50+ Amazing Walrus Tattoos with Meaning

The walrus is a marine mammal with large, Sabby, and blubbery bodies. They have long white tusks, grizzly whiskers, and flat flippers. They are carnivores and usually weigh more than 2,000 kg. Their calm, eccentric, strong, and gentle nature are the main reasons why people get themselves inked with walrus tattoos. They symbolize calmness, friendliness, strength, and fighting spirit. There is an endless list of different types of walrus tattoos, each having its respective meaning and explanation. Here in this article, you will find different walrus tattoos with their respective meanings and why people get themselves inked with walrus tattoos.

Angel Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: Angel wings tattoo symbolize freedom, protection, and faith. People get inked with Angel wings and halo tattoos to pay tribute to their loved ones who have passed. The concept behind the angel wings halo tattoo is that when a person dies, they go to heaven, and from there they watch, protect and guide us. In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with angel wings and a halo. This tattoo represents care, love, peace, preservation, direction, and serenity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be caring, peaceful, and light-hearted.

  • ‘Walrus wearing Headphones and holding a Mug’ Tattoo

'Walrus wearing Headphones and holding a Mug' Tattoo

Meaning: A headphone tattoo is a very creative tattoo to get, and people usually get inked with headphone tattoos to highlight their interests in music culture. In the above tattoo, the walrus is seen to be holding a mug full of tea/coffee, also it has a scarf wrapped around its neck and headphones on its head that represents the amusing nature of the walrus. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, fun, gentleness, and peace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be gentle, and peaceful. It also depicts that the wearer might be a music lover.

  • ‘Mother with Baby Walrus’ Tattoo

'Mother with Baby Walrus' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies love, strength, protection, guidance, care, obedience, and tranquillity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be loving, caring, obedient, and tranquil. It also depicts that the wearer might be emotionally attached to his/her mother.

  • Ocean-Theme Walrus Tattoo

Ocean-Theme Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies flow, survival, protection, strength, and defence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, and defensive.

  • Blue Walrus Tattoo

Blue Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the filling of walrus is done with blue ink to represent trustworthiness, loyalty, and confidence. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, calmness, serenity, and peace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be calm, serene, and loyal.

  • ‘Walrus with Penguin’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Penguin' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, a tiny penguin that symbolizes intuition, and evolution, is seen standing on the walrus head. This tattoo signifies trust, friendliness, social behaviour, care, and fun. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be friendly, trustworthy, and caring.

  • ‘Walrus with Seagull’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Seagull' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, a seagull that symbolizes independence, and loneliness is seen sitting on a walrus’s face. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, friendliness, defence, and care. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be social, friendly, and caring.

  • Dotwork Walrus Tattoo

Dotwork Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with a technique of using more dots rather than lines. This tattoo signifies creativity, patience, ambition, serenity, and care. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, patient, and ambitious.

  • ‘Walrus in a Bottle’ Tattoo

'Walrus in a Bottle' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is seen trapped in a bottle. This tattoo signifies defence, strength, care, and creativity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be defensive, strong, and careful.

  • Linework Walrus Tattoo

Linework Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies peace, care, defence, and creativity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be caring, defensive, and creative.

  • ‘Gray and Black Walrus’ Tattoo

'Gray and Black Walrus' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies strength, obedience, creativity, and peace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, obedient, and creative.

  • ‘Walrus holding an Anchor’ Tattoo

'Walrus holding an Anchor' Tattoo

Meaning: An anchor look a lot like an upended cross. In the above tattoo, the walrus is holding an anchor through its tusks that represent stability, hope, determination, and passion. This tattoo signifies strength, defence, power, and durability. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, defensive, and powerful.

  • Tiny Walrus Tattoo

Tiny Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies calmness, care, friendliness, and peace. It depict the nature of the wearer who might be calm, friendly, and peaceful.

  • Walrus-Elephant Tattoo

Walrus-Elephant Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies friendliness, fun, cheerfulness, care, and social behaviour. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be friendly, cheerful, and social.

