Julia Kelly was named as “The Next Rising Star” in a 2014 New York Times article. She is a diverse actress, social media celebrity, Fashion Icon, and Brand maker with close to 4 Million Fan-base. She has more than 2 million followers on Instagram and over 270,000 followers on Twitter. She has inked herself with 2 Tattoos with the deep meaning hidden in them. Let’s dig into her beautiful and meaningful tattoos.
1. “Philippians 4:13” on her Right Rib
Tattoo: Philippians 4:13
Meaning: Julia Kelly inked her right side with the spiritual word “Philippians 4:13” which signifies STRENGTH. According to the Holy Book Bible, it means, I can do all this through him who gives me strength. “Philippians 4:13 is not really about who has the strength to play to the best of their abilities in a sporting contest…. This verse is about having the strength to be content when we are facing those moments in life when physical resources are minimal.
Out of context, Philippians 4:13 is used as a blank-check promise for whatever is desired. But in context, it is a verse is about contentment. It’s not about your dreams coming true or your goals being met. Rather it’s about being joyful, satisfied, and steadfast even when life is hard and your circumstances seem impossible.
2. Tattoo on the Neck
Julia Kelly has inked black colored small tattoo on the back of her neck. This tattoo is inked by Tattoo Artist cum You Tuber, Romeo Lacoste in June 2014.