“Peter Löwenbräu Griffin”, Sr., also known as just “Justin Peter Griffin” is an animated character that appeared in the adult cartoon sitcom “Family Guy” which was broadcasted on January 31, 1999. The character of Peter Griffin is created by ‘Seth MacFarlane’ that was portrayed as a lethargic, unpleasant, impolite, haughty, irritable, difficult, moronic, careless, and boastful individual who causes a lot of harm and misery to everyone around him. He is the husband of Lois Griffin and father of Chris Griffin, Stewie Griffin, and Meg Griffin. He was additionally demonstrated to be manipulative, monstrous, evil, cunning, and carefree. Individuals are insane for this person as they make them giggle out watching this grown-up satire series. These are some of the most common reasons why people like to get themselves inked with Peter Griffin tattoos. There is an endless list of different types of Peter Griffin tattoos with their respective meanings and explanations. Here, in this article, you will get to know different Peter Griffin tattoos and their meanings.
Where Should You Get Peter Griffin Tattoo Designs?
Contents (Click to Jump)
For Women
- Ankle
- Wrist
- Finger Spaces
- Hands
- Shoulder Blades
- Behind the Ears
For Men
- Chest
- Biceps
- Legs
- Neck
- Back
- Forearms
List of Peter Griffin Tattoo Designs & Meanings
Peter Griffin with Lois Griffin Tattoo Design on Wrist
It makes more sense to pair the Peter tattoo with Lois because she is shown as Peter’s wife who is a sweet and loving mother. If you’re a couple, then this tattoo can be paired with your spouse to make it more memorable and significant. You can add a name or a quote if you wish.
Petter Griffin holding a Gun Tattoo Design on Leg
In this tattoo, Peter is holding a gun that looks great. Such types of tattoos are ideal for those who hold an interest in action and destruction. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be bold, courageous, and not afraid of anyone. Getting this tattoo will enhance your personality.
Petter Griffin with Crown Tattoo Design on Thigh
In this tattoo, Peter is seen wearing a crown and a rosary cross necklace which looks stunning. It also depicts the nature of the wearer who might be playful, naughty, self-obsessed, royal, courageous, and powerful. The word ‘NOTORIOUS’ mentioned above describes the personality of the wearer.
Peter Griffin with Black Bull Tattoo Design on Leg
In this tattoo, Peter is seen sitting on the black bull that looks mindblowing and attractive. It described the nature of the wearer who might be powerful, courageous, bold, fearless, passionate, and determined. This is the best place to get this tattoo done but, if you want, you can locate it on the back or shoulder.
Sticker Style Petter Griffin Tattoo Design on Leg
Getting a stick-style tattoo depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artistic, creative, and imaginative. Sticker tattoos basically include lots of shading and detailing to make it appear like a 3D sticker that could be peeled off.
Purple Drank Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Forearm
The purple liquid that Peter drinks is accentuated in this tattoo. The addition of such a tattoo expresses the wearer’s enthusiasm for the character Peter. This is a great location to get this tattoo.
Adorable Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Stomach
This is a simple tattoo that does not need much embellishment. It also describes the nature of the wearer who might be sweet, innocent, shy, and stable.
Trippy Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Forearm
Peter’s head is accentuated as psychedelic in this tattoo, which looks fantastic. Typically, psychedelic tattoos use distinct graphic styles to deceive your eyes and create a foggy double-vision effect. You can add additional colors or a more surreal effect to make it stand out.
Sailor Moon-Theme Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Leg
Getting this tattoo tattooed represents the wearer’s enthusiasm in shows like “Sailor Moon” and “Family Guy.” Sailor Moon is a Japanese Shōjo manga that was translated as “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” later. The plot follows the exploits of a young girl who transforms into Sailor Moon in search of the “Legendary Silver Crystal,” a mystical artifact.
Chef-Theme Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on the Calf
In this tattoo, Peter is highlighted as a chef holding a whisker that looks extraordinary. This tattoo describes the nature of the wearer who might be energetic, a food lover, a confidant, and loves to cook or bake.
Peter Griffin a Skater Tattoo Design on Leg
In this tattoo, Peter is highlighted as a skater that looks interesting. It seems that the wearer might be fond of skating or love sports activities.
Peter Griffin with Chicken Tattoo Design on the Calf
This is a very funny scene from the series “Family Guy”, where Peter was seen fighting with the chicken. It seems that the wearer might be spellbound by this comic scene.
Fly-Eye Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Leg
Getting this tattoo inked depicts the interest of the wearer in this scene. This is the ideal place to get this tattoo as it makes it noticeable.
Peter Grifin with Bomb Tattoo Design on Thigh
In this tattoo, Peter is highlighted holding a bomb and glasses in his hands. It suggests the nature of the wearer who might be aggressive, destructive, and insane.
Artistic Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on the Calf
Artistic types of tattoos contain a variety of styles of artwork which includes strokes, shading, blackwork, drawing, linework, and dot work. This describes the interest of the wearer who might be fond of aesthetic objects.
Stylish Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Leg
In this tattoo, Peter is seen wearing a stylish outfit that looks sassy. Adding colors to this tattoo will make it appear more attractive and appropriate.
Peter Griffin with Superman T-Shirt Tattoo Design on Leg
In this tattoo, Peter is seen wearing a Superman t-shirt which looks mesmerizing. It seems that the wearer might be fond of the character of Peter and Superman. You can add colors to make it look more alluring. This is a great location for this tattoo, although it can be done on the forearm, thigh, or leg.
Peter Griffin holding a Beer Tattoo Design on Forearm
In this tattoo, Peter is seen holding and drinking a beer bottle that looks radiant. It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be cheerful, playful, extrovert, and cool. It also seems that the wearer might be fond of beers.
Cherub Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Torso
In this tattoo, Peter is highlighted as a cherub who is holding a 24-carat gold that looks unique and creative. You can always add such amazing features to your tattoos to make them look more impactful and meaningful. Usually, cherubs are known as the messengers of God, they also represent spirituality, guidance, and positivity.
Funny Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Forearm
This tattoo is inspired by a hilarious scene from the sitcom “Family Guy,” in which Peter was seen wearing pillows all over his body. This scene might be a favorite one of the wearer.
Peter Griffin with Homer Simpson Tattoo Design on the Calf
In this tattoo, Peter and Homer are raising a toast that looks amazing. Both the characters are fond of drinking beer as shown in this tattoo. You can always pair your tattoos with other characters, just like the above tattoo. It also depicts the interest of the wearer who might be fond of drinking and socializing just like Homer and Peter.
Careless Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on Leg
The character of Peter is portrayed as a middle-aged American dad yet his mind is that of a giddy toddler. He is clumsy, bumbling, overexcited, and keeps falling while being hurt, just like the above tattoo. It suggests the nature of the wearer who might relate with this character.
Family Guy-Theme Peter Griffin Tattoo Design on the Calf
The tattoo highlights some characters of Family Man along with Peter. ‘Family Guy’ is an American animated sitcom that was created by ‘Seth MacFarlane’ and premiered on January 31, 1999. It depicts the interest of the wearer who might be fond of these characters and this sitcom. You can always add your favorite characters to make it more meaningful. This is the best place to get this tattoo done as it is easily visible.