  • ‘Walrus wearing a Waist Pouch’ Tattoo

'Walrus wearing a Waist Pouch' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, desires, believes, calmness, and defence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, calm, and defensive.

  • Red Walrus Tattoo

Red Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies fun, cheerfulness, desire, creativity, serenity, and social behaviour. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be cheerful, creative, and serene.

  • ‘Walrus with a Flash’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Flash' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is seen with a lightning bolt that represents power and intelligence. This tattoo signifies strength, defence, spirituality, and obedience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, defensive, spiritual, and obedient.

  • Sleepy Walrus Tattoo

Sleepy Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies laziness, peace, calmness, obedience, and gentleness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be lazy, calm, obedient, and gentle.

  • Walrus Face Tattoo

Walrus Face Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies strength, defence, tranquillity, and obedience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, defensive, and obedient.

  • ‘Walrus with Mountains’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Mountains' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with mountains that represent strength. This tattoo signifies stability, durability, gentleness, calmness, and serenity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be gentle, stable, and serene. It also depicts that the wearer might be a nature lover.

  • Outlined Walrus Tattoo

Outlined Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies calmness, creativity, peace, and strength. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, calm, and strong.

  • ‘Walrus with a Heart’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Heart' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with a heart that represents love. This tattoo signifies love, care, obedience, peace, strength, and gentleness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be loving, caring, obedient, and strong.

  • Watercolour Walrus Tattoo

Watercolour Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with the technique of blending subtle colour gradients together to create a canvas look-like effect. This tattoo signifies intelligence, artistry, cleverness, high spirits, and calmness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, intelligent, artistic, and high-spirited.

  • Designer Walrus Tattoo

Designer Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, elegance, artistry, vision, and calmness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, elegant, and artistic.

  • ‘Walrus with a Sword and a Bag’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Sword and a Bag' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with a sword that represents honour, freedom, and power, also there is a bag beside it to represent wealth and religious faith. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, strength, defence, and serenity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be social, strong, and defensive.

  • ‘Walrus with a Quote’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Quote' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with a quote that usually expresses the wearer’s feeling. This tattoo signifies strength, defence, care, serenity, and gentleness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, serene, and gentle.

  • Animated Walrus Tattoo

Animated Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with a technique of embedding images that actually moves under the skin and give a fictitious cartoon look. This tattoo signifies creativity, gentleness, strength, and calmness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, gentle, and calm. It also depicts that the wearer might be interested in animations.

  • Night-Theme Walrus Tattoo

Night-Theme Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: Night is the representative of darkness and mysteries. In the above tattoo, the clothes and the blood on the walrus’s tusks illustrate it as a mugger. The wearer might have this tattoo to pay a tribute to his/her favourite robbery character of any movie/series. This signifies strength, power, defence, and dominance. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, powerful, defensive, and dominant.

  • ‘Walrus with an Umbrella’ Tattoo

'Walrus with an Umbrella' Tattoo

Meaning: Umbrella is the best example of protection, as it has a vital role in protecting us from rains, storms, and other natural occurrences. In the above tattoo, the walrus is seen with an umbrella. This tattoo signifies protection, strength, guidance, defence, and preservation. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, and defensive.

  • ‘Walrus with a Man’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Man' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies masculinity, strength, power, defence, and friendliness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, powerful, and friendly.

  • ‘Walrus with the Sun and Birds’ Tattoo

'Walrus with the Sun and Birds' Tattoo

Meaning: The sun is the symbol of rebirth and light. It is believed that getting inked with the sun tattoo acts as the guide for the wearer through his/her dark and tough times. In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with the sun and also two birds that represent freedom. This tattoo signifies care, peace, defence, and independence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be caring, defensive, and independent.

  • ‘Walrus with the Skull’ Tattoo

'Walrus with the Skull' Tattoo

Meaning: Skull is the symbol of death, and inking a skull tattoo manifests the wearer’s daringness. It is believed that the skull tattoo acts as a reminder, that death is assured, and inescapable, and also the wearer is not afraid of it and believes in living his/her life to the fullest. In the above tattoo, there is a skull over the walrus’s head that signifies strength, courage, defence, and fearlessness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, courageous, fearless, and defensive.

