peacock tattoo design would suit better on fair to wheatish skin tones.
Beautiful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design would look best on the arm because it is medium in size. It is great for embellishing purposes. Colors like this can be affixed to a peacock tattoo design if it is on a noticeable part of the body. The arms are rather visible when it comes to chic patterns. Thus colorful ink would look excellent. You can use black ink to sketch the design. This tattoo is best when inked on the arm, shoulders, upper back, or upper chest. This tattoo would look unusual when inked in mediocre size. This peacock tattoo looks good on people with fair or wheatish skin tones.
Marvelous Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This peacock tattoo design would look best on the ribs if you want a plan that is elongated and average in size. Colors can be added to a peacock tattoo design if it is on an apparent part of the body. Since ribs are not obvious as frequently, you can choose to go all black too. You can use black ink to sketch the design or get a shaded effect to make it look more artistic. This peacock tattoo is best when inked on the arm, shoulders, or even legs. This tattoo would look marvelous when inked in medium size. This tattoo seems good on people with fair or wheatish skin tones.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This creative peacock tattoo design looks amazing on the shoulder. It is done with black ink and has a lot of patterns in it. It is a great design that can be made easily. The bold patterns make sot easier for the wearer as well as the tattoo artist to be made.
Lovely Peacock Tattoo Design On Stomach
This is the wing of the peacock tattoo design which is made on the ribs of the wearer. The ribs add a lot of space to be made into a great peacock tattoo design. Most people consider the wings of the peacock very auspicious and keep them in their houses too.
Lively Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a beautiful and medium size peacock tattoo design that is made in a beautiful blue shaded. The tail of the peacock has golden color too which looks exceptionally amazing. It is a great design that you can make on your wrist or your leg.
Accurate Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
I love this beautiful and amazing-looking peacock tattoo design on the arm of the wearer. Many people get this peacock tattoo design because it is considered not only aesthetically pleasing but also a bringer of fortune a bit of good luck into the family. It is a great design.
Super Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is made on the arm and done in green color. t is a beautiful design and the tail of the peacock looks exceptionally stunning. It is added with other colors too which enhances the overall look of the peacock. This design is marvelous.
Marvelous Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
I love the peacock tattoo design that is made on this person’s arm. It is a great design with the blue body of the peacock and its beautiful purple tail. The peacock tattoo design is also added with some beautiful flowers that enhance the overall look of this peacock tattoo design.
Fabulous Peacock Tattoo Design on Leg
Peacock is usually also considered a symbol of love. They open their tail when they see their companion and thus here, the peacock is accompanied by a head shape right in the background. This heart is pretty different and has a beautiful pattern going on instead of being bold.
Great Peacock Tattoo Design on Thigh
This wearer has decided to make herself a peacock tattoo design on her thighs probably because thighs offer a lot more space than the other replacement areas like wrists or arms. It is a great and traditional peacock design with bright colors. You can add something different to this one.
Modest Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a very realistic-looking peacock feather tattoo design that is made on the arm of the wearer. Since many people consider it good luck but can’t keep the whole peacock at their home, they keep the wings of the peacock in their home. It is a beautiful-looking peacock tattoo design.
Handsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a beautiful peacock tattoo design that is made on the hand of the wearer. It is done with shades of blue. It also has other aspects and different patterns that look great. For example, it also has some beautiful floral designs that are right on the side of this design.
Generous Peacock Tattoo Design On Hand
You can make your peacock tattoo design on your hand because it is one of the most noticeable areas of your body. This peacock tattoo design is made in a very simple and minimalistic way on the body which looks pretty great. If you are a simple soul, then this peacock tattoo design is for you.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Foot
This wearer has made the peacock tattoo design on their feet because they are small in size. You can add this colorful peacock tattoo design to your feet for a better look. Not many people look at your feet so this peacock tattoo design can be said to be pretty personal too.
Delightful Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
Most people will add color to their peacock tattoo design because it is naturally very colorful and known for its beautiful colors. However, you can make your tattoo art without any colors. It depends on you what kind of peacock tattoo design you want for your peacock tattoo design.
