Grace Neutral is an English hand-poke tattoo artist and model who entered the world of tattoos during her teenage days. In an interview, she said,
I was getting tattoos when I was 16, which is way too young and it just went from there. It was normal for a lot of us, wanting to experiment with our bodies. All the people I grew up with were heavily tattooed. As a tattoo artist, it’s a great honor to be able to put such a permanent thing on someone’s body, and have someone trust you with your vision. I love it when people come to me because they get where I’m coming from, they see the energy I’m putting into my artwork and want to share it with me – it’s a beautiful thing.”
1. Spider Web Tattoo
Tattoo: Spider Web tattoo on the right side of her neck.
Meaning: This tattoo was inked by the tattoo artist, Duncan X. In an interview, Grace said,
This was done by Duncan X, an artist considered an elder of the industry. He’s a profound figure in tattooing, especially in London. We became good friends through working in the same shop. I love the way it looks – it’s strong and striking, and to have it done by a hero of mine was really special.”
2. Juice Box Tattoo
Tattoo: Juice Box tattoo on her left arm.
Meaning: Grace got this tattoo inked to express her love for juice boxes. In an interview, she said,
I just fucking love juice boxes. Especially in the summertime, you won’t find me without a juice box in my hand. It was Strawberry Ribena back in the day, now I’m all about Orange Ribena.”
3. Tiny Heart Tattoo
Tattoo: Tiny Heart tattoo on her left pinky finger.
Meaning: Heart tattoo is a symbol of emotions, feeling, true love, passion, and courage. It also denotes the memories of deceased someone.
4. Spider Tattoo
Tattoo: Spider tattoo on her left elbow.
Meaning: Spider tattoo represents protection, wisdom, knowledge, fertility, power, progress, patience, creativity, danger, art, and female power.
5. Cannabis Tattoo
Tattoo: Cannabis tattoo on her abdominal area.
Meaning: Cannabis leaf is one of the most common psychotropic drugs used for medical and recreational purposes.
6. ‘1173’ tattoo on her head
7. Unalome Tattoo
Tattoo: Unalome tattoo on her neck.
Meaning: Unalome is a unique symbol of enlightenment in the Hindu and Buddhist culture. In this design, the spirals signify the various ups and downs of life, the straight line shows the peace and harmony, and the dots represent the end of life.
8. Barbed Wire Tattoo
Tattoo: Barbed Wire tattoo on the left side of her head.
Meaning: Barbed wire tattoo is a symbol of war, protection, strength, and adversity. It also denotes the ‘Crown of Thorns’ worn by Jesus before the crucifixion.
9. Reversed 1173 on the right side of her head
10. Tattoo on her head
11. Kaonashi Tattoo
Tattoo: Kaonashi tattoo on her left arm.
Meaning: Kaonashi is the name of the spirit in the Japanese animated movie ‘Spirited Away’ which was released in 2001.
12. Tattoo on her nose
13. ‘Jessica’ Tattoo on her left wrist
14. Butterfly Tattoo
Tattoo: Butterfly tattoo on her right leg.
Meaning: Butterfly tattoo is a symbol of new beginnings, transformation, rebirth, and freedom.
15. Black Panther Tattoo
Tattoo: Black Panther tattoo on her left knee.
Meaning: Black Panther tattoo is a symbol of strength, power, authority, stamina, and virility.
16. Unalome tattoo on her collar bone
17. ‘THATS MY GIRL’ tattoo on her left arm
18. Tattoo on the right side of her face
19. Tattoo near her eyebrows
20. Broken Bottles tattoo near her left elbow
21. Swan Tattoo
Tattoo: Swan tattoo on her back.
Meaning: Grace got this tattoo inked when she was 20 for her grandmother who used to love swans. In an interview, Grace said,
I got this done when I was 20. I wanted something striking and beautiful on my back and had wanted something to do with my grandmother – she was an amazing woman. When she passed I knew I wanted to get a tattoo for her, but it took me years to feel like it was the right time. Her favorite birds were swans, because she’s a Devon girl. I’ve had some pretty far-out experiences with signs in the universe. One of them was to do with a swan. When someone leaves you, weird things happen that make you think they haven’t left you.”
22. Mandala Tattoo
Tattoo: Mandala tattoo on her left hand.
Meaning: Mandala tattoo has a spiritual meaning which represents the universe, structures of the human body, and divine connection with God. It also represents perfection, growth, balance, and eternity.
23. Tattoo on her left arm
24. Tattoo on her right arm
25. ‘AM FAM’ tattoo on her right leg
26. Tattoo on her right thigh
27. Tattoo on her left arm
28. Tattoo on her left arm
29. ‘Chad’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Chad’ tattoo on the right side of her neck.
Meaning: According to some media reports, this tattoo ‘Chad’ is related to Grace’s rumored boyfriend ‘Chaddy’. This tattoo was inked by the tattoo artist, rubymayqtattoo.
