If characters portrayed in Game of Thrones drive you crazy, then you have turned up to the right place. Let’s delve deep and explore about Cersei Lannister. Yes, I’m talking about Lena Headey, one of the highest paid actors on television. She’s highly fetish about tattoos.”I always want more..” is what she says whenever asked about her tattoos. Headey has at the minimum 9 notable tattoos inked on her body. So, hurry up folks, check it out below!
1. Bird
The right side of her gorgeous back, she has got inked a red bird flying high amidst tiny claret flowerets. This signifies freedom, hope and it aims to fly high.
2. Bird Cage
Headey’s right forearm exhibits an upside-down open doored bird cage tattoo. The style of the cage is historic. It represents sovereignty. Also, it conveys that you can lead your life the way you desire.
3. Dragonfly
On Lena’s left foot is a tattoo which looks more or less like a dragonfly. It represents endurance, triumph, and valiance. Dragonfly is both air and water symbol.
4. Doves
A drove of birds is tattooed on her left arm. Dove represents peace, brotherly love, and high spirits.
5. Butterflies
Swirls and leaves scattered around a beautiful butterfly are fixed on Headey’s upper right arm. It represents love and spirituality. Also, it’s a proof that you can hold a great deal of dullness and yet become something glorious.
6. Lotus
Lena’s upper back is inked with a colorful red lotus flower. Red Lotus symbolizes love, emotion, compassion, passion, zeal, and purity. Lotus is portrayed in tales of Buddhism too. Therefore, an age old tradition.
7. Black Star
Lena Headey has black stars on both of her elbows. A star tattoo serves as a symbol for assistance and protection. Like they serve as guiding pillars in the dark for travelers.
8. Hubby’s Love on Wrist
Lena Headey got her hubby’s name tattooed on her wrist “LOUGHRAN”, who’s wholly named Peter Loughran. After getting divorced with him, she did not let go the tattoo. But extended the same since Loughran is also the last name of her son that she had from Peter.
9. For Her Kid
Here’s the tattoo, she got expanded for her son. Thereby adding “Wylie” to “Loughran“.