Sensitive Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
Here’s another example of a black ink peacock tattoo design that is made by this wearer on his or her arm. This design can be pretty creative and the detail work is seen better in a black ink peacock tattoo design. Thus, if you like, you can go ahead with this one.
Awsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This is quite a majestic peacock tattoo design. It starts from the upper part of the thigh and goes to the ankle of the wearer. It is colored and looks beautiful. The art in which it is made is realistic and it might need a great set of skills to form the tattoo artist to achieve anything like this.
Cheerful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a tiny and cute peacock tattoo design that is made near the wrist of the wearer. It is a beautiful design that has been made with black ink mainly. The tail of the bird is pretty colorful and thus, this design looks admirable. The blue and green colors suit well in any peacock tattoo design.
Smart Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This peacock tattoo design has been made in black and grey ink on the upper arm of the wearer. It looks extremely beautiful with elements such as flowers that are attached along with this design. It is a beautiful design that spreads happiness.
Directive Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The peacock spirit animal is the essence of beauty. This beautiful power animal offers teachings about self-love, honor, integrity, and the quality of handling life’s challenges as well as the unknown with strength and courage. When the peacock struts smoothly into your life you may be starting time of rebirth.
Dynamic Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful peacock tattoo design that has been made on the wearer’s arm. Individuals whose power animal is the peacock have a firm association between the past and present and know its terms and conditions on the time that is yet to come. They instantly see the need for integrity and honor. These people are usually confident in all that they do, those with a peacock tattoo on their skins also recognize the need for light-heartedness and laughter.
Beautiful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Like any other thing, it’s easy to get caught up in the wellness and risk that you are taking it too far. As the peacock tattoo will guide you to embrace self-love and confidence, you do not have to make yourself to be arrogant, vain, or unfriendly. Having a sober balance of confidence and humility is the main point with peacock tattoo design.
Pretty Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
Balance is achieved by having a strong base. Those scrutinizing the enthusiasm of the peacock should give attention to the feet. The feet are our infrastructure and aid system. Peacocks have clear, compelling metatarsal spurs also acknowledged as ‘kicking thorns’. They use those to protect themselves against predators. Their legs are powerful and they have three energetic appendages facing front and one siding backward. What information about stability and having a solid ground is the peacock delivering to you?
Sweet Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Historically, some cultures associate the peacock spirit animal with the Phoenix, a mythological bird that is supposed to have grown from cremation pyre ash and to be reborn. Why the connection? Like the Phoenix, the peacock oozes self-confidence and gives hope to drop the old to make space for the novel. Another idea is that the peacock of all birds most nearly approximates the phoenix in shape.
Genuine Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
In Hinduism, the peacock has affiliated with Lakshmi the dryad of success and money. Like Lakshmi, the peacock power animal is usually indicative of endurance, kindness, and empathy. This peacock tattoo design right here looks extremely good and if you have the same intention, you can get a similar design for yourself.
Sociable Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Similarly in Asian religiosity, the peacock is connected with the goddess Kwan-yin. The peacock symbol holds related properties in the Asian tradition, including kindness, good-will, and kind-heartedness.
Christian legends associate the peacock power animal’s characteristics of rebirth, revival, and timelessness to parts of Christian doctrine and teachings, such as Christ’s death and rebirth
Friendly Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Espousing your inner truth and acknowledging your true colors to display can be a case of motivation and compassion for those approximate to you. Guide by instance. If you talk the talk, be sure you walk the walk. It is the peacock’s constant finesse and courage that excites diligence and respect.
Awsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The bright blue-green color of the peacock’s plumes has often been affiliated with authority and the traits of self-confidence and guidance. The unique pattern of “eyes” on the feathers is connected with spirit and knowledge. Here, the peacock tattoo design includes a snake that peacock is usually said to kill and eat represents the victory of good over evil.
Lovely Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Shamanic ideas often consolidate peacock feathers into their customs and services for their healing and protective properties. Signifying abstemiousness, peacock feathers have historically been put upon or fastened over wounds to draw out venom and negativity.