  • ‘Walrus with Group of Fishes’ Tattoo 

'Walrus with Group of Fishes' Tattoo

Meaning: The fish is the symbol of patience, good luck, prosperity, and wisdom. It is believed that the fishes in circular motion represent the interconnection of all things in life. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, gentleness, peace, and serenity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be social, gentle, and serene.

  • ‘Walrus with the Wave and a Hermit Crab’ Tattoo

'Walrus with the Wave and a Hermit Crab' Tattoo

Meaning: The waves, are considered the most powerful natural occurrences on the earth. People get inked with wave tattoos to represent either the ominous power of the ocean or the calm nature of the water that lies underneath. In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with waves, and also there is a hermit crab that represents intelligence, patience, and resourcefulness. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, strength, defence, and obedience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, defensive, and obedient.

  • ‘Walrus wearing a Pearl-Necklace’ Tattoo

'Walrus wearing a Pearl-Necklace' Tattoo

Meaning: Pearl/Gems are the symbol of innocence and pure heart. It is believed that getting inked with a pearl/gem tattoo helps the wearer to stay connected with the truthful and sincere things of life. In the above tattoo, the walrus wears a pearl necklace that signifies peace, serenity, warmth, goodwill, and gentleness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be warm, gentle, and kind-hearted.

  • ‘Walrus with a Rose’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Rose' Tattoo

Meaning: Roses are mostly notable for their beauty and fragrance. The wearer can have a rose tattoo to represent his/her love, grace, hopes, passion, and balanced life. In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with a rose that signifies strength, calmness, love, peace, and friendliness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, calm, and friendly.

  • Baby Walrus Tattoo

Baby Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: Baby tattoos have a variety of styles, and colours depending on the wearer what he/she wants. Many people get inked with baby tattoos to express their love for their children. It can also represent new beginnings. This tattoo signifies innocence, love, care, calmness, serenity, and gentleness. It also depicts the nature of the wearer who might be innocent, loving, caring, calm, and gentle.

  • Walrus Ship-Captain Tattoo

Walrus Ship-Captain Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus wears a sea captain uniform. This tattoo signifies intelligence, strength, direction, and defence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be intelligent, and strong. It also depicts that the wearer either might be himself/herself in navy or he/she supports merchant navy.

  • Past-Remembrance Walrus Tattoo

Past-Remembrance Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: Past remembrance tattoos are the way to recall the good old times. The sea-captain cap depicts that the wearer might happen to be in navy at his/her younger age, also it has a burning cigar in its mouth that represents the smoking habits of the wearer that he might had because burning cigar/cigarette usually portrays the smoking habits of the wear that he/she has abandoned. This tattoo signifies memories, calmness, strength, obedience, and defence.

  • Injured Walrus Tattoo

Injured Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: Injured/Wounded tattoos symbolize the healing power of time. This tattoo signifies strength, courage, obedience, serenity, and defence. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, courageous, and obedient.

  • ‘Walrus with Open ForeFlippers’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Open ForeFlippers' Tattoo

Meaning: Foreflippers are short, hairless, square-shaped with five toes. A walrus or any marine mammal uses foreflippers to push itself in the water. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, calmness, strength, and serenity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be calm, and strong.

  • ‘Walrus holding a Frame’ Tattoo

'Walrus holding a Frame' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is holding a frame through its tusks. This tattoo signifies strength, power, creativity, gentleness, and care. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be strong, creative, and caring.

  • ‘Walrus with Narwhal’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Narwhal' Tattoo

Meaning: The narwhal or narwhale is a midsized whale with one large tusk, and is also known as the unicorn of the sea due to its tusk extending out from its head. The narwhal symbolizes magic, power, freedom, and vigorous abilities. In the above tattoo, the walrus is done with narwhal in a sea. This tattoo signifies strength, energy, serenity, peace, friendliness, and social behaviour. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be energetic, friendly, and peaceful.

