Katie Waissel’s 17 Tattoos & Their Meanings

British singer and songwriter, Katie Waissel is not just a talented and gorgeous looking celebrity but is also known for her humble beginning and her journey in reality shows. Katie has a beautiful taste in tattoos and has quite a lot of inks on her body. With all the debates on being too much tattooed and being a bad role model, Katie still manages to stand apart!

Katie Waissel

Let’s check out Katie Waissel’s tattoos along with their significances-

1. Jewish star on the ankle

Katie Waissel - Ankle star tattoo

Katie has a tattoo of a Jewish star, i.e., Star of David, on her right ankle. It is a six pointed star which is used as a symbol of the Jewish religion. Since the star herself is Jewish, this tattoo seems to make her religious beliefs strong.

2. Feather on her stomach

Katie Waissel - Feather on stomach tattoo
A beautiful little feather adorns the right side of Katie’s stomach, it is quite down on her stomach and looks gorgeous.

3. Bird/Sparrow, writing on her wrist

Katie Waissel - wrist tattoo

There are words “Nothing is Impossible” tattooed on Katie’s wrist, which got an addition later on, of a tiny little sparrow/bird tattoo on the right wrist. The tattoo is in black ink and looks quite adorable.

4.  Number, peace sign on her wrist

Katie Waissel - wrist peace tattoo
Katie Waissel has a peace sign along with number 24 inked on the inside of her left wrist. Even though the peace tattoo is self-explanatory, nobody knows what the number stands for.

5. Rose, wings on her lower back

Katie Waissel - lower back tattoo
The lower back of Katie has a gorgeous pair of wings along with rose tattoo inked in the center.

6. Heart on her knuckle

Katie Waissel - heart tattoo on finger

An outline of the heart is tattooed on Katie’s knuckles. Even though many celebrities have flaunted their heart tattoos, but Katie can’t wait to get rid of it. It was matching tattoos with her ex-husband, model Brad Alphonso.

7. Writing on her side

Katie Waissel - "mama lives here" tattoo

Words “mama lives here” are inked on the left side of Katie’s chest. Katie got this sweet tattoo in the year 2013 and placed it near to her heart. She clearly seems to miss her mom.

8.  Bob Dylan Tattoo on Bicep

Katie Waissel - Tattoo on arm
Katie’s inner arm has a tattoo which says- “All I can do is be me/whoever that is…”, a quote from Bob Dylan.

9. Bird, Treble clef on her foot

Katie Waissel - bird tattoo
In the sweetest tribute to her grandfather, Katie has a tattoo which includes a bird and treble clef made of piano keys. Katie’s grandfather died when she was 10 years old.

10. Pin-up girl, portrait on her upper arm

Katie Waissel - pin-up girl tattoo
Katie has a retro styled pin-up girl tattoo on her left arm. The tattoo is inked in various colored ink and is quite striking. The pin-up girl is in standing position.

11. Heart on the back of her hand

Katie Waissel - heart tattoo
In another heart tattoo series, Katie also got a very small little red heart on the back of her left hand. It is so tiny that it looks like a mole or freckle.

12. Bird, clouds & lavender flowers

Katie Waissel - arm tattoo
Katie’s left arm is filled with a series of tattoos. It has a bird flying in front of clouds. There is also a bundle of lavender flowers.

13. Anchor on her knuckle

Katie Waissel - Anchor tattoo
Katie along with her good friend, Sarah got matching tattoos of the anchor on their knuckles in the year 2014. This tattoo is dedicated to her friend who she calls her anchor, her rock and “my one and only Sarah.”

14. “Have Faith…Let It be” writing on her forearm

Katie Waissel - have faith tattoo
Katie surely seems to love quote tattoos and got one saying “Have Faith… Let It Be…” on the side of her hand and forearm. This tattoo is in 2 different fonts.

15. Guitar, writing on her forearm

Katie Waissel - Guitar tattoo on arm
A purple guitar along with words “Daddy’s Girl” is inked on Katie’s right forearm. This tattoo is quite big and seems to be in dedicated to Katie’s father. Sweet!!

16. “He loves me” on her elbow

Katie Waissel - "He loves me" tattoo
Words “He Loves me” are tattooed on left elbow of Katie. She got this tattoo in 2014, and we wonder who this is for… Someone special!! We guess.

17. Portrait, rose, wings on her side

Katie Waissel - Potrait tattoo
In the year 2013, Katie got a tattoo of the portrait of a woman along with wings on a side signifying guardian angel. The tattoo is intricately detailed and is very stunning. This particular tattoo is for Katie’s mother who is her guardian angel as well. Well, this is truly the best dedication to her mother.

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