Wonderful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Here, the peacock tattoo design seems to be having some Japanese art qualities which are apparent from the beautiful Cherry Blossom trees. Seeing a peacock in your fantasies is usually an excellent indication. Typifying durability and renewal, it may be time to make a start back and analyze where you are in life and where you need to go.
Fabulous Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Daydreaming of a peacock spirit animal that’s vocalizing or crying can symbolize you may be trying too hard to make a declaration, maybe try toning it down some. The reason being, peacocks are usually placid birds who only “sound the alarm” when something is wrong or they’re under extreme stress. Showing one’s attraction and accurate colors with courage is one thing, but don’t make yourself a scene.
Colorful Peacock Tattoo Design on Body
The peacock is a beneficiary of some of the most respected human qualities and is a representative of honesty and the grace we can accomplish when we strive to manifest our sincere appearances.
In chronicle, story, fable, and knowledge, the peacock analogy offers warnings of Magnificence, Inviolability, Administration, Protection, and Mindfulness.
Cute Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Ponder the strengths of the peacock when you want more vibrancy and energy in your event. The peacock can also serve you on your religious Path, and puff new life into your trail of faith.
The peacock can restore self-esteem levels too. If you’re tasting “blah” and moody, assume the gratifying, techno-color show the peacock produces. This embeds us in a proper desire to include your magnificence. In no time, you’ll be driving tall and impressive as a peacock too!
Accurate Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
In Greco-Roman mythicism, the peacock is recognized with Hera (Juno) who conceived the peacock from Argus whose hundred eyes (as seen on the tail plumes of the peacock) express the pit of heaven and the eyes of the stars. This particular peacock tattoo design can be conceived in a very similar way too.
Passionate Peacock Tattoo Design On Foot
Statements of restoration are also connected to alchemical beliefs too, as many schools of thought examine the resurrecting phoenix to the latest-day peacock. Along with these words, the peacock is a vivid representation of conversion. Like the phoenix, the alchemy peacock can prompt us that we can rise out of our deepest consequences. It’s a trope that talks about dissolving the ego-self and being reborn into a different life of knowledge, holiness, and brilliance.
Artistic Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Of course, the ego isn’t a critical point, as the peacock acutely designates. There’s a cause somebody cooked up that maxim, “proud as a peacock”. If you observe a male – they are nearly as cocky as they appear. It’s all about conferring off and charming the women. It takes a lot of audacity to bring a pack of lovely peahens. This is a symbolic bow to us inspiring us to get some hustle in our lives too. Peacock suggests that seldom it’s completely okay to display our essence and show off our talents. This is especially true in circumstances when we want to win acknowledgment for our progress. Peacock energy can prompt us we are unusual, and we should then definitely boast of our natural talents where it is required.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This black ink peacock tattoo design looks totally off the hearts, It is a great design for anyone who wants their bird tattoo to look royal since the peacock tattoo design is considered very royal and inviting. It is a great tattoo for any kind of skin tone too.
Charming Peacock Tattoo Design on Arm
You can make your peacock tattoo design on your arm which is probably the most common placement option because it is most visible from this pace and also because the size and the shape of the peacock are the same. Thus, you can ake this peacock tattoo design on your arm or your legs.
Extraordinary Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful peacock tattoo design that is made on the arm of the wearer and is done in purple and yellow shades. It is a beautiful design for you to make. I love the color son this peacock tattoo design because they are pretty unusual. The flower that has been added also looks very different.
Small Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
It is an extremely tiny symbol of a peacock feather tattoo design that is made on the upper part of the arm. Had I would have got it, I would have increased the size a bit and make it on my wrist or the backside of my arm near the elbow. It is also a great idea to make this feather peacock tattoo design on the ear.
Dedicated Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is black and looks extremely awesome. It is a great design that you can make on your arm like this wearer has and has covered her full arm. The peacock is supposed to bring luck and is considered an animal with a lot of significance in many cultures.
