Molly Brazy is an American Singer and Rapper. She is best known for her tracks such as, “Gang” and “More Facts.” The Rapper rose to fame when she was discovered on youtube by 4Sho Magazine. Molly has many inks on her body. Let us see what they are and the meanings behind them.
1. ‘Rose and the Cross’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The rapper’s right thigh has a tattoo of a rose with a void in the shape of a cross left in it. The tattoo extends into a design and joins to a crescent moon and an arrow ends it.
Meaning: The tattoo represents her religious views.
2. ‘Doves’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right side of Molly’s neck has a tattoo of two doves.
Meaning: The doves symbolize peace.
3. ‘Cherub’ Tattoo
Tattoo: Just behind her right ear, there is a tattoo of a cherub.
4. ‘Diane’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The outer side of her right ankle has the name, Diane inked on it.
5. ‘Bride and the Rose’ Tattoo
Tattoo: There is a large tattoo of the Corpse Bride on Molly’s left arm just below her elbow. Just below the bride is an ink of 4 large roses.
Meaning: The Corpse Bride was one of her favorite films as a child.
6. ‘Jaw, Heart, and Names’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left hand of the singer contains a large tattoo of a skull’s jaw and a black heart. Just above the jaw, the name, “Carmika” is inked. And the side of her hand has her own name, Molly B inked.
Meaning: Carmika is the name of Molly’s mother. Her first name is also tattooed in black and her initial, B is done in red ink.
7. ‘Dollar Bills’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The inner side of Molly’s right ankle has the tattoo of a Dollar Bill roll.
8. ‘Rose’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right hand of the singer contains a tattoo of a rose made out of 100 dollar bills.
9. ‘Cross’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left ring finger of the singer contains a cross tattoo done in red ink.
10. ‘Bow’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right side of her body contains the tattoo of a Red Bow.
11. ‘Rodney’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The upper right wrist of Molly’s right wrist has the name, Rodney inked on it.
Meaning: Rodney is the name of Molly’s brother.
12. ‘Gun’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The right bicep of the singer sports a machine gun tattoo.
13. ‘Stomach’ Tattoo
Tattoo: There is a huge tattoo of an intricate elephant tattoo on Molly’s stomach.
14. ‘Roman Numerals’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The left side of Molly’s chest contains the words, “Est. MGMXGIX” inked on it.
Meaning: 1999 is her birth year which is inked in Roman numerals.
15. ‘Arm’ Tattoo
Tattoo: The singer’s Instagram posts show a large tattoo on her upper left arm.