  • ‘Walrus with a Pizza’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Pizza' Tattoo

Meaning: The pizza tattoo symbolizes good old times, and usually people get inked with pizza tattoos to show their love for pizzas. In the above tattoo, a walrus is holding pizza through its tusk. This tattoo signifies innocence, desires, fun, memories, and gentleness. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be innocent, and gentle. It also depicts that the wearer might be a pizza lover.

  • ‘Walrus with Colourful Tusk’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Colourful Tusk' Tattoo

Meaning: Tusk is an elongated large tooth that overhangs even when the mouth is closed. In the above tattoo, the tusk of walrus is done with different colours and shapes. This tattoo signifies creativity, intelligence, strength, defence, and wisdom. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, intelligent, strong, and defensive.

  • Walrus-Human Hand Tattoo

Walrus-Human Hand Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the tusks of walrus have human hands, shaking at the end. This tattoo signifies social behaviour, gentleness, peace, and serenity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be gentle, and serene.

  • ‘Walrus with Geometrical-Shapes’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Geometrical-Shapes' Tattoo

Meaning: This tattoo signifies creativity, intelligence, obedience, and peace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, intelligent, and obedient.

  • ‘Walrus with a Crow’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Crow' Tattoo

Meaning: The crow, raven, or rook is a blackbird that is commonly known for its loud and harsh sound ”caw”. Crow symbolizes intelligence, aggressiveness, adaptability, and playfulness. In the above tattoo, a walrus is holding an egg and a crow is sitting on its shoulder. This tattoo signifies friendliness, gentleness, social behaviour, and care. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be friendly, gentle, and caring.

  • Pirate Walrus Tattoo

Pirate Walrus Tattoo

Meaning: Pirates are ship-borne attackers that spread violence by attacking ships or boats with the aim of mugging valuable goods. In the above tattoo, the walrus is wearing a pirate dress. This tattoo signifies power, violence. defence, and strength. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be powerful, and strong.

  • ‘Walrus with a Frame’ Tattoo

'Walrus with a Frame' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, the walrus is seen in a frame. This tattoo signifies creativity, fun, serenity, and peace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, funny, and serene.

  • ‘Cartoon-Character of Walrus’ Tattoo’

'Cartoon-Character of Walrus' Tattoo

Meaning: This cartoon character is popularly known as the walrus, a character from the animated movie Alice in wonderland (1951). The walrus is an intelligent, lazy, and manipulative character, and is portrayed as a scheming pauper who with his shrewdness tight spots anything to get what he wants.

  • ‘Walrus with Ribbon’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Ribbon' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, a ribbon is wrapped around the walrus’s neck with a knot. This tattoo signifies creativity, calmness, peace, and obedience. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, calm, and obedient.

  • ‘Walrus with Three-Eyes’ Tattoo’

'Walrus with Three-Eyes' Tattoo

Meaning: In the above tattoo, a walrus has three eyes that represent vision. This tattoo signifies power, creativity, spirituality, defence, and peace. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be creative, spiritual, and defensive.

  • ‘Walrus with Cross’ Tattoo

'Walrus with Cross' Tattoo

Meaning: Cross is the vital symbol of the Christian religion that remind the sufferings of Jesus Christ, and provides the benefits of his passion and death. People get inked with a cross tattoo to represent their devotion to religion, and how Christ died to save humanity. In the above tattoo, an injured walrus is seen holding a cross. This tattoo signifies devotion, protection, guidance, strength, power, obedience, and serenity. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be devotional, strong, and obedient.

  • ‘Movie Character of Walrus’ Tattoo

'Movie Character of Walrus' Tattoo

Meaning: This movie character is popularly known as Mr Tusk, a character from an American comedy horror film (2014). In the movie, a walrus obsessed retired sailor deform his victims and surgically transform them into walrus, whom he named Mr tusk.


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