Nice Peacock Tattoo Design Near Shoulder
This is a feather of the peacock tattoo design that is made on the upper part of the chest and looks pretty amazing. It is a great tattoo design that has a lot of significance. It is considered pure and holy to keep a feather of the peacock at your place because it brings good luck and fortune.
Colorful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is pretty simple. It has a lot of fo color but besides this, the design is simplistic and not too complicated. It is a simplistic art form. The peacock is added with some golden stars and is standing on a vase. It looks pretty amazing.
Articulate Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is a bit different from other peacock tattoo design that is on the list. It can be said that this is a negative space peacock tattoo design with the peacock done in a beautiful black color and the design over it is covered with different colors.
Lovely Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The color of this peacock is really pretty. The traditional color is the blue body with the green tail but here the whole body with the tail is blue. Anyway, its design looks great as it is. I love the patterns that have been made on the tail of the peacock tattoo design.
Generous Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design does not have the traditional colors which a peacock tattoo design is supposed to have. Rather it has a lot of bright colors that look stunning. You can get any colors that you like and it will look pretty great.
Artistic Peacock Tattoo Design Near Neck
This is a pretty basic peacock tattoo design that is made on the upper back. Rather than being a whole peacock design, it is very aesthetic. Thus if you want your peacock tattoo design to be more stylish than significant, then this design would sit perfectly.
Decisive Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a very caricaturish approach to the traditional peacock tattoo design. The features of the peacock have been changed in this one and it looks rather amusing. It is a great design with all the bright colors that there can be and it looks rather attractive.
Cool Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a cartoon version of your traditional peacock tattoo design that most people get on their skins. Here the peacock is sitting on a crescent moon. Thus, it can be a sign of many things. However, this design is a good one and you can get it on your skin.
Marvelous Peacock Tattoo Design On Thigh
This peacock tattoo design would look best on the leg, either the front part, the side, or the calves muscles. Leg or thigh design tends to be a bit longer as compared to wider designs. Colors can be included in a peacock tattoo design if it is on a visible part of the body. Since legs or thigh designs are pretty visible, you can select to include some colors in the design. On the other hand, you can even use black ink to outline the design or give your peacock tattoo some artistic effect to make it look more aesthetic. This peacock tattoo is best when inked on the arm, shoulders, or even legs. This peacock tattoo would look great when inked in medium size. This peacock tattoo looks good on people with fair or wheatish skin tones
Positive Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is made on the thigh of the water where it has a lot of space to be made your peacock tattoo design on. The tail of the peacock and especially in his design is pretty huge and so it needs a lot of space to make it. Thus, this design looks amazing.
Smart Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design that has been made on the hand of the wearer is an exact copy of the kind of peacock tattoo design which she brought along. Thus, select a skilled tattoo artist who can cater to your needs because this peacock tattoo design is going to stay on your skin for a very long time.
Bushy Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
This full-back peacock tattoo design looks pretty amazing and rather attractive.
Awsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful peacock tattoo design that has covered the whole upper arm.
Cute Peacock Tattoo Design Behind Ear
This peacock feather tattoo is made behind the ear. This peacock tattoo design would look best on the ear or near it if you want a design that is petite and composed in size. Colors can be added to a peacock tattoo design if it is on an apparent part of the body. Since ears are pretty noticeable most of the time, except if you have long hair, you can add some colors. You can use black ink to outline the design or get a shaded effect to make it look more artistic. This peacock tattoo is best when inked on the nape of the neck, wrist, or hand. This peacock tattoo would look amazing when inked in a small size. This peacock tattoo looks good on people with fair or wheatish skin tones.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a simple peacock tattoo design that has covered the entire arm of the wearer.
Colorful Peacock Tattoo Design On Thigh
This beautiful peacock tattoo design looks amazing.
Dazzling Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Here, the peacock is sitting on a crescent moon which looks very pretty.
Marvelous Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is made in the Japanese art form with a red-colored sun behind it.
Articulate Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
This peacock tattoo design is made on the thigh with some blue flowers.
Massive Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
This peacock tattoo design begins to form the upper arms and covers half the chest here.
Tactful Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
The back is a great placement option for you to get your peacock tattoo design.