30. Mandala tattoo on her right hand
31. Tattoo on her left wrist
32. Tattoo on her left forearm
33. Tattoo on her left pec
34. Tattoo on her left arm
35. Tattoo near her left wrist
36. Tattoo on her right wrist
37. ‘SLAVE TO THE MOON’ tattoo on her left leg
38. Tattoo on her right underarm
39. Tattoo on her left thigh
Tattoo: ‘LONELY. HEARTS. CLUB’ tattoo on her left hip.
Meaning: ‘Lonely Hearts Club’ is the name of the track from an album ‘Electra Heart’ by Marina and the Diamonds.
41. ‘Portrait of Marina and the Diamonds’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘Portrait of Marina and the Diamonds’ tattoo on her left hip.
Meaning: Marina and the Diamonds is an English singer and songwriter who is now known as ‘Marina’.
42. ‘WILDLING’ Tattoo
Tattoo: ‘WILDLING’ tattoo on her left hand.
Meaning: Wildling is defined as a carefree person.
43. Tattoo on the left side of her face
44. Tattoo on her right ribcage
45. ‘BADASS BiTCH’ tattoo on her abdominal area
46. Butterfly tattoo on her right leg
47. Tattoo on her left thigh
48. ‘FUCKED’ tattoo on her left leg
49. Tattoo on her right hand
50. Tattoo on her left arm
51. ‘Mandala’ tattoo on her abdominal area
52. Tattoo on her left thigh
53. ‘David’ tattoo on her left wrist
54. Tattoo on his left hand
55. Tattoo on her left arm
56. ‘DISGRACE’ tattoo on her fingers
57. ‘Beef’ tattoo on her left index finger
58. ‘Duckie’ tattoo on her left middle finger
59. Tattoo on her left ring finger
60. Tattoo on her right leg
61. Tattoo on the right side of her body
62. Tattoo on her right ring finger
63. Tattoo on her right thigh
64. Tattoo on her right leg
65. Tattoo on her left leg
66. Tattoo on her left arm
67. Dagger Tattoo
Tattoo: Dagger tattoo on her shoulders.
Meaning: Dagger tattoo is a symbol of protection, bravery, courage, strength, sacrifice, authority, accomplishments, and immortality.
68. ‘Hannah’ Tattoo

Grace Neutral got the tattoo ‘Hannah’ inked on her left forearm and Hannah Pixie got the tattoo of ‘Grace’ inked on her right forearm
Tattoo: ‘Hannah’ tattoo on her left forearm.
Meaning: This is the matching tattoo which Grace and her tattoo artist friend, Hannah Pixie got inked on their respective arms.
69. Tattoo on her forehead
70. Tattoo on her left elbow
71. Tattoo on the right side of her waist
72. Tattoo on her left forearm
73. Tattoo on her left arm
74. Tattoo on the left side of her waist
75. Tattoo on her left shoulder
76. Tattoo near her left knee
77. Tattoo on her left arm
78. Tattoo on her left forearm
79. Tattoo near her left wrist
80. Tattoo on her left arm
81. Tattoo on her left pec
82. Tattoo on her back
83. Tattoo on her left arm
84. Snow White Tattoo
Tattoo: Snow White tattoo on her chest that continues till her upper abdominal area.
Meaning: Snow White is the name of a princess that appeared in an American animated movie ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ which was released in 1937. The name ‘Snow White’ also represents the other name for drug cocaine.
85. Tattoo on her left arm
86. Tattoo on the right side of her face
87. Tattoo on her right leg
88. Tattoo on her right thigh
89. Tattoo on the left side of her body
90. Tattoo on her right thigh
91. Tattoo on her left leg
92. Tattoo on her left leg
93. Tattoo on her legs
Grace got her legs’ tattoos covered with the black-colored pattern tattoo.
94. Dots tattoo on her fingers
95. Symbols tattoo on her fingers
97. Tattoo on her right middle finger
98. Tattoo on her right index finger
99. Tattoo on her left index finger
100. Tattoo on her back
101. Tattoo on the nape of her neck
102. Tattoo on the backside of her legs
103. Tattoo on her eyeballs
Tattoo: Purple-colored ink tattoo on her eyeballs.
Meaning: In 2016, Grace got several body modifications on her body like tattooed eyes, a removed navel, facial scarification, bifurcated tongue, and reconstructed ears. She got the purple-colored ink added on her eyeballs. In an interview, she said,
I was 23 and with a body modification artist who I had helped with procedures for years. I had wanted them done for ages – it felt like a rite of passage because it’s such an intense procedure, so I got them when I felt strong enough mentally to do it. That was really good for my confidence. It’s done by injection and it doesn’t hurt, it’s just a control thing, as you can go blind if you don’t stay still. It’s pretty scary.”