Acacia Kersey, lead singer of the band Watercolor, formerly known as Acacia Brinley is an American Singer and Activist and loves to help people struggling with self-harm and self-esteem issues. Acacia is a fan of getting inked and has 8 tattoos on her body. Let us see what they are and the meanings behind them.
1. ‘Oogie Boogie man’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The inner side of her right ankle contains a tattoo of the Oogie Boogie man.
Meaning: The Oogie Boogie man is one of her favorite characters.
2. ‘J.’ Tattoo

Tattoo: The side of the singer’s right wrist contains the letter, J inked on it followed by a full stop.
Meaning: J stands for Jairus Kersey, her boyfriend.
3. ‘Flowers’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The outer side of her left arm contains a floral design tattoo of Lily of the Valley along with a small B inked in between.
Meaning: Acacia got this tattoo for her daughter. The lily of the valley is the flower for the month of May, which is the month of her daughter’s birth. Also, the B stands for her daughter, Brinley Rey Kersey.
4. ‘Arm’ Tattoo
Tattoo: All of the singer’s left forearm is covered up with floral tattoos containing flowers such as the iris and lily of the valley.
5. ‘Heart’ Tattoo
Tattoo: There is another tattoo on Acacia’s left wrist. It is of a human heart being pierced by three knives.
6. ‘Moon’ Tattoo
Tattoo: There is a tattoo of a crescent moon on Acacia’s left ring finger.
Meaning: Acacia and her boyfriend got matching tattoos on their ring fingers. Hers is a moon and he has the tattoo of the sun.
7. ‘Quote’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right arm of the singer contains a quote which reads, THE SHOW MUST GO WRONG.
Meaning: The quote is to make people stay positive even in sad times and is from one of her favorite shows, Parks and Recreation.
8. ‘Heart’ Tattoo
Tattoo: Acacia’s right hand’s pinkie contains the tattoo of a heart.