Little Peacock Tattoo Design On Neck
I love this fashionable peacock tattoo design made on the back.
Colorful Peacock Tattoo Design On Thigh
This colorful and bright peacock tattoo design on the thighs looks awesome.
Romantic Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The peacock tattoo design is better when they have more kinds of colors on them.
Imaginative Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a simple peacock tattoo design with a religious connotation on it.
Attractive Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This simple peacock tattoo design is pretty unique and beautiful.
Lovable Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
Who says you have to get a single peacock when you can get two?
Cute Peacock Tattoo Design Near Stomach
This is a small peacock tattoo design made on the ribs.
Flowery Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This beautiful peacock tattoo design is a great design to be placed on the upper arm.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Here is one more placement option design for your peacock tattoo design.
Outstanding Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
You can try and cover your whole back with this majestic peacock tattoo design which is worth it.
Flowery Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
This peacock tattoo design is covered with loads of symbols like peacock feathers, and flowers.
Dynamic Peacock Tattoo Design On Foot
This peacock tattoo design is unique and made on the feet.
Cool Peacock Tattoo Design On Ankle
It seems like this wearer is wearing an anklet with a peacock feather on it.
Colorful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock feather on the arm looks very royal.
Awsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
This is an amazing peacock tattoo design on the wearer’s skin!
Cool Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
I love the idea of getting a single peacock feather as a symbol to represent the whole animal.
Lively Peacock Tattoo Design Behind Ear
This peacock feather starts from there and goes to the nape of the neck. It is a pretty unique design.
Painter Peacock Tattoo Design on Arm
This peacock tattoo design is pretty creatively made on the back of the arm near the elbow.
Friendly Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This peacock tattoo design with a swallow tattoo looks pretty impressive made on the legs.
Sweet Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This beautiful peacock feather is amazing.
Pretty Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is made on the leg and looks great.
Soothing Peacock Tattoo Design On Foot
This peacock tattoo design is made on the feet and ends on the ankle.
Articulate Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This black and white peacock tattoo design with just a black ink outline look simple and attractive. Sometimes the simplest of designs look more wonderful.
Awsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is a beautiful peacock tattoo design worth trying. I love the tail that has been made very creatively here with blue, yellow, and red inks. The addition of the flowers in this design also looks stunning.
Multi-Eyed Peacock Tattoo Design On Hand
You can make this unique peacock tattoo design which has a lot of significance because the tail of the peacock represents the third eye of Lord Krishna as per the mystics.
Wonderful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This colorful peacock tattoo design covers the whole arm.
Sociable Peacock Tattoo Design On Legs
Getting a peacock tattoo design on your thigh is a great idea!
Ornamental Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
Here, the peacock in this peacock tattoo design is adorned with pearls and jewels.
Meaningful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is added with a quote that says “Always be yourself” because that’s what peacock stands for too.
Big Peacock Tattoo Design On Thigh
It is a pretty little peacock tattoo design on the thigh of the wearer.
Passionate Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
A simple black ink peacock tattoo design outline looks amazing along with the face of the lion with it.
Cool Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a beautiful way to show that peacock tattoo design can be made very elegantly on the leg.
Beautiful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is quite an angry-looking but still colorfully attractive peacock tattoo design.
Artistic Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
You can make this kind of black outline peacock tattoo design.
Nice Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
All you need is to select your perfect design for your peacock to get an amazing peacock tattoo design.
Fabulous Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This masterpiece of a peacock tattoo design covers the whole legs and thighs of the wearer.
Lovely Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a great peacock tattoo design to be made on the calves of the wearer.
Dancing Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
I love this peacock tattoo design because it has its wings scattered. It is probably the only peacock tattoo design with its wings open on this whole list. You can add any colors or leave it just like it is.
Rising Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
I love how beautifully this peacock tattoo design is made on the back part of the leg.
Starry Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design on the arm looks beautiful.
Massive Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
It is a very creative peacock tattoo design on the leg.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
This peacock tattoo design outline with black ink looks amazing.
Amazing Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
I love how this peacock tattoo design has been added with other elements like the mountain scene done with black ink outlines.
Cute Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This peacock is embedded inside a mirror probably because he is so proud!
Smart Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This simple peacock tattoo design can be made on your arm.
Lovely Peacock Tattoo Design on Leg
I like the idea of getting this kind of peacock tattoo design.
Rosy Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
I think that this is the most beautiful peacock tattoo design that I have seen on this list. I give it a 10 on 10.
Peacock Tattoo Design
It has all the bright colors that are needed for a peacock tattoo design.
Peacock Tattoo Design
This peacock feather is added with the word “Illuminate”.
Pretty Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This peacock tattoo design looks rather amusing and royal.
Pretty Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
I think this kind of peacock tattoo design is worth giving a shot.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Thigh
This black ink peacock tattoo design covers the whole of the leg beautifully.
Curvy Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This peacock tattoo design looks really pretty with little stars around it.
Frequent Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design is added with another vulture tattoo design on the other arm.
Sweet Peacock Tattoo Design On Chest
It is a black inked, small, and tribal peacock tattoo design.
Little Peacock Tattoo Design On Ankle
This is a rather simple peacock tattoo design with bold patterns that looks amazing. This is made on the ankle which is a great place to get your peacock tattoo design.
Awsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The tail in this peacock tattoo design is pretty unique and looks good.
Artistic Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This is a rather girly and stylish peacock tattoo design that is made on the leg of the wearer using pastel shades of colors.
Smart Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
If you want you can add some more color but this design is made just using dual colors.
Awsome Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This looks inspired by traditional Japanese paintings. It is a beautiful peacock tattoo design that is made on the upper arm of the wearer.
Outstanding Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
The upper back is a great place to get yourself a peacock tattoo design made.
Positive Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This peacock tattoo design looks very proud and royal sitting there on the man’s arm.
Dazzling Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
I love how a beautiful orange background has been given to the peacock tattoo design.
Delightful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a beautiful peacock tattoo design that has covered the thigh of the wearer.
Lovely Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
You can make your peacock tattoo design with the lower part of the arm or the upper arm.
Generous Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This beautiful and colorful peacock tattoo design is made on the arm of the wearer and looks exceptionally good.
Modest Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design looks like an accessory made in black ink by this wearer.
Passionate Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
It shows just the head of the peacock which is done with deep and bright colors.
Articulate Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
This is not your traditional peacock tattoo design but it looks very stylish on the shoulders.
Perfect Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
I love the stylish tail of this peacock tattoo design.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
It is a stylish peacock tattoo design that is made on the arm of the wearer.
Sweet Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This beautiful peacock tattoo design looks amazing with all its colors on the wearer’s arm.
Artistic Peacock Tattoo Design On Leg
This beautiful peacock tattoo design is made on the arm of the wearer which looks pretty awesome. It is a great design that you can make on your thighs too.
Competent Peacock Tattoo Design On Ankle
You can get such a beautiful peacock tattoo design on the ankle of the wearer which looks pretty great even when made in black ink.
Lengthy Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
This is a simple peacock tattoo design that is going down the back of the wearer. It is a simple but stylish design.
Enthusiastic Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design here looks very royal and attractive. It does not have a lot of colors but yet looks great.
Real Peacock Tattoo Design Behind Ear
This peacock tattoo design that is made on the ear of this wearer looks like a mermaid, to be honest. It is quite a creative suggestion.
Youthful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The amazing peacock tattoo design is made on the arm of the wearer and looks amazing.
Flowery Peacock Tattoo Design On Wrist
I love this petite peacock tattoo design which is made on the wrist of the wearer. It is a cute little peacock tattoo design that looks very fashionable.
Dazzling Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This peacock tattoo design here looks pretty royal. It is a great design with a lot of color in it. It is a beautiful design made on the legs and the arms of the wearer. It is a beautiful one.
Unique Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
This is just the skull of the peacock’s head but I am not sure why someone would want to get this for their beautiful peacock tattoo design. Ther is also a peacock feather made here but it has no color.
Determined Peacock Tattoo Design on Arm
This beautiful peacock tattoo design looks pretty amazing. The face of the peacock has been focused here and it looks rather amazing.
Sweet Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
The peacock is also regarded to be a bird of strength and safeguarding. The feather shields one from the evil eye and ends all negativity like violence, selfishness, and resentment. They also have the potential to distance themselves from the detrimental impacts of the planets. This bird is also evaluated as a safeguard for the mystic self. It produces melody and joy in our souls. The peacock bird is grand and superior, with much climactic locution – the male bird balls for the interest of the female during courting, cautioning us of the triumph in life.
Shiny Peacock Tattoo Design On Shoulder
One is honored with auspiciousness, wealth, well-being, and excellent awareness when one celebrates Krishna with the feathers on his crown. It improves one win the excellent awareness of the self. It symbolically says that the sagacity of the mind and passion of the heart presents one survival whole and for this divine state. It describes sacrificial love that pierces the human heart and satisfies one’s complete essence in happiness. It also evokes us of the romantic love accorded between Krishna and Radha. It is said Lord Krishna purified the divine feet of Radha with Peacock feathers, throughout their vacations in Vrindavan.
Thready Peacock Tattoo Design On Foot
This peacock tattoo design would look best on feet because it is a pretty amazing placement area for getting a tattoo design. Colors would really improve the design but you can also go for a black ink tattoo with a shading effect or just the outline. This tattoo is best when tattooed on a hand or some small space like the feet, hand neck, upper back, upper chest, etc. This peacock tattoo would look spectacular when inked in sizes that are either small or medium. This peacock tattoo looks good on almost any skin tone. Nonetheless, if you think to add some colors, make sure you choose colors that would suit your skin tone the best.
Creative Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The feather of the peacock has amazing energies, They give captivating potentials to the wearer. They attain excellence, abundance in life, Felicity, and playfulness. The dark colors in it persist for catastrophe, blues, and bright colors for joy. The eyes in the wings are seen on both sides, which generally do not transpire. It is very unique in the universe. It embodies the spiritual knowledge or the third eye of Krishna.
Colorful Peacock Tattoo Design On Arm
The peacock’s feather in all times has been recognized as a symbol of grace and awareness, appeal because it is attractive, information because it is in the design of an eye. People keep the peacock feathers in their homes because it is assumed that having a peacock feather at house produces good fate and accomplishment in the house.
Sweet Peacock Tattoo Design On Thigh
The peacock tattoo design has a special association with Lord Krishna too. Lord Krishna uses peacock feathers on his head and also binds them with his pipe. These feathers are presented to him by the peacocks themselves.
It is assumed that once Lord Krishna was performing his flute, the rich harmony that spilled out made the peacocks jump in happiness and enthusiasm. At the close of a prolonged dance, they scattered their feathers and king Peacock attempted with great modesty its feathers as a present. The Lord affirmed it and embellished himself with it.
Lovely Peacock Tattoo Design On Back
According to the Hindu religion, the peacock was born from one of the wings of the bird Garuda (a mythological creature) which is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. Many Hindu figures utilize peacocks as a representative of the series of times. The Peacock is also affiliated with Goddess Saraswati, a goddess embodying kindness, endurance, mercy, clemency, and education.
Peacock Tattoo FAQs
If you are getting your peacock tattoo design for the first time, it is better that you are aware of some of the most frequently asked questions and know about the whole procedure here. Here are some of the most common FAQs.
Does Getting a Tattoo Hurt?
This is probably the most asked question when it comes to getting inked. Well, the answer is yes. To get inked, your skin would be pierced by needles. The needles go deep into your skin layer so that the ink sets in and lasts for a longer period, maybe your whole life. Thus, it is going to pain. Nonetheless, the amount of pain will depend on the kind of person and the location of the tattoo.
It is generally thought that if an area is more skinny or boney and does not have fat on it, it will hurt more. For instance, the finger will hurt more than an arm tattoo. Also, areas that are more sensitive to pain and sensation would hurt more that is the inner bicep or the area near the groin.
The pain level also depends on the kind of pain tolerance each person has. Some people would just say that getting a tattoo does not hurt much while the other person who is getting a tattoo on the same placement area would argue that it hurts a lot.
How to Find a Tattoo Artist?
Finding a great tattoo artist with exceptional skills is a great task. They are responsible for each and everything. Each artist has their Brown style of making tattoos and you need to find someone who resonates with your thinking. Some artists are exceptionally good at making hyperrealistic designs, while others might make a great D tattoo. There might be someone else who does an awesome job at the watercolor effect.
You can ask your local shops and enquire with t online. You can even ask a friend who has had made a tattoo before. Online reviews are of great help. So make sure you have checked out their online profile too.
Once you have selected one or two places you can visit them and ask for their portfolios too. You can check out that the kind of work they have done is something that you would like for yourself. If they have worked on a peacock tattoo design before then it is a plus anyway. Check out their work and see if your vision resonates with theirs.
Do not stick to a single tattoo shop. Check out multiple tattoo shops and chose the best one. Compare their portfolio and prices well.
How Much is a Tattoo?
Getting a tattoo is a rather pricey affair. There is more than one factor that can cause your tattoo’s cost to increase. These include:
- Tattoo artist
- Location of the shop
- Design
- Colors
- Size
- Location of the tattoo
The tattoo artist may or may not have an hourly price fixed. If they do, the price range is usually $100 to $300 per hour. You will have to make sure that the more reliable or more popular a tattoo artist is, the more expensive he would be. The prices can also be affected by their location. Thus, a tattoo shop in a big city in a central place might just cost you more as they will have more competition.
The next depends on your tattoo design. If you customize your design according to your tattoo artist, he might charge you more. So make sure you get your design prepared from home after deep research. The more detailed and complicated the patterns are, the more it will cost you.
Besides this, some colors are harder to get and even color costing is different. Thus, it will cost you more. And, naturally, bigger tattoos will cost more than smaller ones. Usually, the artists do not consider the location of your tattoo when calculating the cost. But, some might do so. Places that are hard to reach or are complicated might cost you more.
Thus, you should have a budget of around $300 to $1,000 or even more.
How to Prepare for a Peacock Tattoo
You must prepare yourself mentally and physically after you have selected the design that you want and the placement idea for it (especially if it is your first time getting a tattoo design!)
Here are some tips that are common and you must keep handy:
- Get rest the night before. Make sure your body is calm and relaxed and is well-rested when you get the tattoo made the next day especially if it is a big design. Tattoos cause wounds in your skin which will take a week to heal and so you must prepare your immune system for it.
- Make sure you do not reach the spot empty stomach. Eat and drink plenty before leaving for your appointment. This will also prevent you from taking too many breaks in between.
- Be ready for the pain. Expect it because it will pain a bit. Prepare yourself for enduring this pain because some people try to block it and end up feeling more of it.
Peacock Tattoo Aftercare
The aftercare for your tattoo design might be the most underrated thing but it is the most important thing that people must take into consideration. After you have got your tattoo, your tattoo artist would give you some tips on how to take care of your tattoo. They will also wrap the tattoo up so that the extra ink or blood doesn’t spoil your clothes.
Keep the dressing for at least three to four hours ere discarding and cleaning your tattoo. Exclusively apply mild and non-alcoholic soap to wash it. Never rub it. Apply a dry and clean cloth to pat the space or let it dry in open.
If you want, you can get an extra cover and wrap your tattoo for at least an extra day so it can consume the excess ink. You may also retain the first bandage overnight if it’s a little late. You should also reflect that the excess ink can tint your linens. Try not to doze off on your tattoo to dodge staining.
Also, make sure that you are not under the sun and have as little exposure to it as you can because it will make your tattoo fade away faster. You can also avoid staying off of pools or beaches for at least 4 months as it can cause infections.
Moreover, do not peel off the scab and let it come off naturally as the tattoo heals itself. If you try to scab it off yourself, you will scar your design and it will affect your tattoo.
These were all the 100+ peacock tattoo designs that you can get inspiration from for your new and your very own personal peacock tattoo design! Hope this